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3 May 2024, modifié le 7 December 2024

Retrouvez les derniers livres électroniques en sciences et technologies ajoutés au catalogue des Bibliothèques de l'UCLouvain. Pour y accéder à distance, suivez la procédure détaillée ici : Accès à distance

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Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment 4th edition e-b –  Pearson NordicsJ. Holden, Éd.,

An introduction to physical geography and the environment,

Fourth edition. Harlow, England Munich: Pearson, 2017.

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 This highly respected and best-selling textbook provides an accessible, engaging and comprehensive introduction to the major topics within physical geography. It focuses on understanding the inter-linkages between processes, places and environments and is comprehensively illustrated to demonstrate how the physical environment works.

Animal NutritionP. McDonald, R. A. Edwards, J. F. D. Greenhalgh, C. A. Morgan, L. A. Sinclair, et R. G. Wilkinson,

Animal nutrition,

Eighth edition. Harlow, England ; New York: Pearson, 2022.

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This classic, market-leading text is a trusted resource for undergraduates studying Animal Science, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, Biology and Biochemistry. It is supported by key experimental evidence throughout about modern advancements in animal food nourishment, composition of foods and feeding standards for dairy and beef cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry, horses, and cats and dogs.

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition | 9781292401133  | Norvig,... | bolS. J. Russell,

Artificial intelligence a modern approach,

Fourth Edition, Global Edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2022.

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The long-anticipated revision of ArtificialIntelligence: A Modern Approach explores the full breadth and depth of the field of artificialintelligence (AI). The 4th Edition brings readers up to date on the latest technologies,presents concepts in a more unified manner, and offers new or expanded coverageof machine learning, deep learning, transfer learning, multi agent systems,robotics, natural language processing, causality, probabilistic programming,privacy, fairness, and safe AI.

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 16th Global Edition, E-learning with –  Pearson NordicsM. T. Madigan, K. S. Bender, D. H. Buckley, W. M. Sattley, et D. A. Stahl,

Brock biology of microorganisms,

16th ed. Global ed. Harlow: Pearson, 2022.

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Besides offering an overview of the principles of the microbial world, this edition further expands on art programs and modern resources, ensuring you experience microbiology as a visual science.With each chapter focusing on a specific scientific theme, the text allows you to connect and engage with the latest real-world topics. Campbell Biology (10th Edition): 9780321775658: Reece, Jane B.,  Urry, Lisa A., Cain, Michael L., Wasserman, Steven A., Minorsky, Peter V.,  Jackson, Robert B.: BooksM. Taylor, E. Simon, J. Dickey, K. Hogan, et J. Reece,

Campbell Biology,

10th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2021.

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The Tenth Edition of the best-selling text Campbell BIOLOGY helps launch you to success in biology through its clear and engaging narrative, superior pedagogy, and innovative use of art and photos to promote student learning.The Tenth Edition helps you develop a deeper understanding of biology by making connections visually across chapters and building the scientific skills needed for success in upper-level courses.

Chemistry: The Central Science, 15th edition | eTextBook Subscription |  Pearson+T. Brown, H. LeMay, B. Bursten, C. Murphy, P. Woodward, et M. Stoltzfus,


15th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2021.

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The 15th Edition provides you with the most effective and efficient tools for learning chemistry. New student-friendly learning objectives and follow-up self-assessment exercises, descriptions of problem-solving strategies, and a wide variety of end-of-chapter problems will strengthen your understanding and appreciation of chemistry. The authors' goal is to help you learn more about the world of chemistry and why chemistry is the central science, but ultimately, their goal is for you to succeed in the course. 

Concepts of Genetics, Global Edition, 12th editionW. S. Klug,

Concepts of genetics,

Twelfth, Global edition. New York, New York: Pearson, 2020.

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Concepts of Genetics emphasises the fundamental ideas of genetics, while exploring modern techniques and applications of genetic analysis. This best-selling text continues to provide understandable explanations of complex, analytical topics and recognises the importance of teaching students how to become effective problem solvers.

