The institute consists of four research divisions (BSMA, MODL, MOST, NAPS), which represent the major trends of research groups included in the institute. These research divisions help to bring laboratories linked to different faculties around a research theme consistently developed in the institute.
- Surfaces and (bio)interfaces
- Nano-Materials & Nano-Devices
- Macromolecules & Polymer-Based Materials
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- Materials for batteries (anodes, electrolytes, cathodes)
- Materials for photovoltaics (TCM and absorbers)
- Materials for light-emitting diodes (LED)
- Thermoelectric materials
- Materials for silicon-based technology (Metal/Oxide/Silicon in particular, and also new high-k dielectrics)
- Novel 2D materials for emerging nanotechnology
- Theoretical and software developments for first-principles simulations
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- Solid catalysis
- Chemistry of inorganic and organic materials
- Organic, bio-organic and medicinal chemistry
- Theoretical, physical and structural chemistry.
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- Atomic, molecular and optical physics
- Physico-chemistry and physics of materials and nanostructures
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