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Workshop on Friction Stir based processes, 4-5 December 2023, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

25 October 2023, modified on 18 December 2024

Location : Euler building, room A002


Monday December 4th

12:30-13:15: Light sandwich lunch

13:15-13:30: Welcome address, Aude SIMAR (UCLouvain, Belgium)

13:30-13:55: In-process excavation and repair of defective FSW joints; application to space launchers, Dorick BALLAT-DURAND (ArianeGroup SAS)

13:55-14:20: Comparison of Friction Stir Welding with different fusion welding processes in joining Aluminium EN AW-6063 T6, Iurii GOLUBEV, Axel MEYER (RIFTEC GmbH, Germany)

14:20-14:45: Study of robotized Friction Melt Bonding on FSW welding cell: implementation on overlap welding of mild steel with aluminum, Mathieu LUCAS, Damien NOIZILLIER, Sandra CHEVRET (LCFC, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, Metz, France), Sophie RYELANDT, Aude SIMAR

14:45-15:10: High speed FSW of aluminium alloys – Results from the Albatross project, Jeroen DE BACKER (TWI, UK, University West, Sweden), Pedro SANTOS, Vivek PATEL, Irem SAPMAZ

15:10-15:35: Fatigue Performance of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded 2219 Aluminium Alloy Joints, Matteo BERNARDI (Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Germany), Ting CHEN, Canelo DAVID, Luciano BERGMANN, Benjamin KLUSEMANN

15:35-15:50: FSW's industrial feedback: New challenges, Landry GIRAUD (Tra-C Industrie, France), François JOSSE

15:50:16:05: AALASA project – FSW of Aluminium- Lithium alloys for space applications, Philippe DUFOUR (Sonaca, Belgium), Vivien CROES, Steven KEYZER, Philippe LEGROS, Matthieu B. LEZAACK, Yves MARCHAL, Aude SIMAR, Okan YILMAZ

16:05-16:35: Coffee break

16:35-17:00: Friction Stir Welding Operating Window for Aluminum Alloy Obtained by Temperature Measurement, Moura ABBOUD, Laurent DUBOURG (Stirweld, France), Adrien LEYGUE, Guillaume RACINEUX, Olivier KERBRAT

17:00-17:25: Microstructure evolution in friction extrusion of aluminium alloys, Lars RATH, Chang CHAN, Uceu SUHUDDIN, Benjamin KLUSEMANN (Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin,Germany)

17:25-17:50: The influence of the deposition speed during friction screw extrusion additive manufacturing of AA6060, Ton BON (University of Twente, Netherlands), Sharon STRIK, Saed SAYYAD REZAEINEJAD, Martin LUCKABAUER, Remko AKKERMAN

17:50-18:15: Multi-layer friction surfacing of aluminium alloys: microstructural and mechanical properties, Marius HOFFMANN (Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Germany), Arne ROOS, Zina KALLIEN, Benjamin KLUSEMANN

18:15-18:40: Heterogeneities in solid-state additively manufactured 7075 aluminium alloy, Matthieu JADOT (UCLouvain, Belgium), Jishuai LI, Jichang XIE, Matthieu B. LEZAACK, Thaneshan SAPANATHAN, Mohamed RACHIK, Aude SIMAR

18:40-18:55: Investigating the role of microstructural features in plastic deformation of friction-stir deposited aluminum, Florian GIRAULT (ONERA – the French aerospace lab, Châtillon, LMS – CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France), Louise TOUALBI, Thibaut BOUILLY, Alexandre TANGUY, Simon HALLAIS, Matthieu LEZAACK, Eric CHARKALUK

19:30-21:30: Workshop diner
(please make sure you inform in the registration googleform if you are not participating, or tell Catherine Bauwens -


Tuesday December 5th

8:30-8:55: Optimum FSW welding parameters assessment for quasi-pure copper butt joints using external heat source: experimental and numerical investigations, R. BULACU, C. BADULESCU, Younes DEMMOUCHE (ENSTA Bretagne, France), M. IORDACHE, E. NITU, M. DHONT, M. DIAKHATE

8:55-9:20: Why is the extension of an Representative Volume Element (RVE) of the nugget zone of an FSP single track of LPBF AlSi10Mg towards an RVE of multiple tracks not straightforward? Chantal BOUFFIOUX, Olivier DEDRY, Hector SEPULVEDA, Anne MERTENS, Camille VAN DER REST, Aude SIMAR, Laurent DUCHENE, Anne-Marie HABRAKEN (ULiège, Belgium)

9:20-9:45: Simulation of the Friction Melt Bonding process using FEM and PFEM, Eduardo FERNANDEZ (ULiège, Belgium), Tianyu ZHANG, Billy-Joe BOBACH, Luc PAPELEUX, Simon FÉVRIER, Martin LACROIX, Romain BOMAN, Jean-Philippe PONTHOT

9:45-10:10: Demonstration of the ScanStir FSW web application, Henrik Blicher SCHMIDT (HBS Engineering ApS, Denmark).

10:10-10:35: Influence of uniform intermetallic thickness on weld strength in dissimilar Titanium and aluminium welds processed by Friction Melt Bonding (FMB), Sanjay C KRISHNAMURTY (UCLouvain, Belgium), Thaneshan SAPANATHAN, Aude SIMAR

10:35-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-11:15: Introduction to the FSWP conference in Coimbra in 2025, David ANDRADE, Ivan GALVAO, Dulce M. RODRIGUES (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

11:15-11:40: Fatigue life improvement using friction stir processing (FSP) of high strength aluminium alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), Camille VAN DER REST, Nicolas NOTHOMB (UCLouvain, Belgium), Sophie DE RAEDEMACKER, Marie-Noëlle AVETTAND-FENOEL, Juan Guillermo SANTOS MACIAS, Lv ZHAO, Aude SIMAR

11:40-11:55: Process parameters-based coefficients for determining temperature and torque in FSW and FSSW, David ANDRADE (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Carlos LEITAO, Dulce M. RODRIGUES

11:55-12:10: Analysis of the bonding interface in FSSW of Ti-based dissimilar systems, Ivan GALVAO, Rui LEAL, Carlos LEITAO (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

12:10-12:35: Enhancing Performance of Welded Additively Manufactured Aluminium Alloy Components through Friction Stir Welding, Rafael NUNES (Belgian Welding Institute, UGent, UCLouvain, Belgium), Matthieu LEZAACK, Aude SIMAR, Koen FAES, Wim DE WAELE

12:35-13:30: Light sandwich lunch