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Campagne Respect - Vision

UCLouvain aims to provide all members of its community a respectful and inclusive environment in which to work, study and live, an environment free of any form of sexual violence or discrimination, so that everyone feels respected, equal, free and safe.

UCLouvain has a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment, gender violence and discrimination. UCLouvain is committed to helping and supporting the students and staff members who call upon it in all the steps they choose to take, both inside and outside the institution, with kindness and empathy, and in complete confidentiality.

The fight against gender-based violence is one of the major focuses of UCLouvain gender policy.

In March 2022, UCLouvain launched its Respect programme, which aims first to strengthen and improve existing arrangements, then to initiate structural reforms after an independent committee’s full assessment of the situation.

General measures:

  • Strengthening the independent Together unit ( The Together unit accompanies and supports people who witness or are victims of gender-based violence, sexual harassment and sexism.
  • Publication of an annual report for the university community. In order to combat sexual harassment and violence, it is important for the university to have the most complete data possible. The report will include an assessment of the number of cases opened and dealt with, as well as the nature of the interventions.

Measures for staff members:

  • Inclusion of awareness-raising training on harassment and gender-based violence within the manager training programme. The training will include a more practical dimension, particularly on how to respond in concrete situations. It will be compulsory for all persons management positions.
  • An awareness-raising module on workplace harassment and gender-based violence, specifically in the university environment, will be made available online for all staff.

Measures for students:

  • A module on “sensibilisation aux violences sexuelles et au consentement” (“Sexual violence and consent awareness”) is currently available on Moodle. The module will be evaluated and, if approved, will be made compulsory for all students from September 2022. The module will complement the information already provided to students on their arrival at UCLouvain.
  • Reinforcement of trainings currently offered to student groups specifically on the issues of sexism and sexual violence. They will be made compulsory for group leaders.
  • A call for student proposals for awareness-raising projects will be launched in 2022-23.
  • On 30 June 2022, the Sexist and Sexual Violence Commission was established within the Social and Student Affairs Council (CASE). The commission’s aim is to coordinate and disseminate information related to policy on harassment and gender-based violence in the student environment, and, more broadly, to assess assistance and support mechanisms so that they best meet student needs.

An independent committee has been set up on the rector’s initiative. The committee is chaired by Prof. Françoise Tulkens, honorary judge at the European Court of Human Rights. 

The committee’s mission is to carry out a complete analysis of UCLouvain’s current system for combating harassment and gender-based violence. The analysis covers arrangements for staff members as well as for students. The aim is to examine the entire system and its coherence in terms of regulations, organisation and support for individuals. It is not an analysis of specific situations but an examination of the overall system with a view to making concrete proposals for improving or strengthening organisation, communication and procedures, including support for individuals. The committee is expected to prepare a report with concrete proposals for improvement, including the adaptation of procedures and regulations by the relevant bodies, particularly disciplinary regulations. Proposals concerning staff members will be examined by the Workplace Safety and Protection Committee.

A first report on methodology was submitted on 15 July 2022. The committee will continue its work until spring 2023, when it will submit its final report.