Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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Salinity impact on flowering and reproduction of Solanum lycopersicum and its wild relative halophyte relative Solanum chilense by Servane Bigot01 JunSalinization of cultivated lands is of growing concern and represents high economical losses for farmers and countries, especially for glycophyte (salt-sensitive) species. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the second most highly produced vegetable worldwide, and is cultivated in several regions affected by salinity; however, this species is recognized as a glycophyte species.En savoir plusSalinity impact on flowering and reproduction of Solanum lycopersicum and its wild relative halophyte relative Solanum chilense by Servane Bigot01 JunSalinization of cultivated lands is of growing concern and represents high economical losses for farmers and countries, especially for glycophyte (salt-sensitive) species. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the second most highly produced vegetable worldwide, and is cultivated in several regions affected by salinity; however, this species is recognized as a glycophyte species.
B and δ11B biogeochemical cycle in the water-soil-plant system by Philippe Roux01 Jun
The environmental dimension of antibiotic resistance by Marie Verhaegen30 May
Geography and photography by Samuel Bouchoms30 MayGeography and photography. Two seemingly distinct fields that actually share many common traits. From studying geography to becoming a landscape photographer, the presentation is about how geography guided my approach and became a central part of my photography.En savoir plusGeography and photography by Samuel Bouchoms30 MayGeography and photography. Two seemingly distinct fields that actually share many common traits. From studying geography to becoming a landscape photographer, the presentation is about how geography guided my approach and became a central part of my photography.
Applications of extreme value theory to climate science by Anna Kiriliouk (guest UNamur)23 MayExtreme-value theory is the branch of statistics that studies rare events. In the last decades, its popularity within the climate sciences has been growing, driven by the increasing awareness that extreme climate events will intensify in frequency and magnitude in view of climate change.En savoir plusApplications of extreme value theory to climate science by Anna Kiriliouk (guest UNamur)23 MayExtreme-value theory is the branch of statistics that studies rare events. In the last decades, its popularity within the climate sciences has been growing, driven by the increasing awareness that extreme climate events will intensify in frequency and magnitude in view of climate change.
Climate response to astronomical parameters, CO2 and ice sheets during past interglacials by Zhipeng WU22 MayThis thesis aims to perform a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the climate response in the two hemispheres to astronomical parameters, CO2 and Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice sheets, as well as the half-precession cycles, during the interglacials of the past 800 ka mainly based on snapshot and transient simulations using the LOVECLIM model.En savoir plusClimate response to astronomical parameters, CO2 and ice sheets during past interglacials by Zhipeng WU22 MayThis thesis aims to perform a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the climate response in the two hemispheres to astronomical parameters, CO2 and Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice sheets, as well as the half-precession cycles, during the interglacials of the past 800 ka mainly based on snapshot and transient simulations using the LOVECLIM model.
Gestion de l’irrigation en Algérie by Prof. Delli Reda, ENSA, Alger16 May
Asynchronous Holocene Optimum in East Asia monsoon region recorded by stalagmites and its underlying climate dynamics by Ming-Qiang Liang16 MayReconstructions of Holocene Optimum (HO) in East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) regime from speleothem versus other proxy records have yielded divergent phase relationships with the EASM and local precipitation. This apparent discrepancy has been partly attributed to the uncertainties in the climatic representation of Chinese speleothem oxygen isotope (δ18O) records.En savoir plusAsynchronous Holocene Optimum in East Asia monsoon region recorded by stalagmites and its underlying climate dynamics by Ming-Qiang Liang16 MayReconstructions of Holocene Optimum (HO) in East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) regime from speleothem versus other proxy records have yielded divergent phase relationships with the EASM and local precipitation. This apparent discrepancy has been partly attributed to the uncertainties in the climatic representation of Chinese speleothem oxygen isotope (δ18O) records.
Internal dynamics of global liquid layers in planetary objects by Jeremy Rekier09 MayIn rotating fluids, the Coriolis force acts as a restoring force that can support oscillations known as inertial waves. One important example are Rossby waves existing in the Earth’s thin atmospheric and oceanic layers. The dispersion relation and profile of those waves can be derived mathematically by treating the fluid layer as thin compared to the planet’s radius.En savoir plusInternal dynamics of global liquid layers in planetary objects by Jeremy Rekier09 MayIn rotating fluids, the Coriolis force acts as a restoring force that can support oscillations known as inertial waves. One important example are Rossby waves existing in the Earth’s thin atmospheric and oceanic layers. The dispersion relation and profile of those waves can be derived mathematically by treating the fluid layer as thin compared to the planet’s radius.
What happened to the dark at night? by Ruben Evens (Antwerpen University)04 May