M. M. R. Mano et M. D. Ciletti,

Digital Design, Global Edition,

6th ed. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education, Limited, 2018.

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For introductory courses on digital design in an Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science department.A clear and accessible approach to the basic tools, concepts, and applications of digital designA modern update to a classic, authoritative text, Digital Design, 6th Edition teaches the fundamental concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. 

Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Global EditionH. Fogler,

Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Global Edition,

6th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2022.

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For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant chemical reaction engineering text. This Sixth Edition and integrated Web site deliver a more compelling active learning experience than ever before. Using sliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulation experiments.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics, SI Units, 15th edition e-book – Pearson  NordicsR. C. Hibbeler,

Engineering mechanics SI units. Statics,

Fifteenth edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2022.

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Improve your problem-solving skills in statics and gain an in-depth understanding of engineering mechanics. Engineering Mechanics: Statics SI Units, 15th edition, draws upon Professor Hibbeler's decades of everyday classroom experience and knowledge surrounding student learning.


Fluid Mechanics for Engineers, SI Edition 1, Chin, David A. - Amazon.comD. A. Chin,

Fluid mechanics for engineers: in SI units.

New York: Pearson, 2018.

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Written and conceived by an author with decades of relevant experience in the fields of fluid mechanics, engineering, and related disciplines, this First Edition of Fluid Mechanics for Engineers effectively introduces engineering students to the principles of fluid mechanics. With the understanding that fluid mechanics is a required core course for most engineering students, the author focuses first and foremost on the most essential topics of the field.

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition eBook by Frederic  Martini - EPUB Book | Rakuten Kobo CanadaF. H. Martini Judi L. |Bartholomew, Edwin F.,

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, ePub, Global Edition.

Pearson Education, 2021.

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Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th edition, Global edition, by Martini, Nath, and Bartholomew, is a textbook written by a team of leading authors in the field that will help you understand the most challenging topics surrounding A&P. Ideal for courses in two-semester, this edition draws from recent research conducted by the author team, exploring the ways students use and digest visual information.

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, Global EditionF. Ulaby et U. Ravaioli,

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, EBook, Global Edition,

8th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2022.

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Widely acclaimed in thefield, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits andelectromagnetics material. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagneticsbeginscoverage with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts intomore advanced topics and applications. The 8th Edition buildson the core content and style of previous editions, retaining thestudent-friendly approach and hands-on simulation modules that help studentsdevelop a deeper understanding of electromagnetic concepts and applications.Enhanced graphs and illustrations and an expanded scope of topics in theTechnology Briefs, establish additional bridges between electromagneticfundamentals and their countless engineering and scientific applications.

Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global EditionE. N. Marieb et K. Hoehn,

Human Anatomy and Physiology, Global Edition,

12th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2022.

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Equip your students with the 21st-century knowledge in A&P and encourage them to think like future scientists in the field.Human Anatomy & Physiology,12th edition will support your students' learning step-by-step, witha range of visual features, figures, and engaging writing style, alongside powerful interactive material with Mastering A&P.

Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 8th editionD. U. Silverthorn,

Human physiology: an integrated approach,

Eighth edition. global edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited, 2019.

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Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach engages you in developing an understanding of human physiology and in moving beyond memorization as you learn to think critically in solving real-world problems. The foundation of Dr. Silverthorn's approach is her active learning instruction style that integrates big picture themes with up-to-date cellular and molecular physiology topics.

Introduction to Biotechnology, 4th editionW. J. Thieman et M. A. Palladino,

Introduction to biotechnology,

Fourth edition, Global edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited, 2020.

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Introduction to Biotechnology presents the latest information needed to understand the science and business of biotechnology. The text emphasizes the future of biotechnology with balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts and hands-on applications.

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Global EditionJ. Shackelford,

Introduction to materials science for engineers.

Ninth edition, Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited, 2022.

