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iacchos | Louvain-la-Neuve

TIMED research group
Ecological Transitions - Imaginary-Dispositives

Research questions related to social change are at the heart of the IACCHOS Institute's concerns, which has privileged links with civil society actors. The TIMED group aims to understand the issue of transitions and transformations related to the ecological crisis, including climate change, and more generally, those of sustainable development.

The aim is to analyse the scope and limits of knowledge, devices and imaginaries relating to transitions, whether these relate to questions of governance, cultures or behavioural changes. All types of actors, individual or collective, more or less institutionalised, but also social spaces are likely to be considered, knowing that they are always approached in relation to the specific constraints of their environments. We are thinking, for example, and in a non-limitative way, of educational institutions and mobility mechanisms, economic actors and cultural-religious associations, the political management of housing and the practical uses of the city, and various types of citizen mobilisation and collective action with a transformative aim, which think in terms of social justice and environmental justice.

In parallel with the ambitions of the UCLouvain Transition Plan (2021-2026) and the reflections carried out within the GRICE (Interdisciplinary Research Seminar on the Ecological Crisis and Transition) and LPTransition (Louvain Partnership Research on Ecological and Social Transition), the Ecological Transitions-Imaginary-Dispositives (TIMED) group is open to all members of the IACCHOS community.

It aims to stimulate :

  • the inter-knowledge to create and consolidate a network of people who question the societal paradigms related to this theme and contribute to the development of innovative perspectives from fundamental or applied, disciplinary, multidisciplinary or even transdisciplinary research, including in deep relationship with the actors of the civil society 
  • the emergence of mechanisms likely to enable researchers to face, as calmly as possible, the ontological and epistemological challenges posed by these questions of socio-ecological transitions.
  • to make the results of this research visible in order to ensure the best possible dissemination within civil society and among the authorities concerned.
  • In the end, the idea is to establish new perspectives and concrete research synergies, beyond the diversity of research centres, disciplines or preferred themes.

This group intends to create the conditions for a transversal exchange and, above all, to allow IACS researchers to enhance their own research on the subject and to enrich it through collective exchange. Above all, it will be a space where everyone will benefit from hearing the others on the issue of ecological transition.

Contact :

Pr. Brigitte Maréchal :
Pr. Brendan Coolsaet :
Pr. Andreia Lemaître :