Evénements - Séminaires & Colloques
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Webinar: Jan Zienkowski & Geoffroy Patriarche - Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects04 Mar04 Mar...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for January 15 and February 5, 2024.Webinar: Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: an illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations
On Monday, March 4, 2024, speakers Jan Zienkowski and Geoffroy Patriarche will discuss their chapter, ‘Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: An illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations’.
Jan Zienkowski holds a chair in Strategic Communication at the Department of Information and Communication Science of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He has a long-standing research interest in the transdisciplinary field of discourse studies with a particular focus on matters of political subjectivity, reflexivity, and critique in society-wide debates. Jan Zienkowski is a member of ReSIC (Centre de Recherche en Information et Communication) at the ULB, and an associate researcher of Engage (Uclouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles).
Geoffroy Patriarche is Professor in Information and Communication at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles. He serves as co-head of the master program in Communication strategy and digital culture, and as co-head of Engage - Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication. His current research interests lie at the crossroads of audience studies, disinformation studies, and discourse studies.
About the Book Chapter: This presentation outlines a series of methodological considerations for critical discourse studies (CDS) of media and information literacy (MIL) projects. The authors exemplify the practical implications of these considerations in a case study of the MIL (Media and Information Literacy) project of the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI).
Info & contact: MediaEd Club
En savoir plusWebinar: Jan Zienkowski & Geoffroy Patriarche - Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects04 Mar04 Mar...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for January 15 and February 5, 2024.Webinar: Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: an illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations
On Monday, March 4, 2024, speakers Jan Zienkowski and Geoffroy Patriarche will discuss their chapter, ‘Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: An illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations’.
Jan Zienkowski holds a chair in Strategic Communication at the Department of Information and Communication Science of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He has a long-standing research interest in the transdisciplinary field of discourse studies with a particular focus on matters of political subjectivity, reflexivity, and critique in society-wide debates. Jan Zienkowski is a member of ReSIC (Centre de Recherche en Information et Communication) at the ULB, and an associate researcher of Engage (Uclouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles).
Geoffroy Patriarche is Professor in Information and Communication at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles. He serves as co-head of the master program in Communication strategy and digital culture, and as co-head of Engage - Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication. His current research interests lie at the crossroads of audience studies, disinformation studies, and discourse studies.
About the Book Chapter: This presentation outlines a series of methodological considerations for critical discourse studies (CDS) of media and information literacy (MIL) projects. The authors exemplify the practical implications of these considerations in a case study of the MIL (Media and Information Literacy) project of the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI).
Info & contact: MediaEd Club
Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Mélanie Millette29 Feb29 Feb...
Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Mélanie Millette - Jeudi 29 février - 10h45
Le premier séminaire transversal RECOM de ce quadrimestre se tiendra le jeudi 29 février, de 10h45 à 12h45 au d.144 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Mélanie Millette, professeure titulaire au Département de communication sociale et publique de l’UQAM, membre du Laboratoire sur la communication et le numérique (UQAM et Université Laval), où elle est responsable de l’axe méthodologique. Elle est membre du Réseau québécois en études féministes (ReQEF), où elle participe au Chantier sur l’antiféminisme. Elle mène des recherches sur l’appropriation politique des médias socionumériques et sur les enjeux entourant la participation en ligne des femmes et personnes minorisées. Elle s’intéresse aussi aux approches méthodologiques en sciences sociales, aux perspectives féministes, à l’activisme et au phénomène de la « mise en données » de la société.
Elle nous présentera un séminaire intitulé : « Detransitioners deserve better than to be used as "gotchas" by transphobes » : La mise en discours de la détransition de genre sur Twitter.
Résumé de la présentation : La détransition de genre est généralement comprise comme l’interruption ou le renversement d’une transition médicale. Ce phénomène peu fréquent attire cependant l’intérêt d’un nombre croissant de médias et reste peu étudié. Cette recherche analyse les « cadres interprétatifs » produits dans les discours circulants sur Twitter (maintenant X) à propos de la détransition. Dans une perspective socioconstructiviste, les discours façonnent la réalité sociale, et les cadres interprétatifs influencent la manière dont on comprend les phénomènes et l’environnement qui nous entourent. Ces cadres sont comparables à des « grilles de lecture », conscientes ou non, et nous permettent de faire sens du monde.
