Ebooks - nouveautés du 29 novembre 2024
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Retrouvez les derniers livres électroniques en sciences et technologies ajoutés au catalogue des Bibliothèques de l'UCLouvain. Pour y accéder à distance, suivez la procédure détaillée ici : Accès à distance
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Handbook of formal analysis and verification in cryptography.1st edition. Boca Raton London New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (Prospects in pure and applied mathematics). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003090052.This handbook of formal analysis in cryptography is very important for secure communication and processing of information. It introduces readers to several formal verification methods and software used to analyse cryptographic protocols. |
Biermann’s handbook of pulp and paper: raw material and pulp making.Third edition. Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.Biermann's Handbook of Pulp and Paper: Raw Material and Pulp Making, Third Edition is a comprehensive reference for industry and academia covering the entire gamut of pulping technology. This book provides a thorough introduction to the entire technology of pulp manufacture; features chapters covering all aspects of pulping from wood handling at the mill site through pulping and bleaching and pulp drying. |
Bajpai, P. (2018) Biermann’s handbook of pulp and paper: paper and board making.Third edition. Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.Biermann's Handbook of Pulp and Paper: Paper and Board Making, Third Edition provides a thorough introduction to paper and board making, providing paper technologists recent information. The book emphasizes principles and concepts behind papermaking, detailing both the physical and chemical processes. It has been updated, revised and extended. Several new chapters have been added. |
![]() Boukid, F. (2024) Handbook of Plant-Based Food and Drinks Design.1st ed. San Diego: Elsevier Science & Technology.Handbook of Plant-Based Food and Drinks Design discusses conventional and emerging technologies for plant-based ingredient improvement (yield, nutritional composition and functional properties) while considering food safety, sustainability, and social impact to explore current and potential markets through research and innovation. |
Handbook of geospatial artificial intelligence.Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.This comprehensive handbook covers Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI), which is the integration of geospatial studies and AI machine (deep) learning and knowledge graph technologies. It explains key fundamental concepts, methods, models, and technologies of GeoAI, and discusses the recent advances, research tools, and applications that range from environmental observation and social sensing to natural disaster responses. |
Application of Biotechnology in Pulp and Paper Processing.Ashland: Arcler Press.Application of biotechnology in pulp and paper processing describes the techniqueslike enzymes engineering, molecular biology, proteomics, genetic engineering genomicsalong with metabolomics and bioinformatics. These biotechniques in 21st centuryhave helped in development of pulp and paper sector in terms of economic feasibilityand designing. |
The Pulp and Paper Industry.New York: Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated (Technology in a Globalizing World Ser).In the opening study included in The Pulp and Paper Industry: Production, Management and Technology, the influence of temperature on the selectivity and permeability of ceramic membranes for sulphate pulp production is researched. Following this, the dependence of the quantity of suspended substances and working pressure on selectivity and permeability is studied for membranes in the wastewater treatment process in sulphate cellulose production. |
Kumar, A. et al. (eds) (2025) Handbook of intelligent and sustainable manufacturing: tools, principles, and strategies.First edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (Advancements in intelligent and sustainable technologies and systems).Intelligent and sustainable manufacturing is a broad category of manufacturing that employs computer-integrated manufacturing, high levels of adaptability and rapid design changes, digital information technology, and more flexible technical workforce training. Other goals sometimes include fast changes in production levels based on demand, optimization of the production system, efficient production, and recyclability. |
Mishra, M.K. and Duan, B. (2024) The essential handbook of polymer terms and atributes.First edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.The Essential Handbook of Polymer Terms and Attributes not only acts as an encyclopaedia of polymer science but also fosters an appreciation for the significance of polymers in fields including materials science, chemistry, engineering, and medicine. This book serves as an excellent reference book, covering every possible term and attribution associated with the vast and diverse field of polymers. |
Nichols, L. (2024) Cybersecurity architect’s handbook: an end-to-end guide to implementing and maintaining robust security architecture.Birmingham: Packt Publishing.Discover the ins and outs of cybersecurity architecture with this handbook, designed to enhance your expertise in implementing and maintaining robust security structures for the ever-evolving digital landscape Key Features
Petersen, E., Chen, L.H. and Schlagenhauf, P. (eds) (2025) Routledge handbook of infectious diseases: a geographical guide.Third edition. London: Routledge.The new edition of this unique resource, grounded on an understanding that our global world is more connected than it has ever been, provides an essential survey of infectious diseases based on both clinical presentation and geographical area of exposure.This book is split into three main sections. |
Toldrá, F. and Nollet, L.M.L. (eds) (2024) Handbook of seafood and seafood products analysis.Second edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.Seafood and seafood products represent some of the most important foods in almost all types of societies around the world. More intensive production of fish and shellfish to meet high demand has raised some concerns related to the nutritional and sensory qualities of these cultured fish in comparison to their wild-catch counterparts. In addition, the variety in processing, preservation, and storage methods from traditional to modern is contributing to an increase in variability in consumer products.This second edition of the Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis brings together the work of 109 experts who focus on the most recent research and development trends in analytical techniques and methodologies for the analysis of captured fresh and preserved seafood, either cultivated or wild, as well as for derived products. |
High-power laser material processing for engineers.First edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.This book focuses on the mechanisms of how laser light is produced, guided, and focused for materials processing, and these are explained in an easy-to-understand language for practical use. It emphasizes a basic understanding of the principles necessary to run lasers in a safe and efficient way and provides information for quick access to laser materials processing for laser users. |