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Our seminars

  • Placeholder image
    15/02/2022 - Table ronde Inondations Brabant wallon
    15 Feb
    15 Feb

    Auditoire Doyen 31

    Place des Doyen, 1 - Louvain-la-Neuve

    15 février 2022


    La plateforme de recherche interdisciplinaire Louvain4Water et la Maison de l’Urbanisme du Brabant Wallon, en partenariat avec la Plateforme provinciale de gestion des risques d'inondation, ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la table ronde consacrée à la problématique des inondations en Brabant wallon qui se déroulera le 15 février 2022 à Louvain-la-Neuve.

    L’objectif sera de :

    • Aider à comprendre les causes des inondations qui ont secoué certaines communes du Brabant wallon en juillet dernier.
    • Offrir un support scientifique aux acteurs publics (communaux, provinciaux et régionaux) et associatifs dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de stratégies d’adaptations aux risques d’inondations en Brabant wallon
    • Favoriser la confluence de savoir et savoir-faire entre experts, étudiants et acteurs de terrains face aux risques d'inondations


    12h00 Accueil

    12h30 Introduction par Mme Sophie Keymolen, députée provinciale en charge de l’aménagement du territoire et présidente de la Maison de l’urbanisme et M. Marc Bastin, député provincial en charge de la lutte contre les inondations.

    13h00 - 14h00 Diagnostic, enjeux et stratégies existantes sur la problématique des inondations en Brabant wallon par les chercheurs de l’initiative Louvain4Water

    14h30 - 16h00 Ateliers thématiques au choix :

    • Atelier A. Plateaux agricoles : réflexion sur les problèmes de coulées de boues dans un village sur le haut du plateau
    • Atelier B. Pentes : réflexion sur les problèmes de confluences des eaux de ruissellement vers des vallées encaissées et habitées.
    • Atelier C. Fonds de vallée : réflexion sur la gestion des inondations dans les zones de grands équipements, d’infrastructures et de développement immobilier.

    16h30 - 18h00 Compte-rendu des ateliers et débat

    La table ronde se tiendra, en présentiel, à Louvain-la-Neuve. L’accueil et les sessions plénières se tiendront dans l’Auditoire Doyen 31.

    Informations pratiques

    Auditoire Doyen 31
    Collège des Doyens
    Place des Doyens, 1
    1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

    Les sessions parallèles se tiendront dans des salles de séminaires proches de l’auditoire Doyen 31.

    Le Collège des Doyens est accessible à pieds depuis la gare SNCB de Louvain-la-Neuve ou depuis la gare des bus. Le parking le plus proche est le parking souterrain Grand Place.

    Participation à distance

    Dans la mesure du possible, la participation et la retransmission en ligne des échanges sera organisée via TEAMS. Les informations pratiques seront communiquées par email quelques jours avant la rencontre.

    Placeholder image
    15/02/2022 - Table ronde Inondations Brabant wallon
    15 Feb
    15 Feb

    Auditoire Doyen 31

    Place des Doyen, 1 - Louvain-la-Neuve

    15 février 2022


    La plateforme de recherche interdisciplinaire Louvain4Water et la Maison de l’Urbanisme du Brabant Wallon, en partenariat avec la Plateforme provinciale de gestion des risques d'inondation, ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la table ronde consacrée à la problématique des inondations en Brabant wallon qui se déroulera le 15 février 2022 à Louvain-la-Neuve.

    L’objectif sera de :

    • Aider à comprendre les causes des inondations qui ont secoué certaines communes du Brabant wallon en juillet dernier.
    • Offrir un support scientifique aux acteurs publics (communaux, provinciaux et régionaux) et associatifs dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de stratégies d’adaptations aux risques d’inondations en Brabant wallon
    • Favoriser la confluence de savoir et savoir-faire entre experts, étudiants et acteurs de terrains face aux risques d'inondations


    12h00 Accueil

    12h30 Introduction par Mme Sophie Keymolen, députée provinciale en charge de l’aménagement du territoire et présidente de la Maison de l’urbanisme et M. Marc Bastin, député provincial en charge de la lutte contre les inondations.

