LINDSEI bibliography
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The following studies are partly or entirely based on the LINDSEI data. Please help us keep this list up-to-date by sending updates and additions to Gaëtanelle Gilquin.
- Aijmer, Karin (2004) “Pragmatic markers in spoken interlanguage”. In Cay Dollerup (ed.) Worlds of Words. A Tribute to Arne Zettersten. Special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies 3(1): 173-190.
- Aijmer, Karin (2009) “‘So er I just sort I dunno I think it’s just because...’: A corpus study of I don’t know and dunno in learners’ spoken English”. In Andreas H. Jucker, Daniel Schreier & Marianne Hundt (eds) Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse. Papers from the 29th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 29), Ascona, Switzerland, 14-18 May 2008 (pp. 151-168). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Aijmer, Karin (2011) “Well I’m not sure I think... The use of well by non-native speakers”. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16(2): 231-254.
- Algouzi, Sami (2014) Discourse Markers in Saudi English and British English: A Comparative Investigation of the Use of English Discourse Markers. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Salford.
- Balgová, Š. (2018) Errors in Expressing the Past in Advanced EFL Learners with Spanish as L1. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Banýrová, M. (2019) The Correlations between Perceived Fluency and Productive Fluency in the Speech of Advanced Czech Speakers of English. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Blagoeva, Roumiana (2001) “Comparing cohesive devices: A corpus-based analysis of conjunctions in written and spoken learner discourse”. In Paul Rayson, Andrew Wilson, Tony McEnery, Andrew Hardie & Shereen Khoja (eds) Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 Conference. UCREL Technical Paper Number 13, Special Issue (pp. 59-64). Lancaster: Lancaster University.
- Brand, Christiane & Sandra Götz (2011) “Fluency versus accuracy in advanced spoken learner language: A multi-method approach”. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16(2): 255-275.
- Brand, Christiane & Susanne Kämmerer (2006) “The Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI): Compiling the German component”. In Sabine Braun, Kurt Kohn & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy: New Resources, New Tools, New Methods (pp. 127-140). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Bulantová, B. (2020) Syntactic Complexity in the Speech of Learners of English: Issues in Operationalization. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Buysse, Lieven (2007) “Discourse marker so in the English of Flemish university students”. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures (BELL), New Series 5: 79-95.
- Buysse, Lieven (2009) “So as a marker of elaboration in native and non-native speech”. In Stef Slembrouck, Miriam Taverniers & Mieke Van Herreweghe (eds) From will to well. Studies in Linguistics offered to Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen (pp. 79-91). Gent: Academia Press.
- Buysse, Lieven (2010) Discourse Marker So in Native and Non-Native Spoken English. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent.
- Buysse, Lieven (2010) “Discourse markers in the English of Flemish university students”. In Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka (ed.) Pragmatic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics 2009. Vol. 1: Speech Actions in Theory and Applied Linguistics (pp. 461-484). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Buysse, Lieven (2011) “The business of pragmatics. The case of discourse markers in the speech of students of business English and English Linguistics”. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 161: 10-30.
- Buysse, Lieven (2012) “So as a multifunctional discourse marker in native and learner speech”. Journal of Pragmatics 44(13): 1764-1782.
- Červenková, T. (2018) Verbal Communication Strategies in English as a Foreign Language. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Chen, Xiao (2004a) “Personal referential strategies in Chinese EFL learners’ oral narratives”. In Anping He, Longyin Wang, Manfei Xu & Xiao Chen (eds) Application of Corpora to Foreign Language Education: Theory and Practice (pp. 351-365). Guangzhou: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
- Chen, Xiao (2004b) Personal Referential Strategies in Chinese EFL Learners’ Oral Narratives: A Contrastive Study Based on Multinational Learner Corpus. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. South China Normal University.
- Cheng, Chunmei (2005a) “Segmental errors in Chinese learners’ oral English”. In Anping He, Guangkeng He, Xiao Chen, Longyin Wang, Manfei Xu and Chunmei Cheng (eds) Research and Application of Corpus Linguistics (pp. 117-120). Changchun: Northeast Normal University Press.
- Cheng, Chunmei (2005b) A Corpus-based Analysis of Segmental Errors of Advanced English Learners. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. South China Normal University.
- Cheng, Chunmei (2006) “Segmental errors in Chinese learners’ oral English”. Journal of Guangxi College of Education 81(1): 111-112.
- Cheng, Chunmei (2008) “Analysis of segmental errors in Chinese learners’ oral English”. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages 1: 38-42.
