INGI Seminar - A Quarter Century in the BGP World
Friday, 08 November 2024, 08h00Friday, 08 November 2024, 17h00
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The BGP protocol forms the backbone of Internet routing, enabling ISPs to exchange prefix reachability information. Despite its simple design principles, BGP’s flexibility in route selection allows for the creation of complex routing policies, such as business relationship filters and preference settings, though it can also lead to unstable configurations.
In this seminar, we explore two widely studied aspects of the BGP landscape:
1. BGP Instabilities: Oscillatory phenomena can cause persistent route flapping, generating a large volume of BGP updates. We examine how these oscillations can be characterized by frequency and are distributed across multiple frequency bands, with oscillation periods ranging from minutes to hours.
2. BGP Policy Inference: We introduce the most widely recognized models for capturing Internet routing policies and their limitations, presenting new possible approaches to describe ISP behavior.
Samuele is a PhD student at Roma Tre University, working under the guidance of Professor Giuseppe Di Battista. His research on BGP instabilities began during his master’s thesis, which he has continued into his PhD studies. During his doctoral research, he also expanded into BGP policy inference, inspired by another master’s thesis project. Recently, he started a collaborative period with Professor Cristel Pelsser at UCL, focusing on policy inference and RPKI measurement.
Pay attention : Sandwiches will be provided, please fill in the form before day D at 09:00 to reserve a sandwich
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