Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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Mixing effects along ecological gradients in temperate oak-beech forests : radical growth, drought exposure and stability by Kristoffel Jacobs02 MayMixed forests often have higher productivity, stress resistance and temporal stability of productivity than comparable pure forests. Several mechanisms for this have been described: competition release, facilitation and competitive dominance of a highly productive species.En savoir plusMixing effects along ecological gradients in temperate oak-beech forests : radical growth, drought exposure and stability by Kristoffel Jacobs02 MayMixed forests often have higher productivity, stress resistance and temporal stability of productivity than comparable pure forests. Several mechanisms for this have been described: competition release, facilitation and competitive dominance of a highly productive species.
The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) research infrastructure: measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes and ancillary data within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in forest, crops and pasture by Tanguy Manise27 Apr
Trophic organisation of marine ecosystems: what can we learn from the study of fossil vertebrates byAlexandre Assemat (Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - ISEM, Montpellier)27 Apr
First Polymyxa betae reference genome enabling the characterization of the tripartite interaction with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and sugar beet by Dr Alain Decroës25 Apr
Biodiversity in the city of Louvain-La-Neuve20 AprTalk 1: UCLouvain et biodiversité : the times they are a-changin’ by prof. Renate Wesseling Talk 2: "Louvain-la-verte", regards (et questionnements) d’un naturaliste sur l’écologie d’une ville atypique. (in french) by nature guide Vincent PourcelleEn savoir plusBiodiversity in the city of Louvain-La-Neuve20 AprTalk 1: UCLouvain et biodiversité : the times they are a-changin’ by prof. Renate Wesseling Talk 2: "Louvain-la-verte", regards (et questionnements) d’un naturaliste sur l’écologie d’une ville atypique. (in french) by nature guide Vincent Pourcelle
Carbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana by Charles Okyere (Université Ghana)20 AprCarbon farming, particularly soil carbon climate strategies, has emerged as a popular tool in addressing climate change and variability in worldwide agriculture.En savoir plusCarbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana by Charles Okyere (Université Ghana)20 AprCarbon farming, particularly soil carbon climate strategies, has emerged as a popular tool in addressing climate change and variability in worldwide agriculture.
Understanding plant hydraulic responses to heterogeneous soil water distribution by Tainjiao Wei20 Apr
Arctic rapid ice loss events in CMIP6 simulations + Climate impacts of Arctic sea ice melting by Steve Delhaye and Annelies Sticker18 Apr
High arsenic and potentially toxic elements in soils developed on iron-rich parent material (Belgian Lorraine) by Aubry Vandeuren18 Apr
Using climate analogues and safety margins to inform tree species selection in a changing climate: case study in Canadian forests by Morgane Dendoncker11 Apr