INGI Seminar - Cyber physical system technologies
Monday, 16 October 2023, 08h00Monday, 16 October 2023, 17h00
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Prof. Keiichi Yasumoto will present the activites of his research group. Prof. Yasumoto is the head of the research group for "Ubiquitous Computing Systems" at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. The laboratory aims to make our society smarter through cyber physical system technologies. This includes research in the "Smart Home" domain on recognition and prediction of activities as well as intelligent home appliances, in the "Smart Life" domain on measuring and improving physical and mental health, and in the "Smart City" domain on IoT, smart tourism, federated learning and privacy, and gamification mechanisms.
Prof. Yugo Nakamura will give a presentation on his recent research. Prof. Nakamura is an assistant professor in the HumanoPhilic Systems Lab at the Kyushu University in Japan. This lab conducts research on cyber-physical systems that support human life. His research interests include privacy preservation for federated learning and for human activity recognition, and cyber-physical sensing for human interactions.
Presentations by UCLouvain researchers and staff members on their research on IoT, Smart Homes, and human-machine interaction.
- Eienne Rivière: HubOS: an Operating System for Local-First, Private-by-Design Smart Home Applications
- François de Keersmaeker: Supervising Smart Home Device Interactions: A Profile-Based Firewall Approach
- Jean Vanderdonckt: TBD
- Cristel Pelsser: Internet measurements: from routing to privacy
- Sebastien Lugan: TBD