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Numerical Cognition

ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve


Welcome to the Numerical Cognition Lab at UCLouvain   

Main goals

We investigate the functional aspects of calculation and numerical processing and aim to find their neuroanatomical correlates:

(1) by the study of brain-damaged patient performance, of children with mathematical disabilities, and mental chronometric studies in healthy children and adults


(2) by the study of cerebral activation with functional imaging techniques.




We use Open Sesame, PsychoPy and E-Prime 1 and 2 with Microsoft Windows computers to measure performance (i.e., response latencies and error rates) on various computerized tasks with healthy participants and brain-damaged patients.


Equip2           > More
Equip4 We use the brain imaging scanner facilities (3T Achieva, Philips Medical Systems) at the Cliniques universitaires St-Luc (UCLouvain) to record brain activity during various cognitive tasks.
Equip5 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique investigating the extent to which a brain area necessarily contributes to a specific cognitive process by causing a temporary and reversible impairment of this process by applying locally a small magnetic field over the scalp. We use the TMS facilities from the CoAction Lab (UCLouvain/IoNS/COSY) to interfere actively with cerebral processes during behavioural performance to investigate various numerical processes, such as numerosity processing or mental calculation.
Equip7 Along with the Psy-NAPS, and SpringLab groups (UCLouvain), we have acquired an EyeLink 2000 eye tracker. This equipment works by measuring the distance between a light source reflection on the eye ball and the center of the pupil 2000 times a second.
Equip8 We use the virtual reality facility from Psy-NAPS. The system records room body position and limb actions wirelessy using a Polhemus Liberty Latus 120HZ Motion Analysis System, and hand actions using 5DT Data Gloves. The system records physical movements, and synchronizes visual virtual movements displayed in a 3D in the head mounted display.