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For a first course in MaterialsSciences and Engineering taught in the departments of materials science,mechanical, civil and general engineering. Introduction to Materials Sciencefor Engineers provides balanced, currenttreatment of the full spectrum of engineering materials, covering all thephysical properties, applications and relevant properties associated withengineering materials. It explores all of the major categories of materialswhile also offering detailed examinations of a wide range of new materials withhigh-tech applications.

Linear Algebra with Applications, Global Edition | Linear Algebra |  Advanced Math | Mathematics | Store | Learner US SiteLeon et Pillis,

Linear Algebra with Applications.

EBook, Global Edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education, Limited, 2020.

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The new 10thEdition ofLinear Algebra with Applications continuesto encourage a challenging and broad understanding of the subject. For thisedition, Steven Leon―one of the leading figures in the use of technology forlinear algebra―is joined by new co-author Lisette de Pillis of Harvey MuddCollege, who brings her passion for teaching and solving real-world problems tothis revision.


Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, EBook, SI Units,

8th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2022.

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In Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 8th Edition in SI Units, the authors continue their efforts to present a comprehensive, balanced, and most importantly, up-to-date coverage of the science, engineering, and technology of manufacturing. It places an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of every manufacturing activity, including complex interactions between materials, design, process, and manufacturing process and operations. 

S. Kalpakjian et S. Schmid,

Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, EBook in SI Units.

Harlow: Pearson Education, Limited, 2022.

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ManufacturingProcesses for Engineering Materials addressesadvances in all aspects of manufacturing, clearlypresenting comprehensive, up-to-date, and balanced coverage of thefundamentals of materials and processes. With the 6th Edition in SIUnits, students learn to properly assess the capabilities, limitations, andpotential of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. 

T. Croft et R. Davison,

Mathematics for engineers,

Fifth edition. Harlow, England ; New York: Pearson Education Limited, 2019.

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Understanding key mathematical concepts and applying them successfully to solve problems are vital skills that all engineering students must acquire. Mathematics for Engineers teaches, develops and nurtures those skills. Practical, informal and accessible, it begins with the foundations and gradually builds upon this knowledge as it introduces more complex concepts to cover all requirements for a first year engineering maths course, together with introductory material for even more advanced topics.

S. S. Rao,

Mechanical vibrations,

Sixth edition in SI Units. Global edition. Harlow: Pearson Education UK, 2018.

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Retaining the style of previous editions, this Sixth Edition of Mechanical Vibrations effectively presents theory, computational aspects, and applications of vibration, introducing undergraduate engineering students to the subject of vibration engineering in as simple a manner as possible. Emphasizing computer techniques of analysis, Mechanical Vibrations thoroughly explains the fundamentals of vibration analysis, building on the understanding achieved by students in previous undergraduate mechanics courses. 

Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical  Engineering: Bolton, W.: 9781292250977: BooksW. Bolton,

Mechatronics: electronic control systems in mechanical and electrical engineering,

Seventh edition. Harlow, England New York: Pearson, 2019.

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The integration of electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, control and computer engineering – Mechatronics – lies at the heart of the innumerable gadgets, processes and technology without which modern life would seem impossible. From auto-focus cameras to car engine management systems, and from state-of-the-art robots to the humble washing machine, Mechatronics has a hand in them all.

Dorf & Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Global Edition, 14/eR. C. Dorf et R. H. Bishop,

Modern control systems,

Fourteenth edition. Global edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited, 2022.

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Modern Control Systems presents the structure of feedback control theory and provides a sequence of exciting discoveries as students proceed through the text and problems. Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this text is organized around the concepts of control systems theory in the context of frequency and time domains.

Modern Engineering MathematicsG. James,

Modern engineering mathematics,

Sixth edition. Harlow, England ; Hoboken, NJ: Pearson, 2020.

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Modern Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Professors Glyn James and Phil Dyke, draws on the teaching experience and knowledge of three co-authors, Matthew Craven, John Searl and Yinghui Wei, to provide a comprehensive course textbook explaining the mathematics required for studying first-year engineering. 


