Programme quality development action plans
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In the framework of the external evaluations of study programmes by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation’s Agence pour l’Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur (AEQES, “Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency”), evaluated study programmes publish an action plan within six months of receiving the evaluation report from the experts. This action plan takes into account the experts’ recommendations as well as the internal analysis of the programme (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).
Since the 2016-17 academic year, these action plans are hosted on the website of each institution. The previous action plans, entitled “follow-up plans”, are available on the AEQES website.
AEQES evaluations. Action plans following initial programme evaluations (all in French):
- Initial action plan “Philosophy, ethics, religious sciences and theology”_Nov2016
- Initial action plan “Psychology and educational sciences”_Dec2016
- Initial action plan “Public health sciences”_Oct2018
- Initial action plan “Law”_Dec2018
- Initial action plan “Pharmaceutical sciences”_Feb2019
- Initial action plan “Dental sciences”_Feb2019
- Initial action plan “Mathematics, statistics and actuarial sciences”_Feb2019
- Initial action plan “Architecture and Urban Planning”_Feb2020
- Initial action plan “Biomedical Sciences”_Mar2021
- Initial action plan “Political Science”_May2021
- Initial action plan “Biology and biochemistry”_Sept2021
- Initial action plan "Medicine"_June2023
AEQES evaluations. Updated action plans following programme monitoring assessments:
- Updated action plan “Information and communication sciences and technologies”_Feb2014
- Updated action plan “Computer science”_Nov2017
- Updated action plan “History and art history”_Nov2019
- Updated action plan “Languages and letters”_Dec2019
- Updated action plan “Civil engineering”_Feb2020
- Updated action plan “Bioengineering”_Feb2020
- Updated action plan “Economics and management”_Feb2020
- Updated action plan “Civil engineering, architecture”_Apr2020
- Updated action plan “Criminology”_Dec2021
EFMD evaluation reports:
- LSM 2016 accreditation report “Economics and management”