Biomass and wastes conversion and biorefining processes
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Using biomass and biowastes as valuable renewable resources to sustainably produce platform chemicals and biofuels, as an alternative source of organic chemicals and fuels derived from fossil resources like oil or coal, requires to develop and better master physical, (bio)chemical and (micro)biological conversion processes dedicated to such raw materials.
Research performed in the field of bioengineering and biorefining at ELI/ELIM/Bioengineering cover the following aspects:
Characterization: feedstocks to be valorized (lignocellulosic biomass, halophytic species, bio-waste, etc); (bio)processed materials; wastes; etc.
Biorefining – biomass processing to produce a wide range of bio-based products (with minimal waste generation and maximal value):
Upstream processing - physico-chemical and biological treatments applied to fractionate biomass and generate intermediates (e.g. organosolv delignification, extraction, “electro-fractionation”, enzymatic hydrolysis, etc) or improve subsequent (bio)conversion;
Conversion and fermentation processes (with chemical, enzymatic and biological catalysts), applied to produce high-value bio-based chemicals, fuel & fuel additives, food additives and purified botanical extracts;
Thermochemical conversion to produce gaseous fuels and other molecules of interest;
Downstream processing - physical and chemical refining process to recover, purify and valorize the synthesised bioproducts. This activity is interrelated to the point 1a indicated above.