lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve
LIDAM is a community of researchers, primarily concerned with the creation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge at the highest level.
Structured as a confederation of four Resarch Centers of the University of UCLouvain (CORE, IRES, ISBA, LFIN) and one Platform for Statistical Consulting and Continuing Education (SMCS), the LIDAM institute builds on the experience, tradition and the common culture of excellence of these entities to meet its current and future challenges.
As far as its mission is concerned, LIDAM
Aims at providing for its members an international, open-minded and multi-disciplinary research environment, allowing them to pursue innovation and excellence in research and establish fruitful partnership within and beyond the Institute;
Wishes to be recognized as a leading research institution in the European landscape and promotes the participation of its centers in the international research networks;
Puts special emphasis on the training and supervision of Ph.D. students and Post-Doctoral researchers;
Makes available to its members the administrative support and scientific expertise needed to attract research funds;
Encourages its researchers to develop socially relevant projects and interact with policy makers, the business sector and the civil society.
Through the techological plateform SMCS, LIDAM also provides state-of-the-art statistical and computing support to researchers in all disciplines from UCLouvain and beyond.