Cette communication présente des résultats de l’analyse d’un corpus de 10 628 tweets, ainsi que de l’analyse qualitative critique d’un sous-corpus composé des 2 396 tweets issus des comptes les plus prolifiques du corpus ainsi que des comptes dont les messages originaux ont été les plus rediffusés. L’analyse révèle trois cadres interprétatifs dominants traversés par l’idéologie de droite gender-critical : (1) la transition initiale est une erreur de parcours; (2) la détransition constitue le retour au sexe/genre assigné à la naissance; (3) les facteurs expliquant la détransition sont internes et soutiennent une position anti-transition ou pro-gatekeeping. Finalement, comme l’illustre le titre du séminaire, qui restitue un extrait du corpus, nos résultats montrent la mise en place de cadres interprétatifs délétères non seulement pour les personnes détrans, mais aussi pour les personnes trans.
En savoir plusSéminaire GReMS/RECOM : Mélanie Millette29 Feb29 Feb...Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Mélanie Millette - Jeudi 29 février - 10h45
Le premier séminaire transversal RECOM de ce quadrimestre se tiendra le jeudi 29 février, de 10h45 à 12h45 au d.144 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Mélanie Millette, professeure titulaire au Département de communication sociale et publique de l’UQAM, membre du Laboratoire sur la communication et le numérique (UQAM et Université Laval), où elle est responsable de l’axe méthodologique. Elle est membre du Réseau québécois en études féministes (ReQEF), où elle participe au Chantier sur l’antiféminisme. Elle mène des recherches sur l’appropriation politique des médias socionumériques et sur les enjeux entourant la participation en ligne des femmes et personnes minorisées. Elle s’intéresse aussi aux approches méthodologiques en sciences sociales, aux perspectives féministes, à l’activisme et au phénomène de la « mise en données » de la société.
Elle nous présentera un séminaire intitulé : « Detransitioners deserve better than to be used as "gotchas" by transphobes » : La mise en discours de la détransition de genre sur Twitter.
Résumé de la présentation : La détransition de genre est généralement comprise comme l’interruption ou le renversement d’une transition médicale. Ce phénomène peu fréquent attire cependant l’intérêt d’un nombre croissant de médias et reste peu étudié. Cette recherche analyse les « cadres interprétatifs » produits dans les discours circulants sur Twitter (maintenant X) à propos de la détransition. Dans une perspective socioconstructiviste, les discours façonnent la réalité sociale, et les cadres interprétatifs influencent la manière dont on comprend les phénomènes et l’environnement qui nous entourent. Ces cadres sont comparables à des « grilles de lecture », conscientes ou non, et nous permettent de faire sens du monde.
Cette communication présente des résultats de l’analyse d’un corpus de 10 628 tweets, ainsi que de l’analyse qualitative critique d’un sous-corpus composé des 2 396 tweets issus des comptes les plus prolifiques du corpus ainsi que des comptes dont les messages originaux ont été les plus rediffusés. L’analyse révèle trois cadres interprétatifs dominants traversés par l’idéologie de droite gender-critical : (1) la transition initiale est une erreur de parcours; (2) la détransition constitue le retour au sexe/genre assigné à la naissance; (3) les facteurs expliquant la détransition sont internes et soutiennent une position anti-transition ou pro-gatekeeping. Finalement, comme l’illustre le titre du séminaire, qui restitue un extrait du corpus, nos résultats montrent la mise en place de cadres interprétatifs délétères non seulement pour les personnes détrans, mais aussi pour les personnes trans.
Webinar: Nathalie Lacelle & Martin Lalonde - Design-based research for media literacy05 Feb05 Feb...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for January 15 and March 4, 2024.Webinar: Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model
On Monday, February 5, 2024, speakers Nathalie Lacelle and Martin Lalonde will discuss their chapter, ‘Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model’.
Nathalie Lacelle is a full professor in the Department of Language Didactics at UQAM, head of the Multimodal Media Literacy Research Team, co-leader of the Littérature québécoise mobile SSHRC partnership, head of the Laboratory for education in digital literature (Lab-yrinthe.ca) and editor-in-chief of the Journal Multimodalité(s). Her research activities focus on several themes in the fields of language didactics, digital literature, information literacy, visual and media arts.
