A course on pluralism and cultural diversity in Europe (Spring 2019)
euro | Louvain-la-Neuve
LEURO1304 — Pluralism and culture diversity in Europe (taught in French)
In his part of a class on “pluralism and cultural diversity” – taught with Anne-Sophie Gijs – Wim Weymans focused on how great thinkers reflected on European values (e.g. Hobbes on protection, Locke on the rule of law, Burke on traditions and so on), while showing at the same time how these old debates are still relevant in present-day debates on Europe. Throughout, it became clear how there were different ways to deal with the question of diversity in Europe and which role values could play in welcoming diversity. Over 50 students attended this class which made ample room for debate on values and their use in Europe. As a special treat a group visit was organized in the House of European History that took place on 24 April 2019.