- De Cock, Sylvie (1998a) “A recurrent word combination approach to the study of formulae in the speech of native and non-native speakers of English”. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 3(1): 59-80.
- De Cock, Sylvie (1998b) “Corpora of learner speech and writing and ELT”. In Aurelia Usoniene (ed.) Germanic and Baltic Linguistic Studies and Translation. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania 22-24 April 1998 (pp. 56-66). Vilnius: Homo Liber.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2000) “Repetitive phrasal chunkiness’ and advanced EFL speech and writing”. In Christian Mair & Marianne Hundt (eds) Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. Papers from the Twentieth International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 20) – Freiburg im Breisgau 1999 (pp. 51-68). Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2002) “Pragmatic prefabs in learners’ dictionaries”. In Anna Braasch & Claus Povlsen (eds) Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress, EURALEX 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13-17 2002, Volume II (pp. 471-481). Center for Sprogteknologi.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2003) Recurrent Sequences of Words in Native Speaker and Advanced Learner Spoken and Written English. A Corpus-driven Study. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2004) “Preferred sequences of words in NS and NNS speech”. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures (BELL), New Series 2: 225-246.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2007) “Routinized building blocks in native speaker and learner speech: Clausal sequences in the spotlight”. In Mari Carmen Campoy & María José Luzón (eds) Spoken Corpora in Applied Linguistics (pp. 217-233). Bern: Peter Lang.
- De Cock, Sylvie (2011) “Preferred patterns of use of positive and negative evaluative adjectives in native and learner speech: An ELT perspective”. In Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, Lynne Flowerdew & Guy Aston (eds) New Trends in Corpora and Language Learning. London & New York: Continuum.
- De Cock, Sylvie, Sylviane Granger, Geoffrey Leech & Tony McEnery (1998) “An automated approach to the phrasicon of EFL learners”. In Sylviane Granger (ed.) Learner English on Computer (pp. 67-79). London & New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
- Furiassi, Cristiano (2004) “Spoken and written learner English: A quantitative analysis of ICLE-IT and LINDSEI-IT”. In Maria Teresa Prat Zagrebelsky (ed.) Computer Learner Corpora: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Case Studies of Italian Advanced EFL Learners’ Interlanguage (pp. 193-208). Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Gillová, Lucie (2014) Tagging a Spoken Learner Corpus. Unpublished MA thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2008) “Hesitation markers among EFL learners: Pragmatic deficiency or difference?”. In Jesús Romero-Trillo (ed.) Pragmatics and Corpus Linguistics: A Mutualistic Entente (pp. 119-149). Berlin, Heidelberg & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2011) “Corpus linguistics to bridge the gap between World Englishes and Learner Englishes”. In L. Ruiz Miyares & M.R. Álvarez Silva (eds) Comunicación Social en el siglo XXI, Vol. II (pp. 638-642). Santiago de Cuba: Centro de Lingüística Aplicada.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2015) “The use of phrasal verbs by French-speaking EFL learners. A constructional and collostructional corpus-based approach”. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 11(1): 51-88.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2015) “At the interface of contact linguistics and second language acquisition research: New Englishes and Learner Englishes compared”. English World-Wide 36(1): 91-124.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2016) "Discourse markers in L2 English: From classroom to naturalistic input". In Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja & Sarah Chevalier (eds) New Approaches to English Linguistics: Building Bridges (pp. 213-249). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (2018) "Exploring the spoken learner English constructicon: A corpus-driven approach". In Rosa Alonso Alonso (ed.) Speaking in a Second Language (pp. 127-152). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gilquin, Gaëtanelle & Sylviane Granger (2015) “Learner language”. In Douglas Biber & Randi Reppen (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics (pp. 418-435). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Götz, Sandra (2006) Fortgeschrittene englische Lernersprache: Eine korpusbasierte Studie zu ausgewählten Merkmalen gesprochener Morphosyntax [Advanced English Learner Language: A Corpus-based Study of Selected Features of Spoken Morphosyntax]. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. University of Giessen.
- Götz, Sandra (2007) “Performanzphänomene in gesprochenem Lernerenglisch: eine korpusbasierte Pilotstudie” [Performance phenomena in spoken learner English: A corpus-based pilot study]. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 18(1): 67-84.
- Götz, Sandra & Marco Schilk (2011) “Formulaic sequences in spoken ENL, ESL and EFL. Focus on British English, Indian English and learner English of advanced German learners”. In Marianne Hundt & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) Exploring Second-Language Varieties of English and Learner Englishes: Bridging a Paradigm Gap (pp. 79-100). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gráf, Tomáš (2015) Accuracy and Fluency in the Speech of the Advanced Learner of English. Unpublished PhD thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Gráf, Tomáš (2017a) “Repeats in advanced spoken English of learners with Czech as L1”. AUC PHILOLOGICA 2017(3): 65-78.