Martin Lalonde is an associate professor at the School of Visual and Media Arts at UQAM. He works as a specialist in innovative pedagogies and didactics of visual and media arts. His research focuses on the impact of mobile and ubiquitous digital technologies on teaching and learning in visual arts. His recent work specifically addresses the impact of the virtual augmentation of educational environments and immersive technologies on adolescent’s multimodal media literacies development.
About the Book Chapter: Our two-part presentation will focus on recent theories of design-based research (Martin Lalonde) and their application to a field of research: multimodal media literacy (Nathalie Lacelle). We will present concrete examples of research to illustrate the operationalization of this methodology. The aim of this chapter is to describe the methodological principles of design-based research (DBR) identified, by means of cross-sectional analysis, in recent studies on digital education and to see how these principles serve as a structuring basis for describing the DBR conducted by our multimodal media literacy research team titled “co-creation of MML activities in a digital context”.
Info & contact: MediaEd Club
[UPDATE] The session's video recording is now available on the Media Education Lab's website.
En savoir plusWebinar: Nathalie Lacelle & Martin Lalonde - Design-based research for media literacy05 Feb05 Feb...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for January 15 and March 4, 2024.Webinar: Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model
On Monday, February 5, 2024, speakers Nathalie Lacelle and Martin Lalonde will discuss their chapter, ‘Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model’.
Nathalie Lacelle is a full professor in the Department of Language Didactics at UQAM, head of the Multimodal Media Literacy Research Team, co-leader of the Littérature québécoise mobile SSHRC partnership, head of the Laboratory for education in digital literature (Lab-yrinthe.ca) and editor-in-chief of the Journal Multimodalité(s). Her research activities focus on several themes in the fields of language didactics, digital literature, information literacy, visual and media arts.
Martin Lalonde is an associate professor at the School of Visual and Media Arts at UQAM. He works as a specialist in innovative pedagogies and didactics of visual and media arts. His research focuses on the impact of mobile and ubiquitous digital technologies on teaching and learning in visual arts. His recent work specifically addresses the impact of the virtual augmentation of educational environments and immersive technologies on adolescent’s multimodal media literacies development.
About the Book Chapter: Our two-part presentation will focus on recent theories of design-based research (Martin Lalonde) and their application to a field of research: multimodal media literacy (Nathalie Lacelle). We will present concrete examples of research to illustrate the operationalization of this methodology. The aim of this chapter is to describe the methodological principles of design-based research (DBR) identified, by means of cross-sectional analysis, in recent studies on digital education and to see how these principles serve as a structuring basis for describing the DBR conducted by our multimodal media literacy research team titled “co-creation of MML activities in a digital context”.
Info & contact: MediaEd Club
[UPDATE] The session's video recording is now available on the Media Education Lab's website.
Webinar: Koen Leurs, Cigdem Bozdag, Annamária Neag & Sanne Sprenger - Participatory action research and media literacy15 Jan15 Jan...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for February 5 and March 4, 2024.Webinar: Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities
On Monday, January 15, 2024, speakers Koen Leurs, Cigdem Bozdag, Annamária Neag and Sanne Sprenger will discuss their chapter, 'Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities'.
About the Book Chapter: Focusing on research methodologies, this chapter addresses the potential and challenges of participatory action research (PAR) for working with marginalized youth communities in the context of media education and media literacy research. PAR may offer new opportunities to bridge the perspectives of academics, practitioners, and learners. Rather than conducting research on a community, it is an approach to research with communities. Participatory action research enables researchers to ensure that their academic objectives are aligned with the interests of the participants. The chapter is structured in three sections. In the first, we examine PAR objectives and detail where PAR originated. Second, we discuss the type of research questions PAR approaches can cover in relation to critical media literacy theories, introduce methodological techniques, and outline the challenges. Third, we present five principles – related to power relations, stakeholders, ethics, process, and reflection – for carrying out PAR. In general, PAR may contribute to larger changes currently observable in academia. Universities are increasingly seeking to rebrand the academic landscape, not as an ivory tower removed from society but as a publicly engaged institution. PAR provides an approach, methodology, and social justice-based ethics to support this broader shift toward engaged, community-based research.
This webinar is part of the ‘Inequalities and Media Education’ (IME) webinar series that explores the relationship between media and inequalities as well as justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the (digital) media literacy and education space.
