Academic dialogue
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In the context of our ARC project MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms, we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Christa Asterhan to present her work on academically productive dialogue.
Who is the speaker?
Prof. Asterhan is an associate professor at the Seymour (Shlomo) Fox School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She explores the cognitive and social dimensions of learning through human interaction using a multidisciplinary and multi-method approach. In her research, Prof. Asterhan combines controlled experiments, detailed dialogue analyses and self-report data collection methods. Her research is informed by theories from cognitive science, social psychology, communication, and developmental psychology. Prof. Asterhan's research interests are in group learning, argumentation, teacher support of learning dialogues, conceptual change, teacher pedagogical reasoning, computer-mediated communication and teacher learning in school-based communities.
What will the talk be about?
Scholarly interest in classroom dialogue that supports student learning and development has been burgeoning for more than three decades. In this talk, Prof. Asterhan will present an overview of the different types of research in this field, their theoretical frameworks and the strength of evidence they have produced. She will then outline several questions that remain -as of yet- unanswered and that scholars have begun to explore. Prof. Asterhan will present findings from her own ongoing research on two selected topics:
- Productive teacher dialogue in professional learning communities and
- Classroom dialogue participation patterns of high and low achieving students.
Publications on the topic:
Asterhan, C., Schwarz, B., & Gil, J. (2012). Small-group, computer-mediated argumentation in middle-school classrooms: The effects of gender and different types of online teacher guidance. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82: 375-397.
Baruch B. Schwarz & Christa S. Asterhan (2011) E-Moderation of synchronous discussions in educational settings: A nascent practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20:3, 395-442,
Resnick, L. B., Asterhan, C. S. C., & Clarke, S. N. (Eds.). (2015). Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue. American Educational Research Association.
This event is organised by the members of the ARC project with the support of:
- The Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socialisation, Education, and Training (GIRSEF),
- The Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LOURIM) and,
- The Institut for Language and Communication (ILC).
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