Archive des événements passés du site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Public thesis defense of Mehdi Ousmer11 AprA Systematic Procedure for Comparative Testing of 3D Hand Gesture Template-Based Recognizers in Multiple Contexts of Use The advent of embedded and wearable sensors and devices with precise tracking capabilities has paved the way for 3D gesture recognition. Designing usable gesture-based user interfaces is already challenging to address both gesture usability and recognition.En savoir plusPublic thesis defense of Mehdi Ousmer11 AprA Systematic Procedure for Comparative Testing of 3D Hand Gesture Template-Based Recognizers in Multiple Contexts of Use The advent of embedded and wearable sensors and devices with precise tracking capabilities has paved the way for 3D gesture recognition. Designing usable gesture-based user interfaces is already challenging to address both gesture usability and recognition.
Research seminar: Invisible bodies organizing against precarity08 AprInvisible bodies organizing against precarity: Alternative spaces of/for social reproduction Nathalie Clavijo (Toulouse Business School) Emmanouela Mandalaki (Neoma Business School) Ludivine Perray (EMLyon) Maria Daskalaki (Oxford Brookes Business School) Access on Teams Abstract This article draws upon a 13-year auto/ethnography with a community of 10 Senegalese immigrant women inEn savoir plusResearch seminar: Invisible bodies organizing against precarity08 AprInvisible bodies organizing against precarity: Alternative spaces of/for social reproduction Nathalie Clavijo (Toulouse Business School) Emmanouela Mandalaki (Neoma Business School) Ludivine Perray (EMLyon) Maria Daskalaki (Oxford Brookes Business School) Access on Teams Abstract This article draws upon a 13-year auto/ethnography with a community of 10 Senegalese immigrant women in
Workshop Dance your Research08 Apr12 AprThis workshop will gather scholars from across the different research institutes of UCLouvain and provide them with the opportunity to reflect upon their research through a new, artistic, and embodied perspective.En savoir plusWorkshop Dance your Research08 Apr12 AprThis workshop will gather scholars from across the different research institutes of UCLouvain and provide them with the opportunity to reflect upon their research through a new, artistic, and embodied perspective.
Easter celebration02 AprYou are all invited to join the LouRIM Easter celebration on Tuesday 2 April at 15:15. Easter bells will bring coffee, juice, cakes ... and of course chocolate eggs. Do not forget your mug and good mood as usual. Please register by 26 March at noon.En savoir plusEaster celebration02 AprYou are all invited to join the LouRIM Easter celebration on Tuesday 2 April at 15:15. Easter bells will bring coffee, juice, cakes ... and of course chocolate eggs. Do not forget your mug and good mood as usual. Please register by 26 March at noon.
Research seminar: Navigating the Editorial Landscape: Insights into Publishing in Corporate Finance22 MarThe landscape of corporate finance is inherently dynamic, with new research topics emerging in response to shifts in the business environment, regulatory landscape, and political climate.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Navigating the Editorial Landscape: Insights into Publishing in Corporate Finance22 MarThe landscape of corporate finance is inherently dynamic, with new research topics emerging in response to shifts in the business environment, regulatory landscape, and political climate.
Research seminar: Vulgariser pour renforcer l’impact de vos recherches20 MarCe séminaire abordera les questions suivantes : Pourquoi vulgariser ? Quelles formes peut prendre la vulgarisation ? Comment vulgariser ? Voici quelques exemples des travaux de vulgarisation d'Hugues Poissonnier : Articles sur Harvard Business Review : Articles dans The Conversation : savoir plusResearch seminar: Vulgariser pour renforcer l’impact de vos recherches20 MarCe séminaire abordera les questions suivantes : Pourquoi vulgariser ? Quelles formes peut prendre la vulgarisation ? Comment vulgariser ? Voici quelques exemples des travaux de vulgarisation d'Hugues Poissonnier : Articles sur Harvard Business Review : Articles dans The Conversation :
Public thesis defense of Arthur Sluÿters18 MarMid-air gesture recognition by ultra-wide band radar echoes for manipulating multimedia objects towards cross-context transfer This thesis focuses on the recognition of 3D gestures (gestures performed with some part(s) of the body) captured with radar-based sensors, with the end-goal of providing better and more intuitive ways to interact with systems such as TVs and computers in challenging enEn savoir plusPublic thesis defense of Arthur Sluÿters18 MarMid-air gesture recognition by ultra-wide band radar echoes for manipulating multimedia objects towards cross-context transfer This thesis focuses on the recognition of 3D gestures (gestures performed with some part(s) of the body) captured with radar-based sensors, with the end-goal of providing better and more intuitive ways to interact with systems such as TVs and computers in challenging en
Research Seminar: Comprendre et concevoir l'interaction par microgeste15 MarAccess on Teams Comprendre et concevoir l'interaction par microgeste Au cours des trente dernières années, certains objets de notre quotidien se sont progressivement mués en véritables ordinateurs. Nos modes de vie changent avec ces mutations et il n’est pas rare que nous interagissions avec ces ordinateurs tout en effectuant d’autres tâches, p. ex.En savoir plusResearch Seminar: Comprendre et concevoir l'interaction par microgeste15 MarAccess on Teams Comprendre et concevoir l'interaction par microgeste Au cours des trente dernières années, certains objets de notre quotidien se sont progressivement mués en véritables ordinateurs. Nos modes de vie changent avec ces mutations et il n’est pas rare que nous interagissions avec ces ordinateurs tout en effectuant d’autres tâches, p. ex.
Informal Research Seminar by Edina Dóci15 MarDuring her seminar, Edina Dóci will present her research and ongoing conceptual work at the intersection of organizational psychology and organizational sociology, exploring the role of psychological resources in the pursuit of social change within organizations and through organizing. Edina joined LouRIM in September 2023.En savoir plusInformal Research Seminar by Edina Dóci15 MarDuring her seminar, Edina Dóci will present her research and ongoing conceptual work at the intersection of organizational psychology and organizational sociology, exploring the role of psychological resources in the pursuit of social change within organizations and through organizing. Edina joined LouRIM in September 2023.
Common Good HRM Spring workshop13 Mar14 MarMore info here Programme (Online format: 13.-14. March 2024) 2.En savoir plusCommon Good HRM Spring workshop13 Mar14 MarMore info here Programme (Online format: 13.-14. March 2024) 2.