
Workshop : SMART environments for the aging brain
On Tuesday, September 3rd at 14:00 (2:00 PM), join us at OpenHub, Louvain-la-Neuve for a series of insightful presentations by Professor Sugaya Midori and Professor Koji Toma from Japan, alongside Mr.
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Funded project: How does the past affect what we see in the present?
What we see at any given time is not solely determined by the information currently reaching our eyes.
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Certainty attenuates our brain responses to pain
Pain perception is a warning signal to protect our body integrity. When pain persists over time, our brain needs to learn to predict its temporal evolution in order to minimize the risk of harm.
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Immersive virtual reality tool for motor assessment in stroke
According to the World Health Organization, stroke is the second world’s debilitating disease.
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Visit of Pr. Philippe Lefèvre's lab
Discover the laboratory of Philippe Lefèvre, who works on motion control at UCLouvain.
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