projet CO2MBS: Integrating CO2 Capture and Methanation in the Belgian Energy system
immc | Louvain-la-Neuve
A novel process concept is developed to integrate CO2 capture and methanation in the Belgian energy system, using the available infrastructure and the planned hydrogen backbone of Belgium. The fundamental challenges at the system, the materials and the reactor design for the use and production of climate-neutral syn-methane in the Belgian energy system are investigated, and the potential for the proposed process concept to lower grid balancing costs and improve security of supply in Belgium is analysed.
Name of the project: CO2MBS – Integrating CO2 Capture and Methanation in the Belgian Energy System
Date: 2022-2025
Funding: Fonds de transition Energétique SPF Economie
Budget: 983.403 € (UCLouvain: 251.652€)
Partners: UGent, VITO, EnergyVille, UClouvain (Prof. Juray de Wilde)