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Health topic and health brochures

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A series of information and documents to download allow you to receive a summary of essential information on different health topics.

These brochures inform you in particular on the health protection system in application in Belgium.

A brochure that gives you general and very concrete information to manage a healthy daily diet.


Six health topics

  1. Nutrition
  2. Physical activity
  3. Emotional and sexual life
  4. Alcohol and addictions
  5. Vaccines
  6. Mental health

1. Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the pilar of a life in good health. Eating fruit and vegetables, varied and in season, varying your ingredients and menus, drinking a lot of water… these are the first steps to looking after yourself.

Here are some delicious recipes that tell you how to prepare and sublimate local foods:

International students

Are you an international student who has just arrived in Belgium and you would like to receive information about food in Belgium?

You'll find plenty of advice and tips in this flyer.

To go further

  • Four "Health tips" give you the essential information and answers to questions that young people ask themselves. They are produced by our partner, the ASBL Univers Santé.
  1. Food
  2. The other plate (vegetarian)
  3. Food supplements and energy drinks
  4. Water
  • You can find on Facebook, and Instagram: information, tips and simple and fun advice on food and health in general.

2. Physical activity

  Moving, walking, swimming, running, ... Having a daily physical activity of minimum 30 minutes is good for our body but also for our mind.

   ► Do you know the University Sports Service edits a Sport card? With this card, you have access to more than 100 disciplines, for an unbeatable price. More information here: Service des sports

   ► Physical activity and sport is a “Health Asset" which gathers essential information and answers to questions that young people may ask themselves. It is produced by our partner the ASBL Univers Santé.

3. Emotional and sexual life

Relationships, contraception, sexual orientation, screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), consent in relationships, ... You can find more information on these subjects below.

► The 3 Health Tips, produced by the ASBL Univers Santé, gather essential information and answers to your questions on three themes:

► A video on consent

► Further information

► Information to find a family planning on the different campus sites of the University

  1. Family Planning La Famille Heureuse - 46 Rue de la Grande Triperie, 065 33 93 61
  2. Family Planning Le Centre Denise Durant - 5 Boulevard Gendebien, 068 84 84 58
  3. Family Planning Les Arbas - 100 Rue des Arbalestriers, 065 31 49 00

4. Alcohol and addiction

As we know, student life often rhymes with student parties. Partying with friends, meeting new people, drinking and dancing ...

But be careful not to go overboard:

  • Guindaille 2.0 offers advice to be a responsible partier, you will have tips on how to have a successful evening party and how to enjoy it a maximum, look at Facebook and Instagram.
  • You can also find a "True or false?" on alcohol and drugs.
  • "Tests and medicines" and "Tobacco" are two “Health tips” provided by the ASBL Univers Santé, which give essential information and answers to questions that young people may ask themsleves.
  • You can also test your knowledge of alcohol with the Univers Santé quiz
  • In the event of a problem for yourself or a loved one:

5. Vaccines


Most vaccines have already been given to you during your childhood. To remind yourself of these vaccines, go to the current vaccination calendar. However, some booster shots are necessary and there are other vaccines to protect you. Here are the ones that may be relevant to you:

  • The diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis booster (Boostrix®/triaxis®)

This is normally due at around the age of 16. If you have not had this booster, it is not too late to get yourself in order. This vaccine is very important to protect you in case of a wound... if you practice a sport outside, if you are part of a youth movement... Think about it! Then, a booster of this vaccine is recommended every 10 years throughout your life.

  • Vaccination against HPV (Human papillomavirus)

This vaccine protects against the occurrence of lesions that can develop into cancer (cervical cancer, mouth, pharynx, vagina, penis, anus, vulva) or genital warts (condyloma).

If you are a girl, you were able to receive this free of charge during your adolescence. Recently, vaccination has also been offered to boys during adolescence.

If you did not receive this vaccination, it is still possible whether you are a woman or a man (and recommended especially for people with diseases that weaken immunity or depending on sexual practices). However, the cost is high and is no longer covered by the health insurance company after the age of 18 for girls and not yet for boys (after the age of 14). We advise you to discuss this with your GP.

  • Hepatitis B vaccination

 You have probably already been offered the vaccine in early childhood. The classic and complete scheme of hepatitis B vaccination consists of 3 doses, with boosters at 1 and 6 months after the first dose.

  If you have never had the vaccine, you should know that it is compulsory for all students who are going to do an internship in a hospital (mainly medicine, dentistry and physiotherapy).

  For these students, the hepatitis B vaccine is entirely free and the modalities will be explained to you in due course via the faculties and the occupational medicine (CESI).

  For all other students, this vaccination is possible and can be useful when travelling to certain countries. Some health insurance companies offer a package that may cover part of the cost.

  •  The flu vaccine

  This is not generally recommended for young adults. However, it is recommended for students in the health sector (in contact with patients) or students with certain chronic conditions.

  •   Other vaccines

  These may be necessary to travel abroad. In this case, we advise you to go to a "traveller's consultation" or to discuss this with your doctor.

6. Mental health

Stress, sleep, workload, mental fatigue, lack of motivation... these are all subjects dealt with by our psychologist colleagues from the Student Support Service who offer you tools and information on their web pages.

"Sleep";  " Stress"; "Self-esteem" are 3 “Health Assets” of the ASBL Univers Santé which gather essential information and answers to questions that young people may ask themselves.

The "Health Care" brochures

These brochures can be uploaded and are also available in the different teams of the Student Support Service and also by the health team.

They explain how the social security system works for health care in Belgium, how to make an appointment with a doctor, the reimbursement system for health care, how to subscribe to a health insurance…

Please have a look at the brochure, in particular before your meeting with the student doctor. This can help you to prepare your questions for the meeting.

For Louvain-la-Neuve

For Woluwe

For Hainaut

Brochure on eating healthy food

This brochure given you a number of general and very practical information to manage a daily ealthy diet.

Student Guide "Eating healthy food in Belgium"