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ICTEAM Thesis Awards since 2011

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Thesis Award 2024 : Thibault Pirson

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2024 was granted to Thibault Pirson for his thesis entitled "Environmental Perspectives and Limits for the Internet of Things in the Anthroposcene: Going Beyond Systematic Life-Cycle Assessment" (supervisor : David Bol).

The award was granted during the ICTEAM Day on May 30, 2024. Since Thibault couldn't be present, his supervisor picked up the diploma on his behalf.

The selection jury was chaired by Laurent Jacques. The other members were Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Laurent Francis, François Glineur et Ramin Sadre.

Thesis Award 2023 : Gaëtan Cassiers

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2023 was granted to Gaëtan Cassiers for his thesis entitled "Composable and efficient masking schemes for side-channel secure implementations" (supervisor : François-Xavier Standaert). Since Gaëtan is currently a postdoctoral researchear at IAIK of TU Graz, he couldn't be present. His supervisor, Prof. F.-X. Standaert, picked up the diploma on his behalf.

Moreover, the selection jury decided to grant a special mention to Roselien Vercauteren for a remarkable thesis with outstanding interdisciplinary and dissemination aspects. Roselien's thesis is entitled "Porous silicon flow-through membrane: application to the optical detection of bacteria from their lysate" (supervisors : Laurent Francis and Jacques Mahillon)

The selection jury was chaired by François Glineur. The other members were Y. Deville, J.-D. Legat and O. Pereira.

Thesis Award 2022 : Vincent Schellekens

The jury awarded the ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2022 to Vincent Schellekens for his thesis entitled "Extending the Compressive Statistical Learning Framework: Quantization, Privacy, and Beyond" (supervisor : Laurent Jacques).

In 2022, the selection committee was chaired by Peter Van Roy. The other members were Axel Legay, Frédéric Crevecoeur, Claude Oestges and Sorin Melinte.

Thesis Award 2021 : Charlotte Frenkel

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2021 was awarded to the thesis of Charlotte FRENKEL, entitled "Bottom-up and top-down neuromorphic processor design: Unveiling roads to embedded cognition" (supervisors : David Bol, Jean-Didier Legat).

In addition, the jury gave a special mention to the thesis of Pierre-Yves GOUSENBOURGER entitled "Interpolation and fitting on Riemannian manifolds" (supervisors : Pierre-Antoine Absil and Laurent Jacques) for its important research contributions as well as the exceptional pedagogic quality of the text.

Thesis Award 2020 : Amirafshar Moshtaghpour

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2020 was granted to Amirafshar MOSHTAGHPOUR for his thesis entitled "Computational Interferometry for Hyperspectral Imaging" (supervisor : Laurent Jacques).

Moreover, the selection jury decided to grant a special mention to Gaëtan RENSONNET for his thesis "In vivo diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of the white matter microstructure from dictionaries generated by Monte Carlo simulations: development and validation" (supervisors: B. Macq and J.-P. Thiran (EPFL)).

The selection committee was chaired by Peter Van Roy. The other members were J.-C. Delvenne, D. Flandre, C. Craeye, P. Dupont.

Thesis Award 2019 : François Rottenberg

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2019 was granted to François Rottenberg for his thesis entitled FBMC-OQAM Transceivers for Wireless and Optical Fiber Communications.

The selection committee was chaired by Peter Van Roy. The other members were Siegfried Nijssen, Raphaël Jungers, Laurent Jacques and Piotr Sobieski.

Thesis Award 2018 : Adrien Taylor

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2018 was granted to Adrien Taylor for his thesis entitled Convex Interpolation and Performance Estimation of First-order Methods for Convex Optimization (supervisors: François Glineur and Julien Hendrickx).

The jury also decided to grant a "special" ICTEAM Thesis Award for outstanding technological impact to David Lebrun for his thesis entitled Reaping the Benefits of IPv6 Segment Routing.