- Gráf, Tomáš (2017b) “Verb errors in advanced learner English”. AUC PHILOLOGICA 2017(1): 131-149.
- Grigaliūnienė, Jonė & Rita Juknevičienė. 2011. “Formulaic language, learner speech and the spoken corpus of learner English LINDSEI-LITH”. Žmogus ir žodis 13(III): 12-18.
- Hatzidaki, Ourania (2006) “Evaluation of the spoken lexicophraseological skills of Greek university students of English: A corpus-based approach”. Proceedings of the International Conference “Foreign Language Teaching in Tertiary Education, 9-10 June 2005, Epirus Institute of Technology (pp. 214-226). Athens: Dionikos Publications.
- He, Anping (2011) “Exploring stance bundles in spoken English - A corpus perspective”. Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice 1: 25-31, 37.
- He, Anping & Manfei Xu (2003) “Small words in Chinese EFL learners’ spoken English”. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 35(6): 446-453.
- He, Anping & Manfei Xu (2004) “Small words in Chinese university students’ spoken English”. In Anping He, Longyin Wang, Manfei Xu & Xiao Chen (eds) Application of Corpora to Foreign Language Education: Theory and Practice (pp. 336-350). Guangzhou: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
- He, Anping & Manfei Xu (2011) “On the linearity and dynamity of epistemic markers in spoken English”. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies 3: 17-21.
- Huang, Lan-fen (2014) “Constructing the Taiwanese component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI)”. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, Special Issue: Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies 11(1): 31-74.
- Hubáčková, I. (2017) Errors in the Usage of Article in Advanced EFL Learners with Spanish as L1. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Hugon, Claire (2007) Disentangling Register and Transfer Effects in Second Language Acquisition. A Corpus-based Study of High-frequency Verbs in Native and Learner Speech and Writing. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain.
- Jendryczka-Wierszycka, Joanna (2006) Lexical Bundles in Polish Learner Speech: A Study Based on the PLINDSEI Corpus of Spoken Learner English. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Adam Mickiewicz University.
- Jendryczka-Wierszycka, Joanna (2008a) “Vagueness in Polglish Speech”. In Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (ed.) PALC’07: Practical Applications in Language and Computers. Papers from the International Conference at the University of Łódź, 19-22 April 2007 (pp. 599-615). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
- Jendryczka-Wierszycka, Joanna (2008b) “‘Well I don’t know what else can I say’. Discourse markers in English learner speech”. In Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, Tawfiq Rkibi, Maria do Rosário Braga da Cruz, Ricardo Carvalho, Cristina Direito & Diogo Santos-Rosa (eds) Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (pp. 158-166). Lisboa: Associação de Estudos e de Investigação Científica do ISLA-Lisboa.
- Jendryczka-Wierszycka, Joanna (2009) “Collecting spoken learner data: Challenges and benefits. A Polish L1 perspective”. In Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2009. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
- Jiřelová, K. (2018) Language Transfer and Fluency. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Kämmerer, Susanne (2006) Interference in Advanced Spoken English Interlanguage: A Corpus-based Study. Unpublished Diploma Thesis. University of Giessen.
- Kämmerer, Susanne & Sven Saage (2009) “How learner corpora can give insights into universal/L1-specific features of learner language and why this is useful”. In Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in English Language Teaching, Special issue of Vienna English Working Papers 18(3): 173-176 (available at dep_anglist/weitere_Uploads/Views/Views_18_3_2009_special_issue.pdf).
