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lab | Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Tournai

Research in urbanism, planning, territorial design and development aims at addressing complex socio-economic, technical and environmental challenges by supporting the dynamics of territorial systems at different spatial and temporal scales within a context of metropolisation. The projects developed within the macro-domain of “Landscape” seek to articulate hypotheses, strengthen knowledge, and develop models, methods, and tools to analyse and act on territories at local and global level, across borders and towards the Global South, and to advance our understanding of the biophysical relations between natural capital, access to resources, ecosystem services, urban communities, and human well-being. The results of our research wish to sustain the current transitions of territories, cities, and of green and blue infrastructures, ensuring their resilience against social, financial and climatic threats, promoting the inclusiveness and quality of inhabited spaces, and reflecting on scales and tools of representation as a mean of production of new knowledge.​

Centre de Recherches et d’Études pour l’Action Territoriale   
Urban Metabolism lab