
News Highlights for a New Year
Dear LSM Community, At Louvain School of Management, we believe that strong academic foundations, together with real-world corporate experience, lead to impactful and responsible progress in busi
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Explore the world with our international Master’s programmes!
Get ready for exciting experiences with our International Master’s Degree programmes!
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A Journey of Change-Making: Circle U. Programme's Third Edition Comes to a Close
The Entrepreunarial Change-Making Programme is a credited course consisting of webinars exploring the facets and challenges of sustainable entrepreneurship around the areas of expertise of Circle U.
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Interview: Two LSM alumni awarded prize for best thesis in Economics and Sustainability category
Two LSM alumni, Baptiste de Gottal and Luis Fernandes Brito, have won one of the prizes for the best dissertation in Digital Transformation. Supervised by Professor Paul Belleflamme, their joint dissertation convinced the jury in the Economics and Sustainability category.
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LSM Graduation Ceremony: 600 students graduated
That night, the Aula Magna, fulled with the energy of achievement and dreams, marked the start of a new chapter in the professional lives of LSM graduates.Their dedication, perseverance, and achievements are a source of inspiration for future students.
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