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2002) “Potential of learner corpora for SLA research and language teaching”. Gakuen 741: 1-15. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2003) “The use of negative emotional expression in English by non-native speakers: A corpus-based comparative study”. Gakuen 752: 1-16. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2004a) “The use of past tense forms by Japanese learners of English.” In Junsaku Nakamura, Nagayuki Inoue & Tomoji Tabata (eds) English Corpora under Japanese Eyes (pp. 215-228). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2004b) “A comparative study of the use of spoken and written tense forms by Japanese learners of English”. In Handbook of an International Symposium on Learner Corpora in Asia (pp. 73-74). Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2005) “English lexical phrases used by Japanese university students”. Gakuen 774: 1-14. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2006) “Semantic network makes things more problematic: Use of vertical axis prepositions by Japanese learners of English”. Gakuen 786: 1-16. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2007) “Why so many article errors? Use of articles by Japanese learners of English”. Gakuen 798: 1-16. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2008) “Use of English prepositions by Japanese university students”. Gakuen 810: 1-12. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko (2009) “Use of mother tongue in English-as-a-foreign-language speech by Japanese university students”. Gakuen 822: 25-41. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko Tomoko, Takako Kobayashi & Misuzu Takami (2001) “Studies on LINDSEI Japanese data”. Gakuen 730: 11-32. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kaneko, Tomoko, Takako Kobayashi & Misuzu Takami (2006) “The use of emotional expressions in English by non-native speakers: A corpus-based comparative study”. Gakuen 785: 45-55. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Kobayashi, Takako (2004) “How positive emotional expressions are used in EFL learners of English” [written in Japanese]. English Corpus Studies 11: 37-47. Tokyo: Japan Association for English Corpus Studies.
- Kobayashi, Takako (2007) “Usage of the verb ‘feel’: A corpus-based comparative study”. Gakuen 804: 78-93. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Lin, Weiyan (2013) “On university students’ metadiscoursal oral chunks”. In He Anping (ed.) Theories and Pedagogical Processing of Phraseologies in Corpus Linguistics (pp. 39-53). Guangzhou: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
- Lin, Weiyan (2014) “On metadiscoursal features of Chinese university students’ oral English: A perspective from chunks”. US-China Foreign Language 5: 402-410.
- Lin, Weiyan & He Anping (2012) “On metadiscoursal features of oral English ‘machine-cut’ chunks”. Foreign Languages and their Teaching 4: 11-15.
- Lin, Weiyan & He Anping (2013) “On university students’ oral English metadiscoursal chunks”. In He Anping (ed.) Phraseology and Its Pedagogical Processing in Corpus Linguistics. Guangzhou: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
- Mukherjee, Joybrato (2007) “Exploring and annotating a spoken English learner corpus: A work-in-progress report”. In Sabine Volk-Birke & Julia Lippert (eds) Anglistentag 2006 Halle: Proceedings (pp. 365-375). Trier: WVT.
- Mukherjee, Joybrato (2009) “The grammar of conversation in advanced spoken learner English: Learner corpus data and language-pedagogical implications”. In Karin Aijmer (ed.) Corpora and Language Teaching (pp. 203-230). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Mukherjee, Joybrato & Jan-Marc Rohrbach (2006) “Rethinking applied corpus linguistics from a language-pedagogical perspective: New departures in learner corpus research”. In Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds) Planing, Gluing and Painting Corpora: Inside the Applied Corpus Linguist's Workshop (pp. 205-232). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Pazderová, T. (2018) Errors in the Use of Articles in Czech Advanced Learner English. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Pérez-Paredes, Pascual (2010) “The death of the adverb revisited: Attested uses of adverbs in native and non-native comparable corpora of spoken English”. In María Moreno Jaén, Fernando Serrano Valverde & María Calzada Pérez (eds) Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy. Lexis and Corpus-based Language Teaching (pp. 157-172). London: Equinox.
- Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, Purificación Sánchez Hernández & Pilar Aguado Jiménez (2008) “Adverbial hedges in university students oral performance: A cross-language multidimensional analysis”. In Purificación Sánchez Hernández, Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Pilar Aguado Jiménez & Raquel Criado Sánchez (eds) Researching and Teaching Specialized Languages: New Contexts, New Challenges (pp. 130-140). Murcia: Editum, Universidad de Murcia.
- Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, Purificación Sánchez Hernández, Pilar Aguado Jiménez & Raquel Criado Sánchez (2006) “El ámbito de la oralidad en la investigación lingüística anglosajona reciente”. RESLA (Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada) 19: 163-177.
- Puga, Karin (2019) "English intonation of advanced learners: A Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis”. In Sandra Götz & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) Learner Corpora and Language Teaching (pp. 191-217). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Pulcini, Virginia (2002) “Coarticulation phenomena in native and non-native speech production”. In Giovanni Iamartino, Marialuisa Bignami & Carlo Pagetti (eds) The Economy Principle in English: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Perspectives, Proceedings of the XIX Conference of the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (pp. 255-265). Milano: Unicopli.
