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Chair in European Values (UCLouvain)

euro | Louvain-la-Neuve

The Chair in European Values (UCLouvain) promotes debate and reflection on "European values" in their diversity and complexity. The chair at UClouvain was established in 2015 – conjointly with a similar chair at UAntwerp – at the initiative of Maurice Velge and it is funded mainly by the Baillet-Latour Fund. The chair holder at UCLouvain is Wim Weymans.



  • 13 December 2023
    Essay on the history of European values
    Why (and since when) did European leaders begin to refer to ‘European values’? And how does this current liberal use of ‘European values’ differ from the original invocations by conservatives?
  • 10 February 2021
    Talk on the History of European Values (2021)
    In February 2021 Wim Weymans gave a talk on ‘a critical history of European values’ for an international and interdisciplinary group of experts who want to translate the results of the latest European
  • 4 October 2020
    In memoriam Maurice Velge (1935-2020)
    On 4 October 2020 Maurice Velge passed away at the age of 84.