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LIDAM Seminars

lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve

Which Seminars can I attend at LIDAM?

LIDAM is a multidisciplinary research intstitute and, as a consequence, we organise seminars in various disciplines. You will find below our seminars listed by field. 

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LIDAM seminars in Economics

When: on Wednesdays at 12.50
Where: C035

The IRES Lunch Seminar is an informal forum where researchers present their work in progress in details and receive criticism and feedback from colleagues. Presentations on the blackboard are also welcome. PhD students entering the job market this year are strongly encouraged to present their job market paper.

When : On Tuesdays from 12:45 to 13:45
Where: D. 144 Dupirez Building
Website: IRES Lunch full programme

Louvain Economics of Digitization Seminar
When: On Fridays at 15:00
Where: ZOOM
Website: LED Website

UCLouvain Economics Seminar
The UCLouvain Economics Seminar is an external seminar jointly organized by CORE and IRES
When: On Thursdays
Where: Doyen 22
Website: UCLouvain Economics full programme

LIDAM Seminar in Finance

When: on Fridays
Website: LFIN Seminar Archives

LIDAM Seminar in Operations Research

When: on Tuesdays

LIDAM Seminars in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Invited speakers present their research results. Talks are usually given in English.

When: On Fridays at 14:30 and 16 :30 alternately with applied statistics workshop.
Website: ISBA Seminars

When: On Fridays at 14:30 and 16:30 alternately with Statistics seminars
Website: ISBA Seminars