Archive of past events of the site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Important modification in the PhD Regulation01 AprImportant modification in the PhD Regulation A recent survey by the CODOL concludes that there are too many spelling mistakes in PhD admission files, which may hinder scientific dissemination and lead to desk rejection of articles. As a result, the president of the doctoral committee announces the set up of a compulsory evaluation and associated tutorials to adEn savoir plusImportant modification in the PhD Regulation01 AprImportant modification in the PhD Regulation A recent survey by the CODOL concludes that there are too many spelling mistakes in PhD admission files, which may hinder scientific dissemination and lead to desk rejection of articles. As a result, the president of the doctoral committee announces the set up of a compulsory evaluation and associated tutorials to ad
Informal Research Presentation by Nicolas Burny - March 31, 202331 MarAttention all researchers! Do you struggle with the tedious tasks of scientific research? Get ready to change your game with the AI-based tools seminar! We'll be diving into the most innovative tools, like ChatGPT, Elicit, and Scispace, which are making waves in the scientific research world.En savoir plusInformal Research Presentation by Nicolas Burny - March 31, 202331 MarAttention all researchers! Do you struggle with the tedious tasks of scientific research? Get ready to change your game with the AI-based tools seminar! We'll be diving into the most innovative tools, like ChatGPT, Elicit, and Scispace, which are making waves in the scientific research world.
Workshop by Mar PEREZTS on writing abstracts and introductions with impact23 MarAll participants must bring their papers on which they want to work during the workshop. For organizational matters, registration is compulsory and limited to 15 people This workshop is full. If you want to be added to the wait list in case of someone withdrawing, please send the request to Laura VecchiatoEn savoir plusWorkshop by Mar PEREZTS on writing abstracts and introductions with impact23 MarAll participants must bring their papers on which they want to work during the workshop. For organizational matters, registration is compulsory and limited to 15 people This workshop is full. If you want to be added to the wait list in case of someone withdrawing, please send the request to Laura Vecchiato
Research Seminar by Mar Perezts from EMLYON Business School22 MarSexism in academia and business schools’ dynamics of silence Academia, and business schools in particular, are environments that remain heavily imbued with patriarchy, where sexist events are often ignored, denigrated and silenced. Even though recent global social movements have raised much awareness and elicited change, there is a strong silence culture that persists at various levels.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Mar Perezts from EMLYON Business School22 MarSexism in academia and business schools’ dynamics of silence Academia, and business schools in particular, are environments that remain heavily imbued with patriarchy, where sexist events are often ignored, denigrated and silenced. Even though recent global social movements have raised much awareness and elicited change, there is a strong silence culture that persists at various levels.
Séminaire lab4hum : « CMS & Sustainability»21 MarLimites planétaires et approches critiques de l'enseignement à la gestion Aurélien Acquier – professeur titulaire de stratégie et de développement durable au sein du département de gestion de l’ESCP business School - fera une présentation sur son expérience d’enseignement critique de la sustainability. Dans un premier temps, l'exposé abordera la manière dont l'anthropocène vienEn savoir plusSéminaire lab4hum : « CMS & Sustainability»21 MarLimites planétaires et approches critiques de l'enseignement à la gestion Aurélien Acquier – professeur titulaire de stratégie et de développement durable au sein du département de gestion de l’ESCP business School - fera une présentation sur son expérience d’enseignement critique de la sustainability. Dans un premier temps, l'exposé abordera la manière dont l'anthropocène vien
POSTPONED - Informal Research Presentation by Ina Aust - March 10, 202310 MarAbstract will follow soon.En savoir plusPOSTPONED - Informal Research Presentation by Ina Aust - March 10, 202310 MarAbstract will follow soon.
Research Seminar by Benjamin Huybrechts (IÉSEG School of Management)06 MarFrom pollination space to place to be(e): Mission transformation and spatial repurposing at a French social entrepreneurship coworking space Social-purpose organizations, i.e., organizations pursuing a social purpose as their core mission, face the challenge of maintaining their mission over time and avoiding “mission drift”.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Benjamin Huybrechts (IÉSEG School of Management)06 MarFrom pollination space to place to be(e): Mission transformation and spatial repurposing at a French social entrepreneurship coworking space Social-purpose organizations, i.e., organizations pursuing a social purpose as their core mission, face the challenge of maintaining their mission over time and avoiding “mission drift”.
Workshop by Céline Louche (Audencia)27 FebRoles and Responsibilities of Academics The aim of the workshop is to help you become aware of the choices you can make and explore the challenges you (may) face in your development as members of academia. Some of you may already have grappled with difficult situations and choices in your research and publication processes, teaching, or other forms of generating and sharing expertise.En savoir plusWorkshop by Céline Louche (Audencia)27 FebRoles and Responsibilities of Academics The aim of the workshop is to help you become aware of the choices you can make and explore the challenges you (may) face in your development as members of academia. Some of you may already have grappled with difficult situations and choices in your research and publication processes, teaching, or other forms of generating and sharing expertise.
Séminaire lab4hum21 FebCe mardi 21 février, Rina Ralaidovy, chercheuse au sein du labor-H, nous parlera de son pays d’origine, Madagascar. Ensuite, le thème du labo est l’approche ethnographique et la question de la proximité et de la distance avec le terrain dans le contexte de ces démarches méthodologiques.En savoir plusSéminaire lab4hum21 FebCe mardi 21 février, Rina Ralaidovy, chercheuse au sein du labor-H, nous parlera de son pays d’origine, Madagascar. Ensuite, le thème du labo est l’approche ethnographique et la question de la proximité et de la distance avec le terrain dans le contexte de ces démarches méthodologiques.
Research Seminar by Prof Christian Defélix (Université Grenoble Alpes)21 FebCapital humain et innovation : les étranges leçons d'une PME qui gère les ressources humaines par les paradoxes Pr.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Prof Christian Defélix (Université Grenoble Alpes)21 FebCapital humain et innovation : les étranges leçons d'une PME qui gère les ressources humaines par les paradoxes Pr.