UCLouvain strategic plan monitoring
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The Horizon 600 Strategic Plan focuses on five priority areas for UCLouvain’s development by 2025. Each area has a specific action plan which is broken down into objectives, actions, timetables and indicators. Responsibility for the action plans is assumed by a rector-designated authority who collaborates with the concerned entities and management bodies.
The Rectoral Council is responsible for the strategic plan’s overall management and monitoring; it presents a report on the plan’s implementation to the university’s governance bodies. This report is part of the quality loop.
The report’s purpose is to provide a progress report on the various action plans, their compliance with stated objectives, and results. It is presented in the form of a dashboard, the monitoring of which makes it possible to adjust the action plans according to changes in the institutional context, or even to add measures that are deemed to have priority or that are imposed by external constraints.
The university community, stakeholders and funders are kept informed by an annual public statement.
Within the strategic plan’s framework, the evaluation of actions related to education and training respects the framework defined above.