Control of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric prostheses using invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces
immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

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Control of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric prostheses using invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces
05 Jun
The traces of amputations and those of the tools/apparatus proposed, designed and manufactured to replace the lost upper or lower limbs can be found in Antiquity. Amputees and/or tetraplegics have varying degrees of disability and anatomical dysfunction. However, existing upper arm prosthetics, particularly the prosthetic hands, are quite far from being able to substitute the lost functions.
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Control of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric prostheses using invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces
05 Jun
The traces of amputations and those of the tools/apparatus proposed, designed and manufactured to replace the lost upper or lower limbs can be found in Antiquity. Amputees and/or tetraplegics have varying degrees of disability and anatomical dysfunction. However, existing upper arm prosthetics, particularly the prosthetic hands, are quite far from being able to substitute the lost functions.