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Foot, C.J. (2011)
Atomic physics
Repr. (twice with corr.). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press (Oxford master series in physics Atomic, optical, and laser physics, 7). Available at: .
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- Based on extensive teaching experience, class-tested.
- Written for undergraduates.
- Leads students up to the frontiers of latest research.
- Includes recent advances in Bose-Einstein condensation which have also excited interest outside the field.
- Contains many exercises, suitable for use in class.
Levin, S.A. (ed.) (2024)
Encyclopedia of biodiversity.
Third edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Credo Reference. Available at: .
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Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition, Seven Volume Set provides a coherent, synthetic and comprehensive overview of the field, bringing together contributions from over 400 expert academics and practitioners. The book brings together the dimensions of biodiversity and examines the services it provides and measures to protect it.
Malode, K. (2024)
Encyclopedia of Earth Science.
1st ed. Burlington: Arcler Education Inc. Available at: .
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Earth science is a multifaceted discipline that delves into the comprehensive study of our planet, encompassing its geological structure, physical properties, natural cycles, and the extensive history of life development over 4.5 billion years.
Müller, D. (2024)
Metallic Mineral Resources: The Critical Components for a Sustainable Earth.
1st ed. San Diego: Elsevier.
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Metallic Mineral Resources: The Critical Components for a Sustainable Earth introduces the heterogeneous distribution of metal resources as well as the industrial use of metals. The main chapters then work systematically through abundant metal systems, scarce critical metal systems, rare critical metal systems, trace critical metal systems, and precious metal systems.