    13h00 - 14h00 Diagnostic, enjeux et stratégies existantes sur la problématique des inondations en Brabant wallon par les chercheurs de l’initiative Louvain4Water

    14h30 - 16h00 Ateliers thématiques au choix :

    • Atelier A. Plateaux agricoles : réflexion sur les problèmes de coulées de boues dans un village sur le haut du plateau
    • Atelier B. Pentes : réflexion sur les problèmes de confluences des eaux de ruissellement vers des vallées encaissées et habitées.
    • Atelier C. Fonds de vallée : réflexion sur la gestion des inondations dans les zones de grands équipements, d’infrastructures et de développement immobilier.

    16h30 - 18h00 Compte-rendu des ateliers et débat

    La table ronde se tiendra, en présentiel, à Louvain-la-Neuve. L’accueil et les sessions plénières se tiendront dans l’Auditoire Doyen 31.

    Informations pratiques

    Auditoire Doyen 31
    Collège des Doyens
    Place des Doyens, 1
    1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

    Les sessions parallèles se tiendront dans des salles de séminaires proches de l’auditoire Doyen 31.

    Le Collège des Doyens est accessible à pieds depuis la gare SNCB de Louvain-la-Neuve ou depuis la gare des bus. Le parking le plus proche est le parking souterrain Grand Place.

    Participation à distance

    Dans la mesure du possible, la participation et la retransmission en ligne des échanges sera organisée via TEAMS. Les informations pratiques seront communiquées par email quelques jours avant la rencontre.

  • Placeholder image
    26/04/2021 - Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21 century water challenges
    26 Apr
    26 Apr

    Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21st century water challenges

    26 April 2021

    13:00 -18:00
    Online symposium


    There is no life without water. Water is a driver for development: it is vital for human nutrition and health and essential for ecosystem management, agriculture, energy, economic development, peace, and security. Yet, billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. Some 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have access to safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic handwashing facilities. Many societies are further confronted with increasing water scarcity, lowering water quality and the indirect impacts of climate changes on water system functions and services. In addition, in many regions of the world, governance and institutions and financial resources dedicated to water management are insufficient for reaching a sustainable trajectory for water management. The current challenges related to water are therefore multi-dimensional, multi-scale and complex, and intertwined with the many other challenges of the sustainable development agenda. Addressing these complex challenges needs multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and expertise from different scientific disciplines. This should be grounded on a thorough understanding of the water system, the water system processes and associated water services and functions. 

    The Circle U. is a recently created European university alliance that aims constructing, by 2025 an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector will collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and the planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous. Louvain4water is a transdisciplinary consortium that develops basic and applied research, advanced training and services in the field of water at UCLouvain.  The expertise available in the Circle U. alliance, or in local platforms of participating universities like the Louvain4water platform yields excellent opportunities for consolidating the science base needed to address the current water challenges. Yet, such expertise should be better mapped and linked in order to empower the capacities of participating institutions of the Circle U. alliance in addressing water challenges. 

    The overall goal of this symposium is to strengthen the conceptual interdisciplinary scientific framework that is needed to address the current multidimensional water challenges and to bring together expertise from different partner institutions of Circle U. in the water science domain. The specific objective is to illustrate and discuss on how interdisciplinarity can be boosted to address the complex water challenges and to draw a roadmap to set-up interdisciplinary activities in the water science domain in the realm of Circle U.

    Symposium format 

    To reach these goals, a scientific symposium was organised at UCLouvain 26 April 2021. The symposium was formatted along several programme activities: 

    • Opening : Introduction to the European University Alliance Circle U. (presenter to be announced)
    • Introduction to Horizon Europe R&I opportunities related to Water, Healthy Oceans and Seas by Elisabetta BALZI, Head of Unit, DG Research & Innovation, C.4 Healthy Oceans and Seas, European Commission
    • Key note presentations (120 minutes): Experts from the different universities will give some lectures on current progress in the water science domain. We aim for 7 key note presentations of each 20 minutes.  
    • Pitch presentations (60 minutes): Scientific members of the different universities will be able to showcase their work in the water science domain and invited to record a short presentation (3 minutes per presentations).
    • A business meeting (60 minutes) aiming to draw a roadmap for interdisciplinary research in the water science domain within the realm of Circle U. 