Practical Skills in BiologyA. M. Jones, R. Reed, et J. D. B. Weyers,

Practical skills in biology,

Seventh edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2022.

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An essential companion for biology students throughout your entire degree programme, this seventh edition of Practical Skills in Biology, has been updated and expanded to provide you with a complete and easy-to-read guide. It's an all-in-one solution for the key practical skills needed for biology and all biosciences, including: comprehensive coverage of study and examination skills; fundamental laboratory and field methods; investigative and analytical techniques and analysis and presentation of data.  


Practical Skills in Biomolecular SciencesR. Reed, D. Holmes, J. D. B. Weyers, et A. M. Jones,

Practical skills in biomolecular sciences,

Sixth edition. Harlow, England New York Toronto Sydney Dubai Singapore: Pearson, 2022.

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"The primary aim of this revision of Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences was to update the text, but we also wished to respond to the helpful comments of several anonymous reviewers of the 5th edition, and in so doing, to reorganise the chapters and include significant new material. The main structural changes we have made are to (1) reorder and rewrite several chapters in the first two sections; (2) add three new chapters on working with bacteria, eukaryotic microbes and viruses; and (3) revise the material on use of software and online sources, to refl ect the greater level of knowledge and experience of today's students. In terms of the text itself, we have sought to use more positive phrasing throughout, to emphasise the active nature of learning in this discipline. Some details of further changes and additions are listed on the back cover. The text references and sources for further study have been updated, while the popular study exercises have been retained" 

The Nature and Properties of Soils, Global Edition: Ray R. Weil, Nyle C.  Brady: 9781292162232: BooksR. R. Weil et N. C. Brady,

The nature and properties of soils,

Fifteenth edition. Global edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2017.

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'The Nature and Properties of Soil' is a broad textbook for introductory soil courses in agronomy and soil science. It emphasises soils as part of the geosystem. Developed for Introduction to Soils or Soil Science courses, The Nature and Properties of Soils, Fifteenth Edition, can be used in courses such as Soil Fertility, Land Resources, Earth Science and Soil Geography. Help students learn about soils and their connections to the ecosystemThe Nature and Properties of Soils is designed to engage today's students with the latest in the world of soils. This hallmark text introduces students to the exciting world of soils through clear writing, strong pedagogy, and an ecological approach that effectively explains the fundamentals of soil science. Worked calculations, vignettes, and current real-world applications prepare readers to understand concepts, solve problems, and think critically. Written for both majors and non-majors, this text highlights the many interactions between the soil and other components of forest, range, agricultural, wetland and constructed ecosystems. Now in full-color, the Fifteenth Edition includes hundreds of compelling photos, figures, and diagrams to bring the exciting world of soils to life. Extensively revised, new and updated content appears in every chapter. Examples include: coverage of the pedosphere concept; new insights into humus and soil carbon accumulation; subaqueous soils, soil effects on human health; principles and practice of organic farming; urban and human engineered soils; new understandings of the nitrogen cycle; water-saving irrigation techniques; hydraulic redistribution, soil food-web ecology; disease suppressive soils; soil microbial genomics; soil interactions with global climate change; digital soil maps; and many others.

University Physics with Modern Physics, Volume 3 (Chapters 37-44), Global  EditionH. D. Young, R. A. Freedman, A. L. Ford, et K. Z. Estrugo,

University physics with modern physics. Volume 3,

15th ed. Global ed. Harlow: Pearson, 2020.

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The new 15th edition of University Physics with Modern Physics, now in SI Units, draws on insights from several users to help students see patterns and make connections between problem types. Students learn to recognize when to use similar steps in solving the same problem type and develop an understanding for problem solving approaches, rather than simply plugging values into an equation. This edition addresses students' tendency to focus on the objects and situations posed in a problem, rather than recognizing the underlying principle or the problem type. New Key Concept statements identify the main idea used in examples to help students recognize the underlying concepts and strategy. New Key Example Variation Problems within new Guided Practice sections group problems by type so students recognize when problems can be solved in similar ways, regardless of wording or numbers.