Événements du site Center for Operations Research and Econometrics
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OR Seminar - Alessio Trivella04 FebAlessio Trivella (University of Twente)give a presentation on :Network dual reoptimization policies and bounds for managing energy real options.Abstract :Energy operations and investments are managed with real option models that embed timing and/or switching decisions, where the former and latter types of decisions change irreversibly and reversibly, respectively, the status of the real asset.En savoir plusOR Seminar - Alessio Trivella04 FebAlessio Trivella (University of Twente)give a presentation on :Network dual reoptimization policies and bounds for managing energy real options.Abstract :Energy operations and investments are managed with real option models that embed timing and/or switching decisions, where the former and latter types of decisions change irreversibly and reversibly, respectively, the status of the real asset.
OR Seminar - Benedetto Manca18 FebBenedetto Manca (University of Cagliari) give a presentation on : Random Projections for Mathematical Programming. Abstract : Random projections are random linear maps which approximately preserve geometrical quantities.En savoir plusOR Seminar - Benedetto Manca18 FebBenedetto Manca (University of Cagliari) give a presentation on : Random Projections for Mathematical Programming. Abstract : Random projections are random linear maps which approximately preserve geometrical quantities.