    13:00 - 14:00 - Opening session

    Introduction to the European Alliance Circle U. - Prof. Dana Samson -UCLouvain Pro-rector for International Affairs

    Interdisciplinary research at UCLouvain - Prof. Jean-Christophe Renauld – UCLouvain Pro-rector for Research

    Introduction to Horizon Europe R&I opportunities related to Water, Healthy Oceans and Seas - Mr. Nikos Zampoukas, Policy Officer - Research and innovation for fisheries and aquaculture, DG Research & Innovation, C.4 Healthy Oceans and Seas, European Commission

    14:00 -16:00 - Key note presentations


    Chair: Sandra Soares-Frazão - UCLouvain

    Water quality management in agricultural systems: a key for reaching the SDG and global health - Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    Biofilm reactors for micropollutant removal - Kai Bester (Aarhus University)


    Chair: Vincent Legrand - UCLouvain

    Anthropology of maritime sciences - Nefissa Naguib (University of Oslo)

    Danubian cosmopolitics: living with new river islands on the Ister - Séverine Lagneaux (UCLouvain)


    Chair: Marnik Vanclooster - UCLouvain

    Water Security: For whom? - Tobias Krueger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Naho Mirumachi (King's College London)

    Achieving water and food security within Planetary Boundaries: some global simulations - Dieter Gerten (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

    Origins and evolution of water-related disasters: what can we, as scientists, do? - Sandra Soares-Frazão (UCLouvain)

    Virtual water in the midst of transitions to sustainable food and agricultural systems: reflections on the water-food-trade nexus in the EuroMed region in perspective with Latin America - Vincent Legrand & Leonith Hinojosa (UCLouvain)

    International Water Management in the Sahel Region - Dolores Algora Weber (Scientific collaborator UCLouvain)

    16:00 - 17:00 - Pitch presentations


    ROOM 1

    Accessible and versatile water quality sensors towards responsible water cycle management - Margo Hauwaert, Grégoire Le Brun, Audrey Leprince, Jacques Mahillon, Ignace Adant, Jean-Pierre Raskin (UCLouvain)

    Infrastructuring water beyond pipes and canals: a dialogue across case studies and disciplines - Alba Rossella (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRI-THESys) & Kanesu Rebekka (Universität Trier, Governance and Sustainability Lab)

    Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Silia - Imen EL GHOUL, Haykel SELLAMI , Marnik VANCLOOSTER and Slaheddine KHLIF (UCLouvain)

    Contribution of ravines in the flooding of Cavaillon city in Haïti- Gerardson Mathieu (UCLouvain)

    Remote sensing of water resources in semi-arid regions - Nicolas DELBART (Univ. Paris, UMR LIED), Laurent BRUCKMANN (Univ. Lièges, UR SPHERES) & Emilie LAVIE (Univ. Paris, UMR PRODIG)

    Water governance downstream of the Sidi Salem dam in Tunisia: A critical institutional perspective - Kais Bouazzi (UCLouvain)

    Drone-based bathymetry of the Rouyonne River in Haiti: comparison with the official DTM and manual surveys - Rotchild Louis(UCLouvain)

    Exploring causal linkages between teleconnection patternsand the terrestrial biosphere in Northeastern Burundi ( East Africa) - Pacifique Batungwanayo, Université du Burundi; Marnik Vanclooster, UCLouvain; IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

    ROOM 2

    Collection and analysis of historical data for empirically assessing water pollution risks of Walloon catchments - Elise Verstraeten & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Organic Contaminants: Treatment of Wastewater with Constructed Wetlands - Huma Ilyas (IPGP France; WTM Consult), Ilyas Masih (IHE Delft; WTM Consult) & Eric D. van Hullebusch (IPGP France)

    Polder2C’s project: breaching of earthen embankments - field tests and numerical simulations - Masoumeh Ebrahimi (UCLouvain)

    Spatializing rainwater practices across Belgian territories: building a common asset - Thais Delefortrie (UCLouvain)

    Strategies for community-based water-management alliances in the informal settlement of the valley of Selembao, Kinshasa (RDC) - Pietro Manaresi (UCLouvain)

    Supporting the Belgian Development Cooperation in the design and implementation of an effective water strategy - Alice Alonso (UCLouvain)

    50 years of groundwater management and observations in Louvain-la-Neuve - Ridley S, Vanclooster M, Frippiat C, Morize A, Couly B , Thyrion M, Francois S (UCLouvain)

    Using convergent cross mapping method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to explore causes of streamflow alteration: A case study - Mokrane Kadir & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    17:00 - 18:00 - Business session Open business session to draw a roadmap for interdisciplinary research in the water science domain within the realm of Circle U.

