
Les enjeux ethiques de la dette

novembre 22, 2023

12h45 - 13h55 (Mercredi)

Campus Saint-Louis à Bruxelles, (Entrée par le parking du 119 Rue du Marais > entrer dans le bâtiment « Préfecture » > Prendre l'ascenseur situé à la droite du couloir > aller au 6e étage > salle P61)

Dans quelle mesure faudrait-il empêcher les pouvoirs publics de s’endetter, et de déplacer ainsi vers les générations futures de lourds fardeaux financiers ? Est-il possible de concilier démocratie et contraintes portant sur les déficits publics ? Si oui, quelles formes de contraintes relatives à l’endettement et aux déficits pourraient être compatibles avec une démocratie effective ? Devrait-on conditionner la capacité d’endettement au type de dépense publique financée grâce à cet endettement ? Ou à d’autres variables économique ou sociétales ?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Campus Saint-Louis à Bruxelles, (Entrée par le parking du 119 Rue du Marais > entrer dans le bâtiment « Préfecture » > Prendre l'ascenseur situé à la droite du couloir > aller au 6e étage > salle P61)
12h45 - 13h55 (Mercredi)

Utility cycling as a healthy and sustainable mode of transport by Bas De Geus (UCLouvain - FSM)

December 08, 2023



Stevin, Samin room, b. -145

Bas de Geus holds a degree in physical education and movement sciences, as well as a master's degree in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy. He obtained his doctorate in physical education and movement sciences, specializing in physiology and health, which he completed in September 2007.

Friday, December 8, 2023
Stevin, Samin room, b. -145
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Les enjeux éthiques de l’alimentation

décembre 12, 2023

12h45 - 13h55

LECL93 & Zoom

Existe-t-il un droit à être « bien nourri » ? Existe-t-il un droit à s’alimenter selon ses propres préférences ? Par exemple, existe-t-il un droit à manger de la viande si on le désire ? Dans quelle mesure serait-il juste de contraindre les choix alimentaires des citoyens en vue d’atteindre des objectifs tels que le bien-être des générations futures ou la préservation du bien-être animal ? Comment articuler la liberté de choix alimentaire et l’exigence de préservation de l’environnement ?

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
LECL93 & Zoom
12h45 - 13h55

Short and Sharp Seminar - The Four Freedoms of the EU

décembre 07, 2023

12h00 - 14h00


"The aim of this seminar is to present some preliminary results of the MSCA project EUFREEDOMS, and to discuss them with renowned academics in the political theory of the EU. EUFREEDOMS aims to examine the philosophical underpinnings of the four freedoms of the EU internal market (the free movement of persons, goods, capital, and services). Some of the questions that will be asked in the seminar are: what justifies, morally speaking, the individual rights associated with the four freedoms?

Thursday, December 7, 2023
12h00 - 14h00

Development of a non-overlapping domain decomposition method for problems with boundary layer by Hongru LI

December 14, 2023



Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044

In this talk an effective and novel near-wall domain decomposition approach with non-local interface boundary conditions is developed and tested in application to model equations that simulate high-Reynolds-number flow with a boundary layer. The approach is also compared with existing non-local near-wall domain decomposition approaches in the literature and is proven to be more efficient. The supreme onvergence of the approach is analysed theoretically in Poisson equation and the result is further confirmed to be valid in application to the model equations.

Thursday, December 14, 2023
Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Bursting on straight and curved vortex tubes by Lingbo JI (MIT)

December 07, 2023



Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044

Common vortical wake vortices as generated by aircraft, submarines, and flying and swimming animals often have non-trivial internal shapes and structures, and are subject to perturbations arising from the ambient or self-induced strain fields. In this study we first simulate straight vortex tubes endowed with core-size variations and study their long-time flow evolution. We observe that the differential rotation rates tilt the vortex lines and generate twist waves.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

High order immersed interface methods for 2D and 3D simulations with moving boundaries by James GABBARD (MIT)

December 06, 2023



Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044

High-order immersed methods are a class of PDE discretizations that simulate complex geometries on a background Cartesian grid while maintaining high-order accuracy in both space and time. These schemes are particularly useful for fluid simulations with moving or deforming geometries, for which the cost of maintaining a moving body-fitted mesh can become prohibitive.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Place du Levant 2, Seminar room b.044
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve