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Development: Children

ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve


1. Development of number magnitude representations in children

→ Study of the relationships between the development of symbolic and non-symbolic number processing


→ Influence of continuous physical variables (e.g., surface area) on the processing of number magnitude

2. Developmental dyscalculia

→ Study of the influence of cognitive factors on developmental dyscalculia 


 General cognitive factors:

  • Working memory
  •  Inhibition
  •  Long-term memory
  •  F inger gnosis

Numerical cognition factors:

  • Deficits in basic number processing: deficit in the magnitude representation of numbers or in the connection between this representation and number symbols


→ Case studies of children and adults presenting developmental dyscalculia 

→ Study of the neuro-functional bases of developmental dyscalculia

→ Development of diagnostic tools (available in German, Dutch and Spanish)

3. Number processing in population with genetic syndromes 

→ Study of symbolic and non-symbolic number representation in patients with Williams syndrome, Turner syndrome or 22q11 syndrome: impact of their visual-spatial impairment

4. Interaction between the development of language and number processing

 → Development of number magnitude representations in relation with the development of language in children 

→ Development of number magnitude representations in children with specific language impairment

 Responsable : Pr. Marie-Pascale NOEL