External resources
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Do you prefer to use services outside UCLouvain? Whatever your choice, UCLouvain respects it and supports you. Here are some resources.
Sexual violence and violence in relationships
► Help for victims
- Sexual Assault Centres (Bruxelles, Charleroi, Liège) : medical care, psychological support, possibility of formal complaint and forensic investigation, if the victim wishes. Contact: Brussels 02/535 45 42, Charleroi 071/92 41 00, Liège 04/367 93 11 (or in Flanders) and online chat.
- Victim support services : social and psychological support in case of criminal offences (assault, rape or other offence).
- Victim guidance services - information and assistance, at any stage of the judicial procedure, by legal assistants.
- Collectif contre les violences familiales et l’exclusion (CVFE) : help for victims of violence in the context of a current or former relationship.
- Service Droits des Jeunes : social and legal assistance for young people under 22.
- Infor Jeunes Laeken
- Collectif des femmes
- Free anonymous hotlines and apps:
- SOS Viol ("SOS Rape"): 0800/98 100 or chat
- Ecoute Violences Conjugales (relationship violence hotline): 0800 30 030 or chat
- Télé Accueil : 107 or chat
- App’Elles app (to call for help, transmit geolocation, make a sound recording, access the nearest help services).
► Police assistance for victims
To support the victim directly after the incident (moral support, help with administrative procedures, information on their rights), www.police.be; in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve: 010/43 63 58.
► Help for violence perpetrators
- SéOS (Service d’Écoute et d’Orientation Spécialisé) (“Specialised Listening and Counselling Service”). A prevention service for people who have questions about the notion of consent or about potentially inappropriate behaviour or who have deviant sexual fantasies. Free and anonymous call at 0800/200 99, chat on seos.be or by email.
- Praxis: follow-up of perpetrators of violence in the context of romantic relationships: in Brussels, 02/217 98 70.
► Information, accompagnement, conseils aux victimes de discrimination
- Unia (discrimination on grounds other than sex).
- Institute for the Equality of Women and Men (discrimination based on sex and related grounds).
Contact UNIA and IEWM for free at 0800/12 800.