    Publication and diffusion 

    The proceedings of the meeting, including abstracts of keynote lectures and posters will be distributed virtually, through the Louvain4water website.

    Organising committee

    The meeting is organised by the scientific committee of the Louvain4Water platform and will be hosted by UCLouvain. 


    Placeholder image
    26/04/2021 - Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21 century water challenges
    26 Apr
    26 Apr

    Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21st century water challenges

    26 April 2021

    13:00 -18:00
    Online symposium


    There is no life without water. Water is a driver for development: it is vital for human nutrition and health and essential for ecosystem management, agriculture, energy, economic development, peace, and security. Yet, billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. Some 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have access to safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic handwashing facilities. Many societies are further confronted with increasing water scarcity, lowering water quality and the indirect impacts of climate changes on water system functions and services. In addition, in many regions of the world, governance and institutions and financial resources dedicated to water management are insufficient for reaching a sustainable trajectory for water management. The current challenges related to water are therefore multi-dimensional, multi-scale and complex, and intertwined with the many other challenges of the sustainable development agenda. Addressing these complex challenges needs multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and expertise from different scientific disciplines. This should be grounded on a thorough understanding of the water system, the water system processes and associated water services and functions. 

    The Circle U. is a recently created European university alliance that aims constructing, by 2025 an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector will collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and the planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous. Louvain4water is a transdisciplinary consortium that develops basic and applied research, advanced training and services in the field of water at UCLouvain.  The expertise available in the Circle U. alliance, or in local platforms of participating universities like the Louvain4water platform yields excellent opportunities for consolidating the science base needed to address the current water challenges. Yet, such expertise should be better mapped and linked in order to empower the capacities of participating institutions of the Circle U. alliance in addressing water challenges. 

    The overall goal of this symposium is to strengthen the conceptual interdisciplinary scientific framework that is needed to address the current multidimensional water challenges and to bring together expertise from different partner institutions of Circle U. in the water science domain. The specific objective is to illustrate and discuss on how interdisciplinarity can be boosted to address the complex water challenges and to draw a roadmap to set-up interdisciplinary activities in the water science domain in the realm of Circle U.

    Symposium format 

    To reach these goals, a scientific symposium was organised at UCLouvain 26 April 2021. The symposium was formatted along several programme activities: 

    • Opening : Introduction to the European University Alliance Circle U. (presenter to be announced)
    • Introduction to Horizon Europe R&I opportunities related to Water, Healthy Oceans and Seas by Elisabetta BALZI, Head of Unit, DG Research & Innovation, C.4 Healthy Oceans and Seas, European Commission
    • Key note presentations (120 minutes): Experts from the different universities will give some lectures on current progress in the water science domain. We aim for 7 key note presentations of each 20 minutes.  
    • Pitch presentations (60 minutes): Scientific members of the different universities will be able to showcase their work in the water science domain and invited to record a short presentation (3 minutes per presentations).
    • A business meeting (60 minutes) aiming to draw a roadmap for interdisciplinary research in the water science domain within the realm of Circle U. 


    13:00 - 14:00 - Opening session

    Introduction to the European Alliance Circle U. - Prof. Dana Samson -UCLouvain Pro-rector for International Affairs

    Interdisciplinary research at UCLouvain - Prof. Jean-Christophe Renauld – UCLouvain Pro-rector for Research

    Introduction to Horizon Europe R&I opportunities related to Water, Healthy Oceans and Seas - Mr. Nikos Zampoukas, Policy Officer - Research and innovation for fisheries and aquaculture, DG Research & Innovation, C.4 Healthy Oceans and Seas, European Commission

    14:00 -16:00 - Key note presentations


    Chair: Sandra Soares-Frazão - UCLouvain

    Water quality management in agricultural systems: a key for reaching the SDG and global health - Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    Biofilm reactors for micropollutant removal - Kai Bester (Aarhus University)


    Chair: Vincent Legrand - UCLouvain

    Anthropology of maritime sciences - Nefissa Naguib (University of Oslo)

    Danubian cosmopolitics: living with new river islands on the Ister - Séverine Lagneaux (UCLouvain)


    Chair: Marnik Vanclooster - UCLouvain

    Water Security: For whom? - Tobias Krueger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Naho Mirumachi (King's College London)

    Achieving water and food security within Planetary Boundaries: some global simulations - Dieter Gerten (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

    Origins and evolution of water-related disasters: what can we, as scientists, do? - Sandra Soares-Frazão (UCLouvain)

    Virtual water in the midst of transitions to sustainable food and agricultural systems: reflections on the water-food-trade nexus in the EuroMed region in perspective with Latin America - Vincent Legrand & Leonith Hinojosa (UCLouvain)

    International Water Management in the Sahel Region - Dolores Algora Weber (Scientific collaborator UCLouvain)

    16:00 - 17:00 - Pitch presentations


    ROOM 1

    Accessible and versatile water quality sensors towards responsible water cycle management - Margo Hauwaert, Grégoire Le Brun, Audrey Leprince, Jacques Mahillon, Ignace Adant, Jean-Pierre Raskin (UCLouvain)

    Infrastructuring water beyond pipes and canals: a dialogue across case studies and disciplines - Alba Rossella (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRI-THESys) & Kanesu Rebekka (Universität Trier, Governance and Sustainability Lab)

    Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Silia - Imen EL GHOUL, Haykel SELLAMI , Marnik VANCLOOSTER and Slaheddine KHLIF (UCLouvain)

    Contribution of ravines in the flooding of Cavaillon city in Haïti- Gerardson Mathieu (UCLouvain)

    Remote sensing of water resources in semi-arid regions - Nicolas DELBART (Univ. Paris, UMR LIED), Laurent BRUCKMANN (Univ. Lièges, UR SPHERES) & Emilie LAVIE (Univ. Paris, UMR PRODIG)

    Water governance downstream of the Sidi Salem dam in Tunisia: A critical institutional perspective - Kais Bouazzi (UCLouvain)

    Drone-based bathymetry of the Rouyonne River in Haiti: comparison with the official DTM and manual surveys - Rotchild Louis(UCLouvain)

    Exploring causal linkages between teleconnection patternsand the terrestrial biosphere in Northeastern Burundi ( East Africa) - Pacifique Batungwanayo, Université du Burundi; Marnik Vanclooster, UCLouvain; IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

    ROOM 2

    Collection and analysis of historical data for empirically assessing water pollution risks of Walloon catchments - Elise Verstraeten & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Organic Contaminants: Treatment of Wastewater with Constructed Wetlands - Huma Ilyas (IPGP France; WTM Consult), Ilyas Masih (IHE Delft; WTM Consult) & Eric D. van Hullebusch (IPGP France)

    Polder2C’s project: breaching of earthen embankments - field tests and numerical simulations - Masoumeh Ebrahimi (UCLouvain)

    Spatializing rainwater practices across Belgian territories: building a common asset - Thais Delefortrie (UCLouvain)

    Strategies for community-based water-management alliances in the informal settlement of the valley of Selembao, Kinshasa (RDC) - Pietro Manaresi (UCLouvain)

    Supporting the Belgian Development Cooperation in the design and implementation of an effective water strategy - Alice Alonso (UCLouvain)

    50 years of groundwater management and observations in Louvain-la-Neuve - Ridley S, Vanclooster M, Frippiat C, Morize A, Couly B , Thyrion M, Francois S (UCLouvain)

    Using convergent cross mapping method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to explore causes of streamflow alteration: A case study - Mokrane Kadir & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

    17:00 - 18:00 - Business session Open business session to draw a roadmap for interdisciplinary research in the water science domain within the realm of Circle U.

    Publication and diffusion 

    The proceedings of the meeting, including abstracts of keynote lectures and posters will be distributed virtually, through the Louvain4water website.

    Organising committee

    The meeting is organised by the scientific committee of the Louvain4Water platform and will be hosted by UCLouvain. 


  • Placeholder image
    04/03/2020 Louvain4Water Seminar - Real Cool - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments
    04 Mar
    04 Mar

    Wednesday 04 March 2020

    14:00 - 18:00

    Auditoire Gerty Cori
    Tour Laennec, 57 - Woluwe


    The objective of the Louvain4Water Seminars is to strengthen the network of researchers and other actors working in the water domain at UCLouvain and identify common actions in this domain.

