Legal Design Roundtable 2023 | Design(s) for Law (17/2/23)

17 février 2023

9.00 - 18.00

Participation is free but registration is required

Hybrid event - Brussels and online | USL-B, Bd du Jardin Botanique 43, 1000 Brussels - Room P02


Design(s) for Law

Discussing the current practices, trends, and proposals in legal design beyond design thinking

17 of February 2023

HYBRID EVENT – Brussels and online



09.00-09.20 | Welcome and greetings

09.20-10.40 | Speculative Legal Design

  • Barbara Pasa and Gianni Sinni (IUAV). New frontiers of legal knowledge: how design “provotypes” can contribute to legal change
  • Jaana Kovalainen and Hilja Autto (University of Lapland). Do we legal designers dare to provotype?
  • Emily MacLoud (Portable) and Emily Allbon (City University). An exercise in speculative legal design
  • Emily MacLoud (Portable). The power of stories to unite, inspire and collectively imagine new futures

10.40-12.00 | Law and Design(s): A discourse on method

  • Amanda Perry-Kessaris (Kent Law School). Towards a typology of designerly ways with sociolegal futures
  • Joaquín Santuber (Hasso Plattner Institute) and Pablo Hermansen (School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Designing for posthuman legalities: legal design and the ontological turn 
  • Nina Toivonen (University of Helsinki) and Santiago De Francisco Vela (Universidad de los Andes). Exploring the dimensions of participation in legal design
  • Monica Palmirani (University of Bologna). Extended reality and legal design

12.00-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.30 | Design(s) for Media Law

  • Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam). FutureNewsCorp, or how the AI Act changed the future of news
  • Margaret Hagan (Stanford Legal Design Lab). Design to combat online misinformation
  • Marie-Sophie de Clippele (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles), Vincent Couronne (Université Paris-Saclay) and Joachim Savin (Où sont les dragons). A critical assessment of the notion of legal design through the case of “Les Surligneurs”, a legal-checking media outlet 

14.30-15.50 | Design(s) for Policy
Starglide. Design for policy: the canvas for social economy and the compass for regenerative entrepreneurship.

  • Marika Salo-Lahti (University of Vaasa) and Helena Haapio (University of Vaasa & University of Lapland). Proactive legal design and AI for better business and better society
  • Marie Potel-Saville (Amurabi). Can design-driven innovation and NeuroDesign help fighting against deceptive patterns?
  • Elisabeth Talbourdet-Ville and Laurine Blois (Public Interest Entrepreneure). Questioning and reshaping current French anti-greenwashing regulation through citizen reporting

15.50-16.10 | Coffee break

16.10-17.10 | Design(s) for Access to Justice 

  • Nóra Al Haider (Stanford Legal Design Lab) and Oana Stănescu (Oana Stănescu Studio). The evolving architecture of justice - legal design and architecture: physical and virtual interventions for a pandemic and after 
  • Santiago De Francisco Vela and Laura Guzman-Abello (Universidad de los Andes). Systemic design of justice: Transdisciplinary approach to access to justice
  • Robert de Rooy (University of Vaasa), Anne Ketola (Tampere University), and Helena Haapio (University of Vaasa & University of Lapland). Comic contracts 2.0 – Contracts that have (and give) a voice 

17.10-17.50Design(s) for activism and education

  • Hallie Pope (University of Utah). Solidarity by design: Generating counternarratives about people power
  • Sankalp Bhatnagar (Library Innovation Lab, Harvard Law School & NuLawLab, Northeastern University School of Law). A case for another casebook: Disclosing law as its own form of design

17.50 -18.00 | Concluding remarks

Scientific and organising committee

Rossana Ducato (University of Aberdeen & UCLouvain), Enguerrand Marique (Radboud University & UCLouvain), and Alain Strowel (UCLouvain and Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles)

Team of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Clinic on EU Digital Rights, Law, and Design” at UCLouvain

Practical information

Participation | free but online registration is required before the 15th of February

►You can register here

Address Hybrid event - Brussels and online University Saint-Louis Brussels - Room P02 - 43 Bd du Jardin Botanique - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)

Contact |