News for lbionics

Serious games for neurorehabilitation

Using serious games in neurorehabilitation robot helps improve complex bimanual skills in chronic patients with stroke      According to the World Stroke Organization, 1 in 4 people will have a stroke. After a stroke, the patients may suffer from difficulties in...
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Position at The Louvain Aging Brain Lab!

The Louvain Aging Brain LAB (P.I.: Hanseeuw) is looking to hire a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow with a PhD in neuroimaging (MRI or PET) to work on the impact of synaptic biomarkers on the regional distribution of tau deposition observed using PET. The LAB recruits clinically...
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The Human Vision Lab recruits!

Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Fellow positions opened at the Human Vision Lab! Both positions are full-time (1-year duration). The start date is as soon as possible. The call for applications closes on February 20, 2022. For more information, please send an email...
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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome & cognition

Visuomotor impairments in complex regional pain syndrome during pointing tasks (Verfaille et al.; Pain 2021;1;162(3):811-822) Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain syndrome usually affecting a limb. It is also thought to be characterized by cognitive deficits that...
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Nerve fibers in fingertips signal a slip in grip as it...

High-resolution imaging of skin deformation shows that afferents from human fingertips signal slip onset (Delhaye et al.; eLife 2021;10:e64679) Each fingertip hosts thousands of nerve fibers that allow us to handle objects with great dexterity. These fibers relay the amount of friction...
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