    For this meeting, we are pleased to receive Prof. Sanda Lenzholzer (Wageningen University and Research Centre WUR) who will give a keynote speech on the project "REALCOOL - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments".

    In addition to this, the Louvain4Water Seminar will offer its members the opportunity to pitch their research works on topics related to water (app. 3 minutes per presentation). Please do not hesitate to contact us through the registration form below if you wish to present your work. The presentation can equally be in French or English.

    Keynote by Prof. Sanda Lenzholzer (Wageningen University and Research Centre WUR) REALCOOL - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments

    Urban design practitioners believed that urban water bodies (such as canals, ditches or ponds) can solve urban heat problems but recent research shows that the cooling effect of large water bodies during summer is limited over day and can actually induce a night-time warming effect. But what is the situation around small water bodies and how can they provide cooling for their environment? This was studied in the ‘Really cooling water bodies in cities’ (REALCOOL) project. In a Research Through Design process we explored the most effective combinations of shading, water vaporisation and natural ventilation to cool smaller water bodies. It showed that the water itself cannot be cooled effectively, but that the environment of the water bodies can be cooled: shading was the most important factor followed by openness to wind and evaporating water through fountains and sprays. We created virtual prototypes/ design guidelines that we tested according to criteria such as water-storage capacity, compatibility with other urban functions, costs, maintenance and effects on public health. Our user committee concluded that the final prototypes can be easily applied in design practice.

    Pitches presentations

    To be announced.


    Auditoire Gerty Cori

    Tour Laennec, 57

    1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

    Placeholder image
    04/03/2020 Louvain4Water Seminar - Real Cool - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments
    04 Mar
    04 Mar

    Wednesday 04 March 2020

    14:00 - 18:00

    Auditoire Gerty Cori
    Tour Laennec, 57 - Woluwe


    The objective of the Louvain4Water Seminars is to strengthen the network of researchers and other actors working in the water domain at UCLouvain and identify common actions in this domain.

    For this meeting, we are pleased to receive Prof. Sanda Lenzholzer (Wageningen University and Research Centre WUR) who will give a keynote speech on the project "REALCOOL - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments".

    In addition to this, the Louvain4Water Seminar will offer its members the opportunity to pitch their research works on topics related to water (app. 3 minutes per presentation). Please do not hesitate to contact us through the registration form below if you wish to present your work. The presentation can equally be in French or English.

    Keynote by Prof. Sanda Lenzholzer (Wageningen University and Research Centre WUR) REALCOOL - Research through Design for Cool Urban Water Environments

    Urban design practitioners believed that urban water bodies (such as canals, ditches or ponds) can solve urban heat problems but recent research shows that the cooling effect of large water bodies during summer is limited over day and can actually induce a night-time warming effect. But what is the situation around small water bodies and how can they provide cooling for their environment? This was studied in the ‘Really cooling water bodies in cities’ (REALCOOL) project. In a Research Through Design process we explored the most effective combinations of shading, water vaporisation and natural ventilation to cool smaller water bodies. It showed that the water itself cannot be cooled effectively, but that the environment of the water bodies can be cooled: shading was the most important factor followed by openness to wind and evaporating water through fountains and sprays. We created virtual prototypes/ design guidelines that we tested according to criteria such as water-storage capacity, compatibility with other urban functions, costs, maintenance and effects on public health. Our user committee concluded that the final prototypes can be easily applied in design practice.

    Pitches presentations

    To be announced.


    Auditoire Gerty Cori

    Tour Laennec, 57

    1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

  • Placeholder image
    24/11/2022 Circle U. Climate Hub 1st Happy Hour Event
    24 Nov
    24 Nov

    Increasing climate resilience of our cities through sustainable urban water management

    Date: 24 November 2022, 13:00 - 16:00

    Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via Teams ) and Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Earth & Life Institute, Bâtiment de Serres, UCLouvain).

    Target Audience: Circle U researchers (PhD students, others, …) interested in climate science, water management and urban planning.


    • Circle U, Climate Hub
    • Louvain4Water

    Background of Circle U, Climate Hub, Happy Hour Event (HHE)

    The overall objective of the Happy Hour Event is to strengthen the partnership between Circle U units within the “Climate Change Knowledge Hub”. We believe that this needs a better understanding of the partners’ different thematic research fields and available specific expertise.