- Pulcini, Virginia (2004) “A corpus of ‘informal academic interviews’: The Italian component of the LINDSEI project”. In Maria Teresa Prat Zagrebelsky (ed.) Computer Learner Corpora: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Case Studies of Italian Advanced EFL Learners’ Interlanguage (pp. 177-192). Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Pulcini, Virginia (2009) “L’inglese degli studenti italiani: la valutazione nel LINDSEI”. In Carlo Consani, Cristiano Furiassi, Francesca Guazzelli & Carmela Perta (eds) Atti del 9° Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (AItLA). Oralità/scrittura. In memoria di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona (pp. 243-260) Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
- Pulcini, Virginia & Adriana Damascelli (2005) “A corpus-based study of the discourse marker ‘okay’”. In Antonio Bertacca (ed.) Historical Linguistic Studies of Spoken English (pp. 231-243). Pisa: Edizioni Plus.
- Pulcini, Virginia & Cristiano Furiassi (2004) “Spoken interaction and discourse markers in a corpus of learner English”. In Alan Partington, John Morley & Louann Haarman (eds) Corpora and Discourse (pp. 107-123). Bern: Peter Lang.
- Pylypiuk, A. (2019) Filled Pauses in Learner and Native English. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Rálišová, D. (2020) Measuring Lexical Complexity in L2 Speech with Word Frequency Lists. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Ramírez, María Dolores & Jesús Romero (2005) “The pragmatic function of intonation in L2 discourse: English tag questions used by Spanish speakers”. Intercultural Pragmatics 2(2): 151-168.
- Romero, Jesús (2002) “The pragmatic fossilization of discourse markers in non-native speakers of English”. Journal of Pragmatics 34(6): 769-784.
- Romero, Jesús (2004) “Subjective and objective grounding in discourse markers: A cross-linguistic corpus-driven approach”. In Karin Aijmer (ed.) Dialogue Analysis VIII: Understanding and Misunderstanding in Dialogue, Selected Papers from the 8th IADA Conference, Göteborg 2001 (pp. 185-197). Tübingen: Niemeyer.
- Rosen, Anna (2016) “The fate of linguistic innovations: Jersey English and French learner English compared”. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2(2): 302-322.
- Rosen, Anna (2019) "The use of smallwords in the speech of German learners of English: A corpus-based study of the factors of instruction and natural exposure". In Sandra Götz & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) Learner Corpora and Language Teaching (pp. 219-241). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Škutová, Z. (2019) Lexical Variety in Oral Production of L2 Learners of English as a Factor in Determining Language Proficiency. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Štěpánová, T. (2016) "I I erm I thought": Selected Performance Phenomena of Czech Advanced Speakers of English in Comparison with the Native Speaker Norm. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.
- Takami, Misuzu (2002) “Japanese EFL learners’ use of coordinating conjunctions in spoken/written discourse”. Gakuen 741: 101-112. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Takami, Misuzu (2003) “An analysis of Japanese EFL learners’ use of adjectival emotive participles in spoken discourse”. Gakuen: 54-64. Tokyo: Showa Women’s University.
- Tizón Couto, Beatriz (2011) Clausal Complementation in Contemporary English: A Corpus-based Study on Native and Learner Spoken Data. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Universidade de Vigo.
- Vorherr, Annedore (2006) Collocations in Spoken English Learner Language: A Corpus-based Study. Unpublished Diploma Thesis. University of Giessen.
- Wang, Zhihui (2004) A Study on Self-repair Behaviors and EFL Learners’ Oral Fluency. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. South China Normal University.
- Xu, Manfei (2009) On Epistemic Markers in Spoken English. A Corpus-based Multi-level Linear Perspective Contrastive Analysis. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
- Xu, Manfei & He Anping (2011) “Comparing ‘I think’ in Chinese and British university students’ spoken English”. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies 3: 22-26.
- Zhang, Jinping (2005a) “Small words used by English learners: A corpus-based comparative study”. In Anping He, Guangkeng He, Xiao Chen, Longyin Wang, Manfei Xu and Chunmei Cheng (eds) Research and Application of Corpus Linguistics (p. 185). Changchun: Northeast Normal University Press.
- Zhang, Jinping (2005b) Small Words Used by English Learners: A Corpus-based Comparative Study. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. South China Normal University.
- Zhang, Jinping (2007) “A corpus-based study of small words used by Chinese English learners at different levels”. Crazy English (Teachers) 8: 57-59.
- Zhang, Shuling & He Anping (2011) “Chinese students stiff speech tone in using ‘must’”. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies 3: 27-31.
- Zhuang, Xiaorong (2004) A Corpus-based Study of Verb Collocations and EFL Learners' Oral Fluency. Unpublished B.A. Thesis. South China Normal University.
- Zvěřinová, S. (2016) N-grams in the Speech of Czech and Native Speakers of English. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Charles University, Prague.