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Nouveautés ebooks - 8 mars 2024

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8 March 2024, modifié le 7 December 2024

Retrouvez les derniers livres électroniques en sciences et technologies ajoutés au catalogue des Bibliothèques de l'UCLouvain. Pour y accéder à distance, suivez la procédure détaillée ici : Accès à distance

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LED Packaging Technologies : Design, Manufacture, and Applications [Cover]

L. Annaniah, M. S. M. Saheed, et R. Jose,

LED packaging technologies: design, manufacture, and applications.

Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2023.

LED Packaging Technologies Up-to-date practitioner's guide on LED packaging technologies, with application examples from relevant industries, historical insight, and outlook LED Packaging Technologies provides expert insight into current and future trends in LED packaging technologies, discussing the fundamentals of LED packaging technologies, from electrical contact design, thermal management and optical emission, and extraction, to manufacturing technologies, including the JEDEC testing standards, followed by accounts on the main applications of these LED packages in the automotive, consumer electronics, and lighting industries. Accéder au livre

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals : Concepts and Case Studies [Cover]

M. F. Horstemeyer, Éd.,

Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) for metals: concept and case studies.

Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

Focuses entirely on demystifying the field and subject of ICME and provides step-by-step guidance on its industrial application via case studies This highly-anticipated follow-up to Mark F. Horstemeyer's pedagogical book on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) concepts includes engineering practice case studies related to the analysis, design, and use of structural metal alloys. Accéder au livre