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"Democratizar la empresa capitalista: Piedra angular de una prosperidad compartida y sostenible" publié par Isabelle Ferreras

iacchos | Louvain-la-Neuve

3 December 2024, modifié le 22 January 2025

Isabelle Ferreras & Sebastian Pérez Sepúlveda publient "Ariadna Ediciones, Santiago, Democratizar la empresa capitalista: Piedra angular de una prosperidad compartida y sostenible"

Democratize the capitalist enterprise.

Cornerstone of shared and sustainable prosperity is the first essay published in Spanish by Belgian sociologist and political scientist Isabelle Ferreras. This is an original and revised version of the essay originally published in English in 2019, Democratizing Firms – a Cornerstone of Shared and Sustainable Prosperity, by the Center for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP). This new version in Spanish has been enriched with contributions, specifically indicated in the text, from two other recent publications by Isabelle Ferreras: “Those Who Work are Labor Investors: Recognizing the Two Core Constituencies of Capitalist Firms” and “From Shareholder Primacy to a Dual Majority Board”, the latter written with Julie Battilana. Both texts were published in 2021 under the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program’s Ideas Lab on Worker Voice in Corporate Governance. This new version, original and enriched, has been translated and prepared by Sebastián Pérez Sepúlveda.