Legal design roundtable (26/4/24)

Vendredi, 26 avril 2024, 08h00Vendredi, 26 avril 2024, 17h00
Universitaire Stichting - Fondation Universitaire
Room Félicien Cattier
Egmontstraat/Rue d'Egmont 11
1000 Bruxelles
Hybrid participation available
- Krisztina Stump, Head of Media Convergence and Social Media Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Cecilia Zappalà, Head of EU Government Affairs and Public Policy at YouTube
- Eliška Pírková, Senior Policy Analyst and the Global freedom of expression lead at Access Now
- Jean De Meyere, PhD researcher at UCLouvain and member of the project "REgulatory and other Solutions to MitigatE online DISinfomation" (REMEDIS)
- Michael Doherty, Professor of Law at Lancaster University and editor-in-chief of the Legal Design Journal
Alain Strowel, Professor at UCLouvain and Munich IP Law Center, co-coordinator of the project REMEDIS