    The Circle U, Climate Knowledge Hub, Happy Hour Events (HHE) are organized to reach this objective. An HHE is a short scientific event (typically lasting no more than 3 hours), consisting in two keynote lectures (one from the natural sciences and one from the human science domain), followed by a debate, a set of small pitch presentations and a final debate. The HHE is targeted to young researchers and doctoral students of the different partners. The participation in an HHE is certified by the organisers and can be included in the participants’ portfolio of research training.

    Scope and objectives of the Circle U knowledge hub first Happy Hour Event

    The current projected climate change for western Europe suggests an acceleration of the hydrological cycle, and hence predicts for the coming decades an increase of exceptional meteorological events such as heat waves, droughts, or catastrophic rainfall and flooding events. Such speeding up of the hydrological cycle adds considerable burden on the quality of life, in particular in urban environments, and calls for additional urgent measures to make European cities climate resilient. The adaptation of urban water infrastructure and water management is often considered as a key to face this challenge and to make cities more resilient to climate change. Yet, designing climate resilient water infrastructure for urban environments should be based on a thorough understanding of the hydrological processes in urban settings. In this happy hour, scientific advances supporting climate resilient water management for urban environments will be discussed.

    Format of the Happy Hour Event

    Two keynote lectures will allow to present specific cases dealing with climate resilience, hydrological issues and water management in urban environments.

    A call is made for PhD students and researchers of Circle U to present a pitch presentation of scientific studies related to urban water management and infrastructure adaptation to face the challenges of climate change in urban environments. Contributions are solicited on the following topics

    • Extreme hydroclimatic observations in urban environments
    • Hydroclimatic models for urban environments
    • Water management infrastructure to reduce flooding and extreme drought impacts
    • Restoration of natural watersystems in urban environments
    • Nature based solutions for making cities blue and green
    • Innovation in water production, water distribution and water sanitation
    • People engagement to contribute to blue resilient water cities

    Submission format and deadline

    PhD students and researchers of Circle U. are invited to submit their pitch proposals in the following format

    • Name
    • Affilitiation
    • Abstract

    Pitch proposals should be submitted before 17/11/22, 24h00.

    Selected pitch proposals will be invited for a pitch presentation of 3 minutes + 2 minutes of discussion.

    Publications and certifications

    The oral and pitch presentations will be registered and will be made available on the web site of the event

    A book of abstracts will be made available on the web site of the event

    A certificate of participation will be delivered to participants

    Preliminary programme

    13h00-13h20 - Keynote lecture: "How does Paris impact heavy metal transfer in the Seine river?". Prof. Alexandre Gelabert, U Paris.

    13h20-13h30 - Q&A

    13h30-13h50 - Keynote lecture: “Flooding in Walloon Brabant: from a transdisciplinary diagnosis to transdisciplinary actions?.” Prof. Jean Philippe de Visscher, LAB, UCLouvain.

    13h50-14h00 - Q&A

    14h00-15h00 - An ensemble of PhD pitch presentations (3 min presentation per pitch, 2 min questions – discussion per pitch). To be confirmed after 14/11/22

    15h00-16h00 - Panel and final discussion

    16h00-16h15 - Transfer to downtown Louvain-la-Neuve to participate to the Circle U. conference “INCREASING THE CONTRIBUTION OF TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH TO ACCELERATING SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS


    This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 101004062



    Placeholder image
    24/11/2022 Circle U. Climate Hub 1st Happy Hour Event
    24 Nov
    24 Nov

    Increasing climate resilience of our cities through sustainable urban water management

    Date: 24 November 2022, 13:00 - 16:00

    Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via Teams ) and Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Earth & Life Institute, Bâtiment de Serres, UCLouvain).

    Target Audience: Circle U researchers (PhD students, others, …) interested in climate science, water management and urban planning.


    • Circle U, Climate Hub
    • Louvain4Water

    Background of Circle U, Climate Hub, Happy Hour Event (HHE)

    The overall objective of the Happy Hour Event is to strengthen the partnership between Circle U units within the “Climate Change Knowledge Hub”. We believe that this needs a better understanding of the partners’ different thematic research fields and available specific expertise.

