immc | Louvain-la-Neuve
The Combustion Institute is an educational non-profit, international, scientific society, whose purpose is to promote and disseminate research in combustion science.
The International Symposium on Combustion is the main activity of The Combustion Institute. The biennial symposium attracts members of The Combustion Institute, as well as other researchers from around the world, interested in combustion. The synergism produced at this symposium has made it the principal forum for presenting and integrating combustion research results.
The Belgian section of the Combustion Institute organises, every two years, a national two-days meeting, called 'Journées d'Études'. The best paper, presented by a young researcher at that meeting, is selected by a scientific committee of experts in the field of combustion. The researcher wins the 'Adolphe Van Tiggelen Award'.
- President: Prof. Alessandro Parente, ULB
- Vice-President: Prof. Francesco Contino, UCLouvain
- Secretary: Prof. Ward De Paepe, UMONS
- Treasurer: dr. Ivana Stankovic, Tractebel-Engie
- Member: Prof. Sebastian Verhelst, UGent
- Member: Prof. Julien Blondeau, VUB
The membership fee is €10 per year, collected in January. If you are interested in joining our section, you can contact the President by e-mail at any time.
The advantages of membership are:
- a strong reduction for the journal "Combustion and Flame"
- a strong reduction in the purchase of 'Proceedings of the Combustion Institute', the proceedings of the biennial International Combustion Symposium
- a reduction in the registration fees of conferences, (co-)organised by The Combustion Institute
- a reduction in the registration fee for the "Journées d'Études", organised every two years by the Belgian Section of The Combustion Institute, with participation of many national and international researchers and keynote speakers
- the possibility of Financial support for researchers for participation in congresses, organised by The Combustion Institute (depending on the Financial strength of the Belgian Section of The Combustion Institute)
At present, the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute consists of about 70 members.
The following universities have members in the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute:
- Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
- Universiteit Gent (UGent)
- Université de Mons (UMons)
- Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Royal Military Academy (RMA)
- Université de Liège (ULG)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)

The International Symposium on Combustion is the main activity of The Combustion Institute. The biennial symposium attracts members of The Combustion Institute, as well as other researchers from around the world, interested in combustion. The synergism produced at this symposium has made it the principal forum for presenting and integrating combustion research results.
The Belgian section of the Combustion Institute organises, every two years, a national two-days meeting, called 'Journées d'Études'. The best paper, presented by a young researcher at that meeting, is selected by a scientific committee of experts in the field of combustion. The researcher wins the 'Adolphe Van Tiggelen Award'.
- President: Prof. Alessandro Parente, ULB
- Vice-President: Prof. Francesco Contino, UCLouvain
- Secretary: Prof. Ward De Paepe, UMONS
- Treasurer: dr. Ivana Stankovic, Tractebel-Engie
- Member: Prof. Sebastian Verhelst, UGent
- Member: Prof. Julien Blondeau, VUB
The membership fee is €10 per year, collected in January. If you are interested in joining our section, you can contact the President by e-mail at any time.
The advantages of membership are:
- a strong reduction for the journal "Combustion and Flame"
- a strong reduction in the purchase of 'Proceedings of the Combustion Institute', the proceedings of the biennial International Combustion Symposium
- a reduction in the registration fees of conferences, (co-)organised by The Combustion Institute
- a reduction in the registration fee for the "Journées d'Études", organised every two years by the Belgian Section of The Combustion Institute, with participation of many national and international researchers and keynote speakers
- the possibility of Financial support for researchers for participation in congresses, organised by The Combustion Institute (depending on the Financial strength of the Belgian Section of The Combustion Institute)
At present, the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute consists of about 70 members.
The following universities have members in the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute:
- Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
- Universiteit Gent (UGent)
- Université de Mons (UMons)
- Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Royal Military Academy (RMA)
- Université de Liège (ULG)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)