Archive of past events of the site Louvain Drug Research Institute
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DFAR Seminar - Cheng CHEN and Pauline HENDRICKX27 NovMonday November 27, 2023 - 1.00 pm - Auditoire 51G Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences – Data-club Cheng CHEN – LDRI/ADDB Manganese-based metal-organic frameworks for oral antibody delivery in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer treatment Pauline HENDRICKX – LDRI/ADDB and EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) Lipid-coated DNA NanoparEn savoir plusDFAR Seminar - Cheng CHEN and Pauline HENDRICKX27 NovMonday November 27, 2023 - 1.00 pm - Auditoire 51G Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences – Data-club Cheng CHEN – LDRI/ADDB Manganese-based metal-organic frameworks for oral antibody delivery in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer treatment Pauline HENDRICKX – LDRI/ADDB and EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) Lipid-coated DNA Nanopar
Assistant Prof Mandy GROOTAERT - Pole EDIN / IREC Institute13 NovMonday, November 13, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Linking vascular smooth muscle cell senescence, inflammation and metabolic dysfunction in cardiovascular disease Assistant Prof Mandy GROOTAERT - Pole EDIN / IREC Institute Related publications : SIRT6 Protects Smooth Muscle Cells From Senescence and Reduces Atherosclerosis. Mandy O.J. Grootaert , Alison Finigan, Nichola L. Figg, Anna K.En savoir plusAssistant Prof Mandy GROOTAERT - Pole EDIN / IREC Institute13 NovMonday, November 13, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Linking vascular smooth muscle cell senescence, inflammation and metabolic dysfunction in cardiovascular disease Assistant Prof Mandy GROOTAERT - Pole EDIN / IREC Institute Related publications : SIRT6 Protects Smooth Muscle Cells From Senescence and Reduces Atherosclerosis. Mandy O.J. Grootaert , Alison Finigan, Nichola L. Figg, Anna K.
Dr. Quentin SPILLIER – CMFA LDRI23 OctMonday, October 23, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Investigating and targeting the CoQ10 headgroup biosynthesis pathway Dr. Quentin SPILLIER – CMFA LDRI Related publication: Banh RS, Kim ES, Spillier Q, Biancur DE, Yamamoto K, Sohn ASW, Shi G, Jones DR, Kimmelman AC, Pacold ME. The polar oxy-metabolome reveals the 4-hydroxymandelate CoQ10 synthesis pathway. Nature.En savoir plusDr. Quentin SPILLIER – CMFA LDRI23 OctMonday, October 23, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Investigating and targeting the CoQ10 headgroup biosynthesis pathway Dr. Quentin SPILLIER – CMFA LDRI Related publication: Banh RS, Kim ES, Spillier Q, Biancur DE, Yamamoto K, Sohn ASW, Shi G, Jones DR, Kimmelman AC, Pacold ME. The polar oxy-metabolome reveals the 4-hydroxymandelate CoQ10 synthesis pathway. Nature.
Prof. Ron van SCHAIK - Erasmus MC Rotterdam16 OctMonday, October 16, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Pharmacogenetics: do YOU have your DNA passport? Prof. Ron van SCHAIK - Professor Pharmacogenetics / European Specialist Laboratory Medicine / Head Dept. Clinical Chemistry / International (IFCC) Expert-center Pharmacogenetics - Dept.En savoir plusProf. Ron van SCHAIK - Erasmus MC Rotterdam16 OctMonday, October 16, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Pharmacogenetics: do YOU have your DNA passport? Prof. Ron van SCHAIK - Professor Pharmacogenetics / European Specialist Laboratory Medicine / Head Dept. Clinical Chemistry / International (IFCC) Expert-center Pharmacogenetics - Dept.
Dr. Nuria MORALES PUERTO – MNUT LDRI09 OctMonday, October 9, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Pharmacological neuroprotection against cognitive damage induced by abusive ethanol consumption Dr. Nuria MORALES PUERTO – MNUT LDRI Related publications: Morales-Puerto N, Vidal R, Gil de Biedma-Elduayen L, Giménez-Gómez P, Pérez-Hernández M, Núñez-de la Calle C, Gutiérrez-López MD, Colado MI, O’Shea E.En savoir plusDr. Nuria MORALES PUERTO – MNUT LDRI09 OctMonday, October 9, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Pharmacological neuroprotection against cognitive damage induced by abusive ethanol consumption Dr. Nuria MORALES PUERTO – MNUT LDRI Related publications: Morales-Puerto N, Vidal R, Gil de Biedma-Elduayen L, Giménez-Gómez P, Pérez-Hernández M, Núñez-de la Calle C, Gutiérrez-López MD, Colado MI, O’Shea E.
Prof. Ellen VAN LEEUWEN - Ghent University05 OctThursday October 5, 2023 - 12noon - Auditoire Maisin Deprescribing psychotropic medication with focus on long-term antidepressants Prof.En savoir plusProf. Ellen VAN LEEUWEN - Ghent University05 OctThursday October 5, 2023 - 12noon - Auditoire Maisin Deprescribing psychotropic medication with focus on long-term antidepressants Prof.
Paola PAONE - Thesis public defence05 OctThursday October 5, 2023 - 4 pm - Auditoire Simonart Paola PAONE – Metabolism and Nutrition (MNUT) Unravelling the mechanisms by which prebiotics improve metabolic disorders: interactions between gut microbes and intestinal mucus Promotor: Prof. Patrice Cani Related references: Paone P, Latousakis D, Terrasi R, Vertommen D, Jian C, Borlandelli V, Delzenne N.En savoir plusPaola PAONE - Thesis public defence05 OctThursday October 5, 2023 - 4 pm - Auditoire Simonart Paola PAONE – Metabolism and Nutrition (MNUT) Unravelling the mechanisms by which prebiotics improve metabolic disorders: interactions between gut microbes and intestinal mucus Promotor: Prof. Patrice Cani Related references: Paone P, Latousakis D, Terrasi R, Vertommen D, Jian C, Borlandelli V, Delzenne N.
Prof. Jian LI - Monash University, Australia28 SepThursday, September 28, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Discovery of a novel antibiotic against Gram-negative ‘superbugs’ Prof.En savoir plusProf. Jian LI - Monash University, Australia28 SepThursday, September 28, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Discovery of a novel antibiotic against Gram-negative ‘superbugs’ Prof.
Chantale FARAH - Thesis public defence26 SepTuesday September 26, 2023 - 5 pm - auditoire 51G Chantale FARAH - Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Group (REMA)/LDRI Assessment of early metabolic markers of response to targeted and immune therapies using 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in melanoma xenografts Promotor: Prof. Bénédicte Jordan Co-promotor: Prof.En savoir plusChantale FARAH - Thesis public defence26 SepTuesday September 26, 2023 - 5 pm - auditoire 51G Chantale FARAH - Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Group (REMA)/LDRI Assessment of early metabolic markers of response to targeted and immune therapies using 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in melanoma xenografts Promotor: Prof. Bénédicte Jordan Co-promotor: Prof.
Prof. Joseph LORENT - TFAR-FACM/LDRI18 SepMonday, September 18, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire 51F Exploiting membrane lipid heterogeneities in human and bacterial cells for pharmacotherapy Prof.En savoir plusProf. Joseph LORENT - TFAR-FACM/LDRI18 SepMonday, September 18, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire 51F Exploiting membrane lipid heterogeneities in human and bacterial cells for pharmacotherapy Prof.