    The Circle U, Climate Knowledge Hub, Happy Hour Events (HHE) are organized to reach this objective. An HHE is a short scientific event (typically lasting no more than 3 hours), consisting in two keynote lectures (one from the natural sciences and one from the human science domain), followed by a debate, a set of small pitch presentations and a final debate. The HHE is targeted to young researchers and doctoral students of the different partners. The participation in an HHE is certified by the organisers and can be included in the participants’ portfolio of research training.

    Scope and objectives of the Circle U knowledge hub first Happy Hour Event

    The current projected climate change for western Europe suggests an acceleration of the hydrological cycle, and hence predicts for the coming decades an increase of exceptional meteorological events such as heat waves, droughts, or catastrophic rainfall and flooding events. Such speeding up of the hydrological cycle adds considerable burden on the quality of life, in particular in urban environments, and calls for additional urgent measures to make European cities climate resilient. The adaptation of urban water infrastructure and water management is often considered as a key to face this challenge and to make cities more resilient to climate change. Yet, designing climate resilient water infrastructure for urban environments should be based on a thorough understanding of the hydrological processes in urban settings. In this happy hour, scientific advances supporting climate resilient water management for urban environments will be discussed.

    Format of the Happy Hour Event

    Two keynote lectures will allow to present specific cases dealing with climate resilience, hydrological issues and water management in urban environments.

    A call is made for PhD students and researchers of Circle U to present a pitch presentation of scientific studies related to urban water management and infrastructure adaptation to face the challenges of climate change in urban environments. Contributions are solicited on the following topics

    • Extreme hydroclimatic observations in urban environments
    • Hydroclimatic models for urban environments
    • Water management infrastructure to reduce flooding and extreme drought impacts
    • Restoration of natural watersystems in urban environments
    • Nature based solutions for making cities blue and green
    • Innovation in water production, water distribution and water sanitation
    • People engagement to contribute to blue resilient water cities

    Submission format and deadline

    PhD students and researchers of Circle U. are invited to submit their pitch proposals in the following format

    • Name
    • Affilitiation
    • Abstract

    Pitch proposals should be submitted before 17/11/22, 24h00.

    Selected pitch proposals will be invited for a pitch presentation of 3 minutes + 2 minutes of discussion.

    Publications and certifications

    The oral and pitch presentations will be registered and will be made available on the web site of the event

    A book of abstracts will be made available on the web site of the event

    A certificate of participation will be delivered to participants

    Preliminary programme

    13h00-13h20 - Keynote lecture: "How does Paris impact heavy metal transfer in the Seine river?". Prof. Alexandre Gelabert, U Paris.

    13h20-13h30 - Q&A

    13h30-13h50 - Keynote lecture: “Flooding in Walloon Brabant: from a transdisciplinary diagnosis to transdisciplinary actions?.” Prof. Jean Philippe de Visscher, LAB, UCLouvain.

    13h50-14h00 - Q&A

    14h00-15h00 - An ensemble of PhD pitch presentations (3 min presentation per pitch, 2 min questions – discussion per pitch). To be confirmed after 14/11/22

    15h00-16h00 - Panel and final discussion

    16h00-16h15 - Transfer to downtown Louvain-la-Neuve to participate to the Circle U. conference “INCREASING THE CONTRIBUTION OF TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH TO ACCELERATING SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS


    This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 101004062



  • Placeholder image
    23/05/2023 Circle U. Climate Hub 2nd Happy Hour Event
    23 May
    23 May
  • 18/10/2023 - Adaptation of agriculture to water scarcity
    18 Oct
    18 Oct


    Academic seminar on the Adaptation of Agriculture to water scarcity

    Co-organised by Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Circle U. European University Alliance, Agro-Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, Louvain4Water and Unesco-IHP Belgian chapter

    With the technical support by FAO Brussels Liaison Office

    Auditoires Montesquieu (MONT 01)
    Rue Montesquieu 2
    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Download the programme

    18/10/2023 - Adaptation of agriculture to water scarcity
    18 Oct
    18 Oct


    Academic seminar on the Adaptation of Agriculture to water scarcity

    Co-organised by Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Circle U. European University Alliance, Agro-Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, Louvain4Water and Unesco-IHP Belgian chapter

    With the technical support by FAO Brussels Liaison Office

    Auditoires Montesquieu (MONT 01)
    Rue Montesquieu 2
    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Download the programme

  • Placeholder image
    05/11/2024 - Circle U. Climate Hub 3rd Happy Hour Event
    05 Nov
    05 Nov