Thesis Award 2017 : Ratan Kotipalli

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2017 was granted to Raja Venkata Ratan KOTIPALLI for his thesis entitled Surface Passivation Effects of Aluminium Oxide on Ultra-Thin CIGS Solar Cells.

The selection committee was chaired by Luc Vandendorpe. The other members were Olivier Bonaventure, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Julien Hendrickx, Jean-Pierre Raskin and François-Xavier Standaert.

Thesis Award 2016 : Numa Couniot

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2016 was conferred to Numa COUNIOT for his thesis entitled "Highly-sensitive CMOS capacitive biosensors towards detection of single bacterial cell in electrolyte solutions" (supervisors : Denis Flandre, Laurent Francis)

This year, the selection committee was chaired by Luc Vandendorpe. The other members were Julien Hendrickx, Laurent Jacques, Olivier Pereira, Jean-Pierre Raskin and Peter Van Roy. 

Thesis Award 2015 : Nicolas Boumal

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2015 was conferred to Nicolas BOUMAL for his thesis entitled "Optimization and estimation on manifolds" (supervisors : Pierre-Antoine Absil, Vincent Blondel)

Moreover, Maxime Taquet was named as runner-up for his thesis "Multi-Fascicle Models of the Brain Microstructure for Population Studies : Acquisition, Estimation, Registration and Statistical Analysis " (supervisors: Benoît Macq, Simon Warfield (Harvard University)

The selection committee was chaired by Axel van Lamsweerde. The other members were François Glineur, Jérôme Louveaux, Claude Oestges, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Paul Van Dooren and Peter Van Roy.

Thesis Award 2014 : Julien De Vos and Olivier Devolder

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2014 was conferred ex aequo to Julien DE VOS for his thesis entitled "Switched-Capacitor DC/DC Converters in Nanometer CMOS Technologies for Micro-Power Energy Management" (supervisor: Denis Flandre) and to Olivier DEVOLDER for his thesis entitled "Exactness, Inexactness and Stochasticity in First-order Methods for Large-scale Convex Optimization" (supervisors: F. Glineur and Y. Nesterov).

The members of the selection committee were Axel van Lamsweerde (chair), P-A Absil, O. Bonaventure, C. Craeye, C. De Vleeschouwer, I. Huynen and P. Lefèvre.

Thesis Award 2013 : Laurent Vanbever

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2013 was conferred to Laurent VANBEVER for his thesis entitled "Methods and Techniques for Disruption-Free Network Reconfiguration". The thesis promotor is Prof. Olivier BONAVENTURE.

The members of the selection committee were G. Avoine, C. De Vleeschouwer, M. Gevers (chair), P. Lefèvre, D. Vanhoenacker, A. van Lamsweerde and M. Verleysen.

Thesis Award 2012 : Nicolas Gillis

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2012 was conferred to Nicolas GILLIS for his thesis entitled "Nonnegative matrix factorization : complexity, algorithms and applications". The thesis promotor is Prof. François GLINEUR.

The members of the selection committee were G. Avoine, I. Huynen, C. De Vleeschouwer, M. Gevers (chair), P. Sobieski, P. Van Dooren and P. Van Roy.

Thesis Award 2011 : Frédéric Crevecoeur

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2011 was conferred to Frédéric CREVECOEUR for his thesis entitled "The Gravitational Forces as Fundamental Input for Sensorimotor Coordination". The thesis promotors are Prof. Philippe Lefèvre (ICTEAM) and Prof. Jean-Louis Thonnard (IoNS).

Mostafa EMAM's thesis, entitled "Wide Band and Noise Characterization of Various Mosfets for Optimized Use in RF Circuits" was nominated (Promotors : Prof. D. Vanhoenacker (ICTEAM) and Prof. F. Danneville (Univ. de Lille 1)).

The members of the selection committee were G. Avoine, D. Flandre, M. Gevers (president), P. Kinget, C. De Vleeschouwer and P. Van Dooren.