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PLIN Linguistic Day 2023

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The PLIN Day is a biennial scientific event organized by the Linguistic Research Unit (PLIN) of the Language and Communication Institute (IL&C) at UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). On Thursday 27 April 2023, the next edition will be organized around the theme "Constructions across languages: Empirical and interdisciplinary approaches".  

The aim of the PLIN Day 2023 is to give an overview of recent research in Contrastive Construction Grammar, with a focus on empirical methods (e.g., corpus linguistics, psycholinguistic experiments) and interdisciplinary approaches (in the field of translation and language learning studies).  

The following experts will deliver a keynote lecture in a specific subfield of the general theme (the exact titles of the lectures will be announced later):  

  1. Constructions in Corpus-based Contrastive Studies: Prof. Volker Gast (Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena) 

  1. Constructions in Translation Studies: Prof. Stella Neumann (RWTH Aachen University)  

  1. Constructions in Multilingualism and Language Contact: Prof. Julia Prentice (University of Gothenburg)  

  1. Constructions in Second Language Acquisition: Prof. Stefanie Wulff (University of Florida)  

In addition to these keynote lectures, a poster session will be organized to enable participants to present their most recent research or work in progress and to interact with the invited experts.

Important dates and deadlines

  • Abstract submission: 15 January 2023 

  • Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2023

  • Registration deadline : 15 april 2023

  • PLIN Day: 27 April 2023 

Organizing committee 

Françoise Gallez (Louvain School of Translation and Interpreting, UCLouvain) 

Kristel Van Goethem (F.R.S.-FNRS & UCLouvain) 

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