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Reactivity of inorganic solid and fluids during chemical & electrochemical processing

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An important part of the process-related research at IMAP involves the development, characterization and modeling of the processing and properties of thin films and coatings, including both metallic and ceramic (mainly metallic oxide) systems. As to the processing, specific lab-scale equipment for electrochemical, physical, thermal or chemical growth and deposition has been developed in-house, featuring in-situ monitoring of internal stress evolution for coupled processing – mechanical testing. Examples include the reactive sputtering of binary oxides, the anodization of metals or semiconductors, and the hydriding and thermal treatment of thin films. Besides the unique in-situ monitoring capability, advanced tools and know-how has been gathered over the years for a profound chemical, physico-chemical and structural characterization, including SEM, TEM and X-ray diffraction. A specific focus in electrochemical processing is dedicated to the development of new types of 3-D electrodes for the electrochemical (i.e. renewable) production of hydrogen, including the construction and design of novel types of electrochemical reactors (lab- and pilot scale).


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