Provisional programme
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8.45 |
Welcome |
9.00 |
A word from the authorities |
9.10 |
A word from the organizers |
9.20 – 10.20 |
Keynote – Geert Jacobs (Ghent University): How to make free trade cool (again): A metapragmatic analysis  |
10.20 – 10.45 |
Virtual coffee break |
10.45 – 11.45 |
Keynote – Michael Handford (Cardiff University): Corpus linguistic approaches to business English  |
11.45 – 12.45 |
Short papers (2 parallel sessions):
(1) Intercultural communication (Chairs: Sylvie De Cock and Thomas François)
- [ 11.45 ] Catho Jacobs, Dorien Van De Mieroop and Colette Van Laar (KU Leuven): Dual identities? How individuals with a migration background negotiate ethnic and national identities at work

- [ 12.00 ] Melina De Dijn and Dorien Van De Mieroop (KU Leuven): ‘Are your Friends also Romanian?’ An interactional sociolinguistic analysis of recruiters’ initiations of foreign national membership categories in job interviews

- [ 12.15 ] Els Tobback (University of Antwerp): Between communicative ethos and self-construal: a cross-cultural corpus analysis of self-promotion strategies in French and American LinkedIn summaries

- [ 12.30 ] Greet De Baets, Sofie Decock and Ellen Van Praet (Ghent University): Interviewing aikido experts: aikido as an embodied pedagogy for recipient design in intercultural business communication

(2) Organizational communication / Discourse analysis (Chair: Geert Jacobs)
- [ 11.45 ] Barbara De Cock (UCLouvain) and Sara Greco (Università della Svizzera Italiana): What is fair fashion and who can make it happen? An analysis of issue definitions and the construction of agency across different stakeholders concerning fashion sustainability

- [ 12.00 ] Kim Schoofs (KULeuven): Belgian abbey beers’ online founding stories orienting to a global market

- [ 12.15 ] Rudi Palmieri (University of Liverpool), Chiara Mercuri and Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati (Universitá della Svizzera italiana): Persuasive reasons in crowdfunding campaigns: comparing argumentative strategies in successful and unsuccessful projects on Kickstarter

- [ 12.30 ] Bernadette Hofer-Bonfim, Zlatoslava Savych and Johannes Schnitzer (Vienna University of Economics and Business): A corpus linguistic analysis of cross-cultural aspects of Diversity and Inclusion disclosure in Corporate Social Responsibility reports

12.45 – 14.00 |
Virtual lunch break |
14.00 – 15.00 |
Keynote – Thierry Fontenelle (European Investment Bank): Translation and multilingual communication at the European Investment Bank  |
15.00 – 16.00 |
Keynote – Isabelle Clerc (ULaval): De la mesure de l’efficacité communicationnelle au protocole de réécriture : le cas de lettres adressées aux citoyens par la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail au Québec (in French) |
16.00 – 16.30 |
Virtual coffee break |
16.30 – 17.30 |
Short papers (3 parallel sessions)
(1) Genre (Chair: Michael Handford)
- [ 16.30 ] Tran Hanh Trang Pham and Thomas François (UCLouvain): Genre model of French-speaking tourist websites

- [ 16.45 ] Detong Xia (University of Cincinnati): Lexical Bundles in Rhetorical Moves of Business Email

- [ 17.00 ] Rebecca Van Herck, Lieve Vangehuchten (Ghent University): Cross-cultural move analysis of authentic British English, German, and Spanish organizational email replies to customer complaints in a B2C context

- [ 17.15 ] Nicolas Ruytenbeek (Ghent University): Negativity and narrativity in online hotel reviews: The role of the platform

(2) Plain language and efficient communication (Chair: Isabelle Clerc)
- [ 16.30 ] Claudio Nobili (Università degli Studi di Salerno): Beyond the CUR project: the role of the school in integrating linguistic and citizenship education

- [ 16.45 ] Adeline Müller (UCLouvain), Isabelle Clerc (ULaval), Thomas François (UClouvain): How do professional writers use plain language in their everyday job? A survey of 55 professional writers in Quebec

- [ 17.00 ] Jennifer Thewissen (UAntwerp & Université Saint-Louis), James Thewissen (UCLouvain), Wouter Torsin (ULiège) and Özgür Arslan-Ayaydin (University of Illinois at Chicago): Spell it right! The impact of linguistic accuracy on business investment decisions

- [ 17.15 ] Pauline Parmentier, Aline Colau and Thomas François (UCLouvain): Would being more natural help to make an oral presentation more efficient?

(3) Language policy/NLP/terminology (Chair: Thierry Fontenelle)
- [ 16.30 ] Fien De Malsche (UAntwerp): Reconstructing over 20 years of corporate language policy in Brussels

- [ 16.45 ] Thomas Gaillat, Sophie Belan and Julie McAllister-Pavageau (University of Rennes 2, University of Nantes): Exploring linguistic complexity in learner English applied to business

- [ 17.00 ] Hadjer Khaldi (1,2), Amine Abdaoui (2), Farah Benamara (1) and Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (1) (1. IRIT, Toulouse, 2. Geotrend, Toulouse): Business Relation Extraction From the Web

- [ 17.15 ] Michela Tonti (Università di Bologna): Pour une typologisation d’unités multilexémiques de l’économie d’entreprise à l’aune de critères syntactico-sémantiques (in French)

17.30 – 17.40 |
Closing |