Info & contact: Media Education Lab
En savoir plusWebinar: Koen Leurs, Cigdem Bozdag, Annamária Neag & Sanne Sprenger - Participatory action research and media literacy15 Jan15 Jan...
A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge. Other webinar sessions are scheduled for February 5 and March 4, 2024.Webinar: Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities
On Monday, January 15, 2024, speakers Koen Leurs, Cigdem Bozdag, Annamária Neag and Sanne Sprenger will discuss their chapter, 'Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities'.
About the Book Chapter: Focusing on research methodologies, this chapter addresses the potential and challenges of participatory action research (PAR) for working with marginalized youth communities in the context of media education and media literacy research. PAR may offer new opportunities to bridge the perspectives of academics, practitioners, and learners. Rather than conducting research on a community, it is an approach to research with communities. Participatory action research enables researchers to ensure that their academic objectives are aligned with the interests of the participants. The chapter is structured in three sections. In the first, we examine PAR objectives and detail where PAR originated. Second, we discuss the type of research questions PAR approaches can cover in relation to critical media literacy theories, introduce methodological techniques, and outline the challenges. Third, we present five principles – related to power relations, stakeholders, ethics, process, and reflection – for carrying out PAR. In general, PAR may contribute to larger changes currently observable in academia. Universities are increasingly seeking to rebrand the academic landscape, not as an ivory tower removed from society but as a publicly engaged institution. PAR provides an approach, methodology, and social justice-based ethics to support this broader shift toward engaged, community-based research.
This webinar is part of the ‘Inequalities and Media Education’ (IME) webinar series that explores the relationship between media and inequalities as well as justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the (digital) media literacy and education space.
Info & contact: Media Education Lab
Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier29 Nov29 Nov...
Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier - Mercredi 29 novembre - 10h30
Nous accueillerons Anne Cordier, enseignante chercheuse en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication à l'Université de Lorraine, le mercredi 29 novembre. Elle profitera de sa présence pour présenter ses travaux de recherche, de 10h30 à 12h30, au d.144 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Résumé de la présentation : "Le séminaire s'articulera autour d'une approche anthropologique de l'information et des médias, et de la façon dont elle s'est incarnée dans 2 projets de recherche particulièrement :
- Un projet personnel : une enquête longitudinale menée depuis 2012 auprès de 12 acteur-rices né-es en 1995-1996 ;
- Et un projet de recherche collectif : "ELN - Enfances et Littératies Numériques", traitant des cultures numériques enfantines et des pratiques informationnelles médiatiques. Ce projet va d'ailleurs se poursuivre grâce au financement d'un nouveau projet intitulé "EMILIE" (Education aux Médias et à l'Information et Littératies Informationnelles Enfantines).
La présentation se clôturera par une ouverture autour d'une recherche-action en cours, essayant d'opérationnaliser de façon didactique les enseignements de cette approche anthropologique."
En savoir plusSéminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier29 Nov29 Nov...Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier - Mercredi 29 novembre - 10h30
Nous accueillerons Anne Cordier, enseignante chercheuse en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication à l'Université de Lorraine, le mercredi 29 novembre. Elle profitera de sa présence pour présenter ses travaux de recherche, de 10h30 à 12h30, au d.144 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Résumé de la présentation : "Le séminaire s'articulera autour d'une approche anthropologique de l'information et des médias, et de la façon dont elle s'est incarnée dans 2 projets de recherche particulièrement :
- Un projet personnel : une enquête longitudinale menée depuis 2012 auprès de 12 acteur-rices né-es en 1995-1996 ;
- Et un projet de recherche collectif : "ELN - Enfances et Littératies Numériques", traitant des cultures numériques enfantines et des pratiques informationnelles médiatiques. Ce projet va d'ailleurs se poursuivre grâce au financement d'un nouveau projet intitulé "EMILIE" (Education aux Médias et à l'Information et Littératies Informationnelles Enfantines).
La présentation se clôturera par une ouverture autour d'une recherche-action en cours, essayant d'opérationnaliser de façon didactique les enseignements de cette approche anthropologique."
Séminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez15 Nov15 Nov...
Séminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez - Mercredi 15 novembre - 10h30
Nous aurons tout d'abord la chance d'accueillir Julian Alvarez, Docteur en sciences de l’information et de la communication, professeur associé à Lille 1 et spécialiste dans les TICE, le serious game et la gamification.
Son séminaire, intitulé "Ludopédagogie, approches pratiques et théoriques", aura lieu ce mercredi 15 novembre, de 10h30 à 12h30, au e.221 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Résumé de la présentation : "L'objectif de cette conférence interactive est de faire vivre aux participants, dans un premier temps, une séance ludopédagogique basée sur du jeu vidéo, pour en appréhender les concepts et approches théoriques associées dans un second temps. Une telle démarche sera l'occasion d'aborder notamment les notions de jeux sérieux, d'écarts interprétatifs, PPP Grid, la structuration d'une séance ludopédagogique et le modèle CEPAJe."
En savoir plusSéminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez15 Nov15 Nov...Séminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez - Mercredi 15 novembre - 10h30
Nous aurons tout d'abord la chance d'accueillir Julian Alvarez, Docteur en sciences de l’information et de la communication, professeur associé à Lille 1 et spécialiste dans les TICE, le serious game et la gamification.
Son séminaire, intitulé "Ludopédagogie, approches pratiques et théoriques", aura lieu ce mercredi 15 novembre, de 10h30 à 12h30, au e.221 (Bâtiment Dupriez).
Résumé de la présentation : "L'objectif de cette conférence interactive est de faire vivre aux participants, dans un premier temps, une séance ludopédagogique basée sur du jeu vidéo, pour en appréhender les concepts et approches théoriques associées dans un second temps. Une telle démarche sera l'occasion d'aborder notamment les notions de jeux sérieux, d'écarts interprétatifs, PPP Grid, la structuration d'une séance ludopédagogique et le modèle CEPAJe."
GReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child26 Sep26 Sep...
GReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child
The seminar will be held in room d.262, Collège Dupriez (2nd floor), ruelle de la Lanterne magique 14, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.
Presentation title: Media literacy and the Digital Child
Abstract: Research that concerns young children and how they develop media literacy is an emerging field of research. In this presentation, I will discuss several projects currently being undertaken at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child that seek to understand the ways young children explore the media and develop media literacy. The first project aims to understand how children make sense of algorithms in their everyday lives. The second project details a how young children in the early years of school develop understandings of the key concepts of media literacy and how teachers in the early years can support children. The third project examines a media literacy program developed by a media company for children aged 9-12 and how children engaged with news and media literacy through the program. This session will provide insight into the current state of media literacy education in Australia across schools and some out-of-school contexts.
Bio: Dr Amanda Levido is a Research Fellow at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child. She investigates how children use digital media technologies for learning across a range of contexts including educational settings and in homes. She has a background as a media teacher and is interested in the pedagogical approaches used by teachers and educators when implementing media literacy and media arts in school and early years settings. Additionally, Amanda has worked with educators and teachers to implement curriculum and digital programs into classrooms and early learning settings, with an emphasis on educator professional learning.
En savoir plusGReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child26 Sep26 Sep...GReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child
The seminar will be held in room d.262, Collège Dupriez (2nd floor), ruelle de la Lanterne magique 14, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.
Presentation title: Media literacy and the Digital Child
Abstract: Research that concerns young children and how they develop media literacy is an emerging field of research. In this presentation, I will discuss several projects currently being undertaken at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child that seek to understand the ways young children explore the media and develop media literacy. The first project aims to understand how children make sense of algorithms in their everyday lives. The second project details a how young children in the early years of school develop understandings of the key concepts of media literacy and how teachers in the early years can support children. The third project examines a media literacy program developed by a media company for children aged 9-12 and how children engaged with news and media literacy through the program. This session will provide insight into the current state of media literacy education in Australia across schools and some out-of-school contexts.
Bio: Dr Amanda Levido is a Research Fellow at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child. She investigates how children use digital media technologies for learning across a range of contexts including educational settings and in homes. She has a background as a media teacher and is interested in the pedagogical approaches used by teachers and educators when implementing media literacy and media arts in school and early years settings. Additionally, Amanda has worked with educators and teachers to implement curriculum and digital programs into classrooms and early learning settings, with an emphasis on educator professional learning.