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Upon your arrival

agro | Louvain-la-Neuve

Upon your arrival

Step 1

You should go and meet the administrative coordinator of the Faculty (the Friday before first day of class) who will explain to you all the necessary information about the program and will give you your access card and the studentcard upon presentation of the health insurance card (and your VISA Schengen D if needed):

Mrs Adeline Paulet
International office
Croix du Sud, 2 L7.05.01,
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, De Serres Building room B-151

Step 2

Then you should go to the Housing service to arrange your housing booking.
Contact : (Infor-Logement – Rue de la Gare, 6)
Once you have done step 1 and 2, you should go to:

Step 3 

Go to the municipal administration (Voie des Hennuyers, 1 – near the station)
If your rental is in Louvain-La-Neuve, you should go to the municipal administration to be enrolled.
At that time, you must have with you the following documents:
  1. a valid passport or identity card (non-European Union citizens should be in possession of a visa);
  2. 2 passport size color pictures (originals with white background);
  3. the UCL acceptance letter /"Autorisation d'inscription";
  4. a proof of health insurance (European health card, form E-111 or a private insurance certificate);
  5. your rental agreement.

Step 4 - Study programme during your stay

Upon arrival, you will be asked to confirm your study programme (or at the latest within the 15 days of your arrival).
This will allow you to be registered to laboratories, practical works, …
The Secretariat will encode your programme after it has been adjusted in terms of schedule or for another reason and approved.
You can then consult it on your virtual desk.

The first step is to activate your personal account.
1. When you are registered you will received via your personal e-mail address your FGS number, as well as a username and password.
2. You will then be able to activate your virtual office. Information is given at the following address :

It is possible to change the password or recover your password if you forget it.
  • Warning : activation is not automatic !
Your virtual office- intranet- will become a new reference in your student life. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this tool as soon as possible. It will allow to:
- Access your email
- Connect to the platforms I-campus and/or Moodle and sign up
- Consult the electronic valves and your schedule of courses
- Access to your university career (results ...)
- Consult access directories of UCL students and staff
- Register for exams
- Follow the news of UCL and life at UCL.