Nouveautés ebooks - 22 novembre 2024
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External parasites of small ruminants: a practical guide to their prevention and control.Wallingford: CABI.Sheep and goats are farmed throughout the world for meat, fiber, milk and leather. These small ruminants are very susceptible to external parasites, which has significant implications for their health and welfare as well as the quality and value of the end products for which they are farmed. This book gives practical guidance on preventing and controlling ectoparasites that contribute to disease and infection in sheep and goats, discussing types of parasites, the diseases they cause and what methods of control are available, as well as wider implications such as animal welfare and environmental impacts. |
![]() Ellis, A. and Sorokina, M. (eds) (2020) Optical communication systems: limits and possibilities.Singapore: Jenny Stanford Publishing. Available at: have underpinned social interaction and economic activity since the 19th century and have been increasingly reliant on optical fibers since their initial commercial deployment by BT in 1983. Today, mobile phone networks, data centers, and broadband services that facilitate our entertainment, commerce, and increasingly health provision are built on hidden optical fiber networks. However, recently it emerged that the fiber network is beginning to fill up, leading to the talk of a capacity crunch where the capacity still grows but struggles to keep up with the increasing demand. This book, featuring contributions by the suppliers of widely deployed simulation software and academic authors, illustrates the origins of the limited performance of an optical fiber from the engineering, physics, and information theoretic viewpoints. Solutions are then discussed by pioneers in each of the respective fields, with near-term solutions discussed by industrially based authors, and more speculative high-potential solutions discussed by leading academic groups. |
Introduction to fiber-optic communications.London: Academic press.Introduction to Fiber-Optic Communications provides students with the most up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of modern optical fiber communications and applications, striking a fine balance between theory and practice that avoids excessive mathematics and derivations. Unlike other textbooks currently available, this book covers all of the important recent technologies and developments in the field, including electro-optic modulators, coherent optical systems, and silicon integrated photonic circuits. Filled with practical, relevant worked examples and exercise problems, the book presents complete coverage of the topics that optical and communications engineering students need to be successful. From principles of optical and optoelectronic components, to optical transmission system design, and from conventional optical fiber links, to more useful optical communication systems with advanced modulation formats and high-speed DSP, this book covers the necessities on the topic, even including today's important application areas of passive optical networks, datacenters and optical interconnections. Covers fiber-optic communication system fundamentals, design rules and terminologies Provides students with an understanding of the physical principles and characteristics of passive and active fiber-optic components Teaches students how to perform fiber-optic system design, performance evaluation and troubleshooting Includes modern advances in modulation and decoding strategies. |
![]() Tolomelli, A. (2024) Sustainability in TIDES Chemistry: Green Approaches to Oligonucleotides and Oligopeptides Synthesis.1st ed. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (Green Chemistry Series, v. Volume 85).Oligopeptides and oligonucleotides, jointly defined as TIDES, have been neglected in the past as potential drugs due to their short half-life and practical difficulties in the manufacturing processes. The consolidation of iterative synthetic techniques, allowing for design of new chemical entities with better pharmaceutical profiles, has led to renewed interest in these compounds. Large scale manufacturing is therefore now required, and it is important that sustainability and green chemistry are considered from the outset. As the two classes display many similarities, advances in sustainable approaches can easily be adapted from one class to the other. This book brings together all of the information on green synthesis of oligopeptides, which is well established, and all of the preliminary data on green oligonucleotides synthesis, creating a resource that will help chemists to bridge the gap between these two areas. |
Databook of Green Solvents.3rd ed. San Diego: ChemTec Publishing.Databook of Green Solvents 3rd Edition includes data and information that is divided into five separate sections: General, Physical, Health, Environmental, and Use. Emphasis is given to safer and more efficient alternatives to more toxic solvents, with forty-five solvents included in the previous edition replaced in this edition by about seventy new ones. Readers interested in this subject should note two related volumes, Handbook of Solvents, Volume 1: Properties, and Handbook of Solvents, Volume 2: Use, Health, and Environment. Together, these books provide the most comprehensive information on the subject matter. The books are the most authoritative sources of knowledge, with information updates from the most recent literature and developments occurring in the field of solvents. - Covers more than 300 green solvents, from biodegradable and biorenewable, to siloxanes and perfluorocarbons - Provides practical information for use in the lab and in the field, including recommended processing methods, recommended dosages, and potential substitutes - Details critical health, safety, and environmental data to hep production chemists and engineers select the correct solvent. |
Databook of Solvents.3rd ed. San Diego: ChemTec Publishing.Databook of Solvents, Third Edition has been revised to include all of the most-used high-production volume solvents. It contains a large set of data for each, with information divided into five sections, including General; Physical; Health; Environmental; and Use. The General section covers data such as name, CAS number, empirical formula, mixture, moisture contents, properties, EC number, and more. The Physical section includes data such as dielectric constant, boiling temperature, color, corrosivity, electrical conductivity, heat of combustion, odor, surface tension, and more. The Health section features data on carcinogenicity, packaging group, explosion limits, flammability, reactivity, ingestion, skin and eye irritation, and more. The Environmental section highlights data on biodegradation probability, chemical oxygen demand, global warming potential, soil absorption constant, UV absorption, and more. Finally, the Use section features data on manufacturer, outstanding properties, potential substitutes, processing methods, and more. Further information which may help in the replacement of these solvents can be found in the complementary Databook of Green Solvents, and readers interested in the subject should note that two volumes of fundamental treatment of all essential areas of solvent use have also been published, Handbook of Solvents Volume 1: Properties, and Handbook of Solvents Volume 2: Use, Health, and Environment. Together these four books provide the most wide-ranging and authoritative information on the subject of solvents. - Covers more than 280 of the most essential solvents - Provides practical information for use in the lab and the field, including recommended processing methods, dosages, and potential substitutes - Presents environmental considerations, thus enabling practitioners to find more efficient replacements for toxic solvents. |