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Supervision - Post-Docs, PhDs, MAs, BAs

hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

I’m happy to supervise BA Theses, MA Theses, Doctoral students as well as Post-Docs. For TFCs, PPE Research Papers and MA Thesis topics at UCLouvain, see my proposals on OSIS Dissertation

PhD students

In Progress

Niko Vaananen (Political Science) 
Juan Olano Azpiroz (Philosophy)
Andrès Salazar Abello (Philosophy) 
Mahua Agrawal (Philosophy) 
Erika Brandl (Philosophy, Bergen)
Aida Martinez (Philosophy, Oviedo)


Kevin Hartmann (Law) -"Pension Reforms and Human Rights: Briding the Gap between current and future retirees" (2023)
Manuel De Araujo E Sa Valente (Philosophy) - Ageing As Equals: distributive justice in Retirement pensions (2022)
Refia Kadayifci (law) - "Equality, the purposes of discrimination law and the environment" (2020)
Danielle Schwartz (philosophy) -  « Justice entre classes d’âge. Au-delà de l’égalité entre les vies complètes »
Vincent Aubert (philosophy) - Essais sur Milton Friedman, le (néo)libéralisme et la RSE (2016)
Tim Meijers (philosophy) - Justice in procreation : five essays on population size, parenthood and new arrivals (2016)
Thomas Ferretti (philosophy) - Justice requires egalitarian organizations : why public institutions should promote worker cooperatives (2016)
Thierry Ngosso (philosophy) - Finalités et obligations morales de l'entreprise (2015)
Philippe Sanchez (philosophy) - Rendre justice aux personnes handicapées et à leurs aidants (2012)
Dominic Martin (philosophy) - Rivalité et marchés (2012)
Coline Ruwet (sociology) - Des filetages à la RSE. Normalisation et démocratie. Sociologie du processus d’élaboration d’ISO 26000 (2009)


In Progress

F. Corvino (PhD. Sant’Anna, Pisa), MSCA Fellow (PROHIBLUX Project) (2/2024, 2Y)
P. Intropi (DPhil. Oxon), MSCA Fellow (EUFREEDOMS Project) (9/2023, 2Y)


P. André (PhD. Sorbonne), FNRS chargé de recherches (10/2021 - 9/24, 3 Y)
M. Lambrecht (PhD. UCLouvain), FDP Funding (10/2021 - 9/22, 1Y, 50%)
E. Boot (PhD. Nijmegen), FNRS chargé de recherches (10/2019 - 7/20, 1 Y, out of 3)
D. Zwarthoed (PhD. Paris 12), Swiss SNSF Early Postdoc Mobility Fellow (1/2014 - 6/15, 1,5 Y)
I. Gonzalez Ricoy (PhD. UBarcelona), ARC Post-Doc Fellow (3-9/2013, 6 M)
N. Vrousalis (DPhil. Oxon), ARC Post-Doc Fellow (10/2009 - 9/11, 2 Y)