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One of the main goal of a laboratory making mechanical tests is to produce and maintain a high level of know-how in instrumentation. The « Laboratoire Essais Mécaniques, Structures et Génie Civil LEMSC » (Mechanical Testing, Structures and Civil Engineering Laboratory) tries as far as possible to follow the numerous current technical developments in instrumentation. Several technical keypoints of our lab can be highlighted:
For more information, please contact Catherine Doneux
8 hydraulic machines
Axial compression 5000 kN
Axial tension/compression 1000 kN, 500 kN, 100 kN, 50 kN, 25 kN and 15 kN
Axial-torsion 250 kN – 2200 Nm
Tensile machine -170°C for prestressing strands
10 relaxation machines (prestressing strands and wires)
3 corrosion under tension (prestressing strands and wires)
4 universal uniaxial machines (250 kN, 50 kN, 2 kN)
1 low energy impactor
2 temperature chambers (-70°C +250°C)
1 climatic chamber (T° and humidity)
DIC equipment with 4 cameras
1 high speed camera
Specific setups for composite materials
